Groups at First UU
Engagement Team
The Engagement Team helps plan the multitude of adult programs offered at our church – great classes and seminars taught by ministers and lay members alike and special seminars, lectures and other events. These classes offer an opportunity to explore spiritual, political and other themes within a setting that promotes passionate discourse and lively ideas. Committee members help choose topics, recruit facilitators, and help with registration and promotion.
Building & Grounds Team
The Building & Grounds Team looks over the maintenance and operation of our lovely building and makes sure the facility and its grounds are a great place for us and for our visitors. We have opportunities for handy people of all abilities to help us, from weeding/landscaping to minor repair work, cleaning and cosmetic improvements. We organize the twice annual “Work Days” and the new Mid-Summer Nights work events. Connect with nature as you help maintain inviting and beautiful landscaping to complement our church building.
The Green Team
Works on our environmental projects, sustainable operations, recycling and is now beginning a Green Sanctuary Certification process. If you are interested in ecology and our seventh principle as UU’s, the Green Team might be just for you!
The Memorial Garden Team
Manages and maintains the Memorial Garden and Scatter Garden. The Memorial Garden is First UU’s special place for celebrating the lives and mourning the deaths of our members, families and friends. It is enjoyed by groups and individuals as a place of meditation and peacefulness. The day to day work and upkeep of the Garden is done by volunteers. Twice a year volunteers trim, weed and mulch during fall and spring clean-ups. No plant or garden expertise is necessary. We also have pavers and the granite plaques inscribed, remove dead plants and replace them, consider lighting solutions, and work with the irrigation company. The Memorial and Scatter Garden team is responsible for maintaining the Scatter Garden Register and the applications for brick inscriptions.
The Art and Space Team
Do you have a decorator’s eye and a discerning taste? The Art and Space Team was established to make decisions regarding decorating the church. Signage, furniture & artwork, space usage… Help make the church a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing place for all of us.
The Kitchen
It’s not just another room in the house. It’s the birthplace of meals for the homeless twice each month. Of coffee for the coffee hour, and brunches for the Sunday Forum. Also, each month it is rented for memorials, weddings and other groups, bringing income for the church. In just one hour, at your convenience, you can wipe counters, clean the fridge or wash some dishcloths – and help preserve a space where meals nourish both our bodies and our souls.
Caring Team
With empathy, interest, and a small amount of time, you can help the team, as it seeks to be aware of and respond to the specific joys and sorrows of the individual church members and friends. You can help with caring cards, assist at memorial services, and/or help to plan workshops. This standing committee meets monthly. Or, become a member of the Caring Network to provide short-term, supportive, emergency care for members and friends in your area as needed. You can also help to loan medical equipment to members and friends.
Covenant Group Steering Team
This team oversees a network of small groups comprised of church members who come to rely on one another for support and companionship during their spiritual journeys through life. These groups are bound to one another and to the church by the mission and vision they share and by the guidance of the ministers.
Denominational Connections Team
Are you someone who likes to see the broader picture? Do you want to make an impact on the world from a liberal religious perspective? This standing committee connects First UU in Columbus with our district, Ohio-Meadville (OMD), and nationally, with the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Co-chairs understand the structure and process of the UUA and help committee members help the congregation to process motions, represent First UU at General Assembly and decide on other issues. We meet monthly for approximately one and a half hours.
Finance Committee
Good stewardship means having a vested interest in the financial health of our church. Are you willing to talk about issues and policies affecting our congregation? Members monitor and start the budget process each year, as well as work on special projects as needed, meeting monthly for approximately 1 1/2 hours. The chair is appointed by the Board, and shares this standing committee’s information with the Board of Trustess each month.
Governance Documents Team
This team monitors and revises as necessary the Standing Rules, policies, and procedures of the church.
The Archives Team
Works in cooperation with the Governance Documents Committee and the church Historian. Its responsibility is to review and cull the current (1-2 years) and inactive (3-6 years) records of the church on an annual basis, after the completion of a church year, and recommend to the Board of Trustees which records should be changed in category (e.g., current to inactive or inactive to permanent) and which should be destroyed. It reviews permanent records every four years for relevance and condition, and may recommend which records be archived offsite. Membership includes the Historian, a representative of the Governance Documents Committee, and up to three other members selected by the Board.
Library/Bookstore Team
As UU’s we believe that revelation is not sealed – meaning that inspiration can occur from exploring literature of all kinds, from all cultures. The Bookstore and Library aspire to provide an avenue for obtaining literature on the history of Unitarian Universalism and other spiritual traditions and a variety of other tomes which can inform spiritual life.
Membership Team
• Provides Greeters to welcome Visitors and Members
• Follows up on questions and requests from Visitors
• Conducts “Getting to Know Unitarian Universalism” sessions after services
• Conducts the “Path to Membership” classes for those interested in joining the Church
• Coordinates the new Member Recognition Ceremony
• Follows up with new Members, to help them integrate with our Church
• Maintains the New Member Bulletin Board, with photos and profiles
• Helps update the Church membership rolls
Personnel Committee
Serving on this standing committee allows you to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees on the salaries, benefits and working conditions of non-ministerial staff. Some HR experience is helpful. Board-appointed committee members must be people-oriented, respectful of staff time and talents, have the ability to research local compensation scales and regulations and resolve conflicts, and maintain good records. Each serves 2-3 years. Our goal is to have happy and competent staff helping us with our church’s mission.
First Friday Team
Oversees a monthly program which provides intergenerational activities and potlucks for members and friends.
Sunday Coffee Team
Oversees the after-service refreshments for members, friends, and guests.
Stewardship Team
This standing team fuels the church and all its activities. Responsible for raising the funds that our church budget requires, their chief activity is the Annual Budget Drive, the canvas of all members to obtain pledges for the operation of the church. Subcommittee members organize major fundraisers, such as the Auction, the Holiday Appeal, and Planned Giving.
Strategic Planning Committee
Appointed by the Board to provide evaluation of church needs and guidance on long-rang planning, this standing committee is most active during special projects. Members serve three-year staggered terms. Qualifications include creativity, a connection to congregational perspectives and a visionary sensibility. The committee meets monthly.
SYC Committee
This committee maintains and guides a church-sponsored weekday school, based on a philosophy of humanitarian values, and open to young children without regard to race, creed, sex, or socio-economic level. The committee preserves the SYC philosophy, which is to be responsive to each child’s needs, to encourage expression of feelings, to foster self-discovery and self-worth-all in an environment of free play.
Worship Team
Inspired by the beautiful format and thought-provoking content of our worship services? Being a member of this team allows you to represent the congregation as you assist the ministers in presenting Sunday services. Activities include making sure the chancel is outfitted with candles, readings and announcements, planning major “themed” services and scheduling and screening summer lay-led services, and being a service “coordinator”, which includes speaking from the pulpit.
Youth Committee
This committee is involved in the programming for the middle school through senior high youth. Set policy, recruit and support youth advisors, and recruit volunteers to support activities such as youth conferences and fundraisers. This committee also functions as an advocate for youth and youth interests with in the congregation.