Religious Exploration
What We Offer
We provide children, youth, young adults, and adults an opportunity to explore, reflect, and learn in a nurturing spiritual community.
Unitarian Universalist religious exploration programs offer something for all ages, inspiring:
- Ethical growth – internalizing enduring values like justice, equity, and compassion, and gaining tools to act on them in everyday life.
- Social growth – connecting with peers and people of all ages on a deeper level. Finding acceptance among people who see beyond the superficial.
- Spiritual growth – feeling a connection with the sacred within, among, and beyond us.
Our programs include more than just classes. On a Sunday you might find the preschoolers singing songs about kindness, the 8 year olds engaging with a story about loss and bereavement, the 11 year olds talking with a Muslim couple about Islam, the 13 year olds learning about responsibility in a lesson from our progressive sexuality education program (OWL), and the high-school youth raising money for a local homeless shelter. Many programs incorporate social justice activities, worship opportunities, service, fellowship, and fun.
We invite you to explore these pages and contact our Director of Religious Exploration to get connected.
Sunday Mornings
We gather together in the Worship Center for opening songs, and announcements. The children who wish to are invited to the gallery so they can participate in bringing in the light. After our chalice is lit we have a time for all ages where the young and young at heart are invited to come forward and sit up front while a story or skit is presented. After the time for all ages children are released to go to their Sunday School classes while adults remain in the service. (Children 7 years of age and younger must be signed into and out of their classes by an adult caregiver.) After Sunday School there is a snack for the kids in the kitchen window of A/B.
If you are visiting with children please stop by the Religious Exploration table for more information on what is available.
Our building is one level and stroller/wheelchair accessible, the main entrance (Weisheimer parking lot side) has a button activated door opener.
There is a family restroom available.
Wee Worship is an area of our Worship Center specifically for families with children who may need to move about or be occupied during the service, there is space to spread out and quiet activities to keep little hands happy. There is also a separate Wiggle Room in Slowter Lounge with windows into the Worship Center if children need a place they can be more active or talkative.
We are a neuro and gender diverse community and try to be welcoming to everyone, if you find something challenging please let us know. Our Religious Exploration program is adaptive and accommodations are easily made. Parents are almost always welcome in the classrooms.