All Soles Contra & Square Dance
All Soles Contra Dance at First UU!!
Cost: $10 ($5 for age 12-25). All money goes to pay musicians and callers.
Please bring your own refillable water bottle, and dress in lightweight, loose clothing.
Snacks will be available in the kitchen area. Contributions to the snack table are welcome.
New to dancing? A beginners’ session, from 7:30 to 8:00 PM, will get you started. You will learn some basic figures that will be repeated in the evening’s dances. All dances will be taught and no partner is needed.
Dances are from 8:00 to 10:30
2024-2025 All Soles Contra & Square Dance Schedule
We dance monthly (see schedule below); potlucks are held, occasionally.
Saturday, January 18th
Caller: River Rainbowface Abel
Band: Firefly Trace
Saturday, February 22th
Caller: Gaye Fifer
Band: The Hollertones
Saturday, March 15th
Caller: Richard Ades
Band: Gem City Revelers
Saturday, April 26th
Caller: Kim Thompson
Band: The Pegheads
Saturday, May 17th
Caller: Michael Hamilton
Band: Root Cellar String Band
Saturday, June 21st
Caller: David Mould
Band: Timbre Wolves
Contra Dances at First Unitarian Universalist Church
All Soles Contra & Square Dances are sponsored by First Unitarian Universalist Church, and attract between 40 to 90 dancers of varying experience and skill levels — new dancers are ALWAYS welcomed. Contras and squares are highly social and connecting forms of early American folk dance in which partners change frequently (no need to bring a partner), no special dress is required (but wear lightweight clothing since things will heat up!). Please wear clean, non-marking shoes to protect the wooden dance floor. Almost all ages can learn. It is said about this type of dancing that by the end of the evening, you will have danced with everyone in the room!
More information about contra dance:
If you’d like to know more about contra dance, follow this link
NPR did a GREAT story: “Youth Flock to Contra Dancing“
Central Ohio Dance Calendar : don’t miss any local contra dance events!
Questions: Contact/email Jan Phillips at
Request more information