Update on BREAD’s “Real Change Now” Campaign
BREAD (Building Responsibility, Equality, and Dignity) is Central Ohio’s congregation-based, multi-faith community organization founded by First UU and ten other congregations over 20 years ago. Now consisting of over 40 racially, religiously, socioeconomically, and geographically diverse congregations, BREAD uses the power of organized people to hold local decision-makers accountable for addressing serious community problems.
In this week’s “Justice Saturday” email, members of First UU’s BREAD Team (Noel Williams, Chris Johnson, Wesley Thompson, and Alice Rathburn) share exciting news about the Real Change Now campaign, including video clips from the Justice Tuesday events.
Table of Contents of BREAD “Justice Sunday” video
- 00:00 Introduction to the Real Change Now campaign
- 01:43 Affordable Housing 05:02 Elder Care
- 07:16 Municipal ID
- 11:06 Restorative Practices
- 15:08 Reducing Gun Violence
- 18:20 Jobs and Economic Opportunity
- 20:57 Outcome of the campaign and next steps