Friday News – January 17, 2025

Governance and financial stability are hardly the most spine-tingling spiritual words. But they are the building blocks that make congregations function in transparent and healthy and sustainable ways. These are two of the goals of our Developmental Ministry and we are well on way to putting them in place!

Our guest, the Rev. Dr. Roger Bertschausen, and I will talk about this during our dialogue sermon in Sunday’s service. And who knows, there might be a little spirituality thrown in!

Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley

Developmental Minister

Upcoming Events

This Sunday, January 19

9:15am Nouurish Service


Malala’s Magic Pencil

by Malala Yousafzai

Presented by members of the Alternative Worship Team with members of our First UU Community.

11am Service:

“Where are we in the Story”

Rev. Terasa will welcome our guest and fellow Developmental Minister, Rev. Roger Bertschausen, to the pulpit for a dialogue sermon on the the nature of developmental ministry and where we are in our process.

Presented by Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley

with Rev. Dr. Roger Bertschausen

Hot breakfast is served at 10am,

Coffee, Tea & good conversation

available after both services

Anti-Racist Allies Lunch at Hoyo’s Kitchen

Sunday, January 19, 12:30 pm

Anti-Racist Allies will be having lunch at Hoyo’s Kitchen in the North Market Bridge Park, 6750 Longshore Street, Columbus 43017. We’ll gather in the lobby after the service at 12:30 pm for carpooling. This lunch is a continuation of our monthly excursions to BIPOC-owned restaurants, sponsored by the ARA. All are welcome!

All Soles Dance

Saturday, January 18th 7:30pm

Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for ages 12-25.

Welcome to the first All Soles Dance of the year, this coming Saturday night.

We will dance to the calling of River Rainbowface Abel and the music of Firefly Trace. River has been calling dances for over a decade and enjoys creating entertaining, colorful programs full of new and well-known dances, alike. They are known for singing many of their calls and for their clear, concise walk-throughs. They currently live in Toledo.

Firefly Trace (Carol Metheny, Sandy Jones, and Mark Scurci (fiddle), Karen Mortland (mandolin), Pat Wilcox (piano), Jennie Kinsley (hammered dulcimer), and Frank Phillips (guitar)) will play a well-rounded repertoire of contra dance music, including New England and old-time tunes.

New dancers are always welcome. All dances will be taught and no partner is needed. Please bring your own refillable water bottle.

All Soles Dance upcoming dance dates are February 22, March 15, April 26, May 17 and June 21. See more about All Soles online!

Around the Corner

  • Mon 1/20 First UU Offices Closed: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Wed 1/22 Sacred Song Circle (every Wednesday at 6pm)
  • Wed 1/22 Board of Trustees Meeting (RSVP)
  • Fri 1/24 Co-Working Fridays (Every Friday 9:30–1pm)
  • Sun 1/26 History Workshop
  • Tue 1/28 Expressive Worship
  • Tue 1/28 Atheists Skeptics Humanists (ASH) Speaker: James Bowling, “Art and Social Messages”
  • Fri 2/7 First Friday Spaghetti Dinner (Hosted by Board of Trustees, and it’s Wizard Night – Wear your Robes and Bring your Wands!)
  • Wed 2/12 Vespers at Westerwood (3pm)

Community-wide events in the coming weeks – All are welcome!

RSVP to attend Board and Finance Meetings

or email our Board of Trustees with any concerns.

From First UU Leadership

Symptoms of Illness? Please Stay Home!

Help us protect one another, including members of our community who are immunocompromised, by not coming to church in person when you or someone in your household is experiencing symptoms of illness! We appreciate your thoughtfulness, care for another, and caution in this area. Frequent hand washing, preventative care including vaccination, and masking when appropriate are all encouraged by our congregation. Thank you for doing your part!

NomCom’s “InSight” of the Week

Spotlight on: Nominating Committee

We are looking for members to join our Nominating Committee. In this two-year role, you’ll help find and prepare leaders for church positions, celebrate their service, and welcome new committee members. If you’re a member in good standing who enjoys teamwork and making a difference, we’d love to have you!

Please email your recommendations to our Nominating Committee!

“The leader’s role is to put the organization in touch with reality. Reality always wins.”


Community News & Events

Be the Spark – First UU Auction

Silent auction starts February 15!

Live Auction: Saturday, March 1, 6–9pm.

We Need Your Donations, Ideas & Energy!

“When sparks fly, some truly great ideas come to light.”

– David Heinemeier Hansson

 Tickets to the Auction Celebration

  • $30 tickets available until Sunday, February 16.
  • Reserve yours early to help us confirm with catering! Choose between chicken or vegetarian dinner.

Submit your Auction Donations no later than Friday, February 14 at 11:59 PM.

Volunteers Needed!

  • Help us with small but crucial jobs before and during the auction.
  • Sign up here!

Décor Wish List

  • Sparkly items like: wooden skewers, unwanted CDs, white string lights, battery-operated candles (any size), or small white paper bags.

Visit us this Sunday!

Let’s make this event unforgettable together!

School for Young Children (SYC)

Now Accepting 2025–26 Applications

SYC’s 2025-26 school year application and scholarship application are now available online. Applications need to be submitted by noon on 2/14/25 in order for best possible placement and tuition assistance. Children must be at least 2 by 9/30/25 in order to attend. Children of church members do receive priority.

If your family is new to SYC, please call the SYC office at 614-267-0254 to set up a day and time for a tour.

Justice & Volunteering

Kaleidoscope Youth Center (KYC)

KYC is one of First UU’s Share the Plate partners. This intentional, expressive community is youth-informed and youth-led: everything you’ll find in their center is designed for and by young people, and their diverse, experienced staff work alongside queer youth to create free programming, housing, and support services here in Columbus, and all over the state of Ohio.

KYC has some exciting events and merch available to help support your LGBTQIA+ youth and young people in central Ohio. Visit their Merch storeand use code HNY25 for 25% off!

Ohio Feed and Read

This week we are again taking up collections for the Feed and Read program — hygiene items which are so necessary but so often unaffordable for those with few resources. Return your green bag to Beach Hall this week with items you have purchased.

If you’re not able to shop but would like to contribute your time, we would love your help in packing and loading on this Sunday at 12:45.

For more information, See Jacques Angelino on Sundays in Beach Hall during Breakfast and Coffee hour.

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) is a nonprofit, nonsectarian organization advancing human rights together with an international community of grassroots partners and advocates. You may have supported them last year via Pink Haven, or in the past at Guest at Your Table or several other initiatives. Learn more about this important UU-affiliated organization on the UUSC website.  The President of the UUSC, Rev. Mary Katherine Morn, will be featured in First UU’s worship service on February 2. We hope to see you there!

Classes & Groups

Learn more about groups in our current

Engagement Catalog and reach out to group leaders to join!

Co-Working Space at First UU

Fridays 9:30am–1pm, Room A/B

Calling all who work from home, work remotely, or are otherwise looking for opportunities to connect and co-work with other fine folks and creative humans.

Whether you need a place to focus, a change of scenery, or an opportunity to connect with others, our space will be open and welcoming. Bring your work and lunch, and join us for a productive morning in a supportive environment. We will provide the coffee or tea and friendly space. We hope to see you there!

Atheists-Skeptics-Humanists (ASH)

Monthly Meeting & Program

Tuesday, January 28 at 7pm

For January, our program will feature James Bowling, Professor in the Otterbein Department of Art, who will talk about his artistic journey and share images of his intriguing ceramic sculptures, discussing the social messages they send.

Family Activities

This Sunday, January 17th

9:15am-10am Nouurish Service (sanctuary)

10-10:30am Breakfast, and Coffee until 11am (A/B, Beach Hall)

10:30am-12:30pm Infant and Toddler Care (room 101)

10:30am-12:15pm 13-14yr OWL (302)

11am-12:15pm Coming of Age (401)

11am-12:15pm Building Your World MS/HS (301)

11am-12noon Worship Service (sanctuary)

11:15am-12:15pm (starts after story) 3-6yr Spirit Play (102)

11:15am-12:15pm (starts after story) 7-10yr Spirit Play (201)

12noon-1pm Snack and Coffee (Beach Hall, A/B)

12:15-1pm Caregivers of Young Children (101)

12:30-1:00pm Peace Pals choir, 5-12yrs (sanctuary)

1-2:30pm Navigators Scouting meeting, 5-12yrs (201/playground)

Help wanted! Volunteer Youth Group advisors & scout troop leaders! Paid dishwashers, sound techs, & sitters! Register here for classes/activities!