Friday News – January 24, 2025

As we celebrate this Sunday all the ways in which we support one another as a community, we are very aware that so many of us are concerned about what’s happening outside of our walls. Fear, anger, frustration, even paralysis are all feelings that we’ve heard expressed. The work we do with our justice ministries is more important than ever right now.

As a community, we counter voter suppression, speak up for trans rights and abortion access, and work toward local environmental and housing justice, while also sharing food and other essentials with those who are most vulnerable. Stay tuned for opportunities to express our values in the public sphere.

Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley

Developmental Minister


Rev. Amanda Hays

Justice Minister

Upcoming Events

Co-Working Space at First UU

Fridays 9:30am–1pm, Room A/B

Calling all who work from home, work remotely, or are otherwise looking for opportunities to connect and co-work with other fine folks and creative humans.

Whether you need a place to focus, a change of scenery, or an opportunity to connect with others, our space will be open and welcoming. Bring your work and lunch, and join us for a productive morning in a supportive environment. We will provide the coffee or tea and friendly space. We hope to see you there!

This Sunday, January 26

9:15am Nouurish Service



written by Kobi Yamada,

illustrated by Gabriella Barouch

Presented by members of the Alternative Worship Team with members of our First UU Community.

11am Service:

“The Circle of Community”

During this special service we will welcome new members who have joined us in recent months and we will hear about the many ways we support one another.

Presented by Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley

Hot breakfast is served at 10am,

Coffee, Tea & good conversation

available after both services

First UU History in the 1970’s

Sunday, January 26 at 12:30

Worship Center

Remember the 70’s? Rock ‘n’ Roll, Watergate, Kent State, TA (Transactional Analysis)? First UU began accepting credit cards and stood against nuclear power plants and school segregation. Rev. Whittier replied to the Dispatch’s naming UU a “cult”

Come this Sunday to share your own stories and to hear more about First UU in the ’70’s!

Expressive Worship

Tuesday, January 28 at 6:30pm

This lay led service is centered around individual artistic practice: we sing songs, listen to readings and work on art inspired by monthly themes, with optional sharing time at the end of worship. January’s theme is “Story,” and our provided project is comic/flip books, and participants are always welcome to bring your own projects. Come explore your story with us!

All ages and abilities are enthusiastically welcomed.

Image by 愚木混株 Cdd20 from Pixabay

Atheists-Skeptics-Humanists (ASH)

Monthly Meeting & Program

Tuesday, January 28 at 7pm

For January, our program will feature James Bowling, Professor in the Otterbein Department of Art, who will talk about his artistic journey and share images of his intriguing ceramic sculptures, discussing the social messages they send.

Around the Corner

  • Fri 1/24 Co-Working Fridays (Every Friday 9:30–1pm)
  • Wed 1/29 Sacred Song Circle (every Wednesday at 6pm)
  • Sun 2/2 Q&A with Rev. Mary Katherine Morn, UUSC President
  • Fri 2/7 First Friday Spaghetti Dinner (Hosted by Board of Trustees, and it’s Wizard Night – Wear your Robes and Bring your Wands!)
  • Wed 2/12 Vespers at Westerwood (2pm)
  • Sun 2/16 Monthly Anti-Racist Allies Lunch (Taquería Guadelajara)
  • Wed 2/19 Finance Committee Meeting (RSVP)
  • Sat 2/22 Rummage Sale Drop-off day (Offsite)
  • Sat 2/22 All Soles Contra & Square Dance
  • Sun 2/23 History Workshop
  • Wed 2/26 Board of Trustees Meeting (RSVP)

Community-wide events in the coming weeks – All are welcome!

RSVP to attend Board and Finance Meetings

or email our Board of Trustees with any concerns.

From First UU Leadership

Expanded Office Hours

Our main office has new and expanded hours! Here’s when you can drop by to say hello to Becca and other staff, peruse the art and banned book library out in the gallery, or pick up any items you may have left behind on Sunday.

Additional building access can be made available by request. Please call our office at 614-267-4946, or email us to set up a time. Individual office hours vary widely, so it’s best to schedule an appointment when meeting with a specific staff member.

Ohio Roller Derby is Turning 20!

From our Director of Religious Exploration, Amber Scott. Game tickets are available now! Join OHRD for our 20th anniversary season. Our first three home games of the year will be happening at the Ohio Expo Center, on 2/8, 3/8, and 3/29. This year I am eligible to play in both the 5pm A-level game and the 7pm B-level game, and I anticipate playing at both times on our first two dates.
We are hosting an additional three home games at Heatwave Arena, a new roller hockey venue in Plain City, in June, August, and September. Exact dates and more info for this leg of our season are coming soon! Image by Chis Baker, 2024.

NomCom’s “InSight” of the Week

We are looking for a Moderator to lead our congregational meetings. This one-year role includes one Mid-Year Meeting, one Annual Meeting, any special meetings, and related practice sessions with the Board. If you’re a member in good standing, comfortable speaking to groups, and enjoy helping the church, we’d love to hear from you!

Please email your recommendations to Nominating Committee!

“In a time of drastic change, it is the learner who will inherit the future.”

–Eric Hoffer

Community News & Events

First UU Auction FAQ

Online Auction starts February 15!

Live Auction: Saturday, March 1, 6–9pm

Where is the auction’s page on the church’s website?

What is included in the $30 Live Auction Ticket?

  • Besides fun and camaraderie, you get appetizers, a coupon for an alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink, and a catered dinner.
How should I dress?

  • Dress any way you want! Wear sparkly costumes or dress up clothes, but that is not necessary to attend.

Is babysitting available?

  • Yes! Sign up at the auction table in Beach Hall so we can provide enough sitters for all.

Email our auction team with any additional questions!

School for Young Children (SYC)

Now Accepting 2025–26 Applications

SYC’s 2025-26 school year application and scholarship application are now available online. Applications need to be submitted by noon on 2/14/25 in order for best possible placement and tuition assistance. Children must be at least 2 by 9/30/25 in order to attend. Children of church members do receive priority.

If your family is new to SYC, please call the SYC office at 614-267-0254 to set up a day and time for a tour.

First UU Art Gallery

Our newest exhibit is by Columbus Artist Tracy Steinbrook, titled “Improvisational Painting.” It will be available for your enjoyment until March 2.

Take a close look and a distant look at these abstract and large acrylic works. What do you see? What do you feel? Enjoy!

For more information about our art exhibits, please contact Deb Baillieul.

Justice & Volunteering

Volunteer Opportunities Abound!

Here are just a few ways to get involved at First UU:

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) is a nonprofit, nonsectarian organization advancing human rights together with an international community of grassroots partners and advocates. You may have supported them last year via Pink Haven, or in the past at Guest at Your Table or several other initiatives. Learn more about this important UU-affiliated organization on the UUSC website. The President of the UUSC, Rev. Mary Katherine Morn, will be featured in First UU’s worship service February 2. See you there!

Family Activities

This Sunday, January 26th

9:15am-10am Nouurish Service (sanctuary)

10-10:30am Breakfast, and Coffee until 11am (A/B, Beach Hall)

10:30am-12:30pm Infant and Toddler Care (room 101)

10:30am-12:15pm 13-14yr OWL (302)

11am-12:15pm Coming of Age (401)

11am-12:15pm Building Your World MS/HS (301)

11am-12noon Worship Service (sanctuary)

11:15am-12:15pm (starts after story) 3-6yr Spirit Play (102)

11:15am-12:15pm (starts after story) 7-10yr Spirit Play (201)

12noon-1pm Snack and Coffee (Beach Hall, A/B)

12:15-1pm Caregivers of Young Children (101)

12:30-2:30pm Youth Group meeting, 12yrs-HS senior (402)

12:30-2:00pm Rising Young Adults meeting, 18-28yrs (302)

Help Needed: seeking scout troop & Youth Group volunteers! Email Amber, or fill out this interest form! Families: please register here.