Auction 2020 Wrapup!


Recent events have kept us from expressing our gratitude sooner, but we’d like to take a moment now to appreciate our amazing auction team and this long list of volunteers who brought us all together for February’s Come Fly With Me annual fundraising auction, perhaps the last party many of us will attend for quite a while.

The numbers are in, and together we raised $33,069.75, just over our annual budget goal, and raised another $10,000 over and above that to help fund our search for a new intern!

Thanks to everyone who said “Yes” to volunteer and made this one of our best auctions ever!

Auction Committee

Cathy Elkins
Danya Furda
Sharon Hamersley
Paula Hook
MaryLou MacDonald
Janet Mangini
Cathy O’Neil
Jim Pinkham
Candee Rothert
Jeannie Sperling


Appetizers Coordinator / Auction Committee
Jeannie Sperling

Appetizer Adult Volunteer
Kim Slaybaugh

Appetizer Waiter
Teddy Davidson
Liam Davidson
Vince Davidson
Makayla McCreary
Matt McMichael-Liston
Caroline Mocharski

Auction / Facility Setup
Sandy Cohen
Larry Drake
Paul La
David Mac Donald
Bob Mills
Tony Skrabak
Steve Abbot

Auction Cleanup Coordinator
Paul Steffen

Auction Cleanup Crew
Joseph Hook
John Hume
Matt McMichael-Liston
Marla McMichael-Liston
Bob Mills
Carolee Noonan
Dan Noonan
Ben O’Donnell
Susan O’Donnell
Char Penniman
Dave Penniman
Candee Rothert
Dan Rothert

Paul Delphia

Bake Sale Coordinator / Auction Committee
Sharon Hamersley

Bake Sale Volunteer
Pam Conley
Barb Fiorini
Florence Jain
Peggy McKee
Marla McMichael – Liston
Erin Reily-Sanders

Bar Coordinator / Auction Committee
Cathy Elkins

Leslie Armstrong
Gail Baxter
Doris Cornell
SuAnn Farnlacher
Kitty Jones
Joan Matyskella
Matt McCandish
Frank Phillips
Julie Smyth
Becki Test
Anisa Ahmad
Graig Cote
Robyne Lefman
Marge Lynd
Kay Smith

Beer Sales
Cliff Adams

Coffee Baristas
Arlene Polster
Diane Smith
Linda Royalty

Computer Coordinator
Jim Pinkham

Computer / Checkout Staff
Joe Del Medico
Pat Hoffman
Erin Reilly-Sanders
Tony Skrabak
Lou Bernard
Celia Elkins
Gretchen Faulstich
Chris Johnson
Melissa Karas
Seth Kraut
Erin Reily-Sanders
Victoria Yanovich
Lou Bernard
Celia Elkins
Gretchen Faulstich
Ben O’Donnell

Computer After Sales
Carl Faulstich

Decoration Coordinator / Auction Committee
MaryLou MacDonald
Janet Mangini

Marilyn Beerman
Elaine Fujimura
Danya Furda
Jack Holdford
Katie Holdford
David Krohn
Kathryn Lawson
Susan O’Donnell
Cathy O’Neil
Kittie Palm -Houser
Nancy Powlick
Karla Rinto
Candee Rothert
Dan Rothert
Jeannie Sperling

Dinner Assistants
Cynthia Hansen
Roger Hansen

Dish Washer (and anything else he was asked to do)
Dan Rothert

Dry Ice Handler
Teddy Davidson

Greeters / Ticket Sales
Larry Drake
Heidi Drake

Head Cooks
Dave Douglass
Rick Voithofer

Cooks Assistant
Lenore Abruzzo

Kitchen Cleanup Crew
Norm Mascher
Laurie Weltlin
Victoria Yanovich

Live Auction MC
Judy Vazquez

Live Auction Powerpoint / Auction Committee
Danya Furda

Live Auction Recorder
Patricia Boughton
Susan O’Donnell

Marketing/Art & Design
Brian Hagemann

Money Counter
Debra Boyd

Music / Playlist Creation
Julie Duhigg

Powerpoint Creation
Susan O’Donnell

Raffle Ticket Sellers
George Baumen
Linda Mizejewski

Raise the Paddle
Kelli McNeal
Eric Meter

Seat Holder Seller
Kay Gaskill

Coordinators Silent Auction / Auction Committee
Paula Hook
Cathy O’Neil

Silent Auction Closers
Kathleen Fowler
Paula Hook
Marla McMichael – Liston
Candee Rothert
Carole Wilhelm

Silent Auction Monitors
Allie Bonsteel
Alice Faryna
Kristen Figg
Elaine Fujimura
Kitty Jones
Katherine Lawson
Bill Mc Donald
Nancy Rafert
Katie Swett

Silent Auction Setup
Kay Fisher
Robin Lawson
Karen McCoy
Caroline Rayner
Candee Rothert

Volunteer Coordinator / Auction Committee
Candee Rothert

Volunteer Table
Sylvia Howe
Dan Rothert