Friday News – April 26, 2024

Happy Friday, everyone!

I feel honored to have the opportunity to greet you today. Why should I feel honored to connect with you? Because human connection in these times is a challenge. Let’s be honest. With day to day distractions, COVID-induced isolation, and virtual realities, it’s been easy to lose sight of the power of human interaction even through a newsletter email.

Perhaps I should only speak for myself. It’s been easy for ME to lose sight, when I log in to life sometimes hiding under the covers in my pajamas with the camera off. Today, however, I am embracing the old school practice of sending this message to you all, my pen pals (I just dated myself).

I am reaching through the page of this newsletter, camera on, to wave hello and wish you an amazing week full of blessings. I pray you receive it wherever you are in this moment in time – much quicker than the mail-person delivering it with a 10 cent stamp (Yikes, another reference to my age.)

Thank you for receiving my smile this morning. Thank you for being an amazing YOU, and know that YOU are loved, even in your PJs. 🙂

Minister Shannon C. High
Coordinator of Multicultural Engagement

This Week
“Coloring Outside the Lines”

Sunday, April 28th

Presented by Minister Shannon C. High,
our Coordinator of Multicultural Engagement

How can we best become a box of crayons? Multi-hued and complementary to one another…Each color contributing to the big picture.
Weaving the Web of Community
Our Stewardship Drive and Spring Giving Campaign is in its third week, and we grateful for our early birds who have submitted their pledges! Our goal is to hear from 90% of our membership, and we’ve heard from 23% of you so far.

Submitting your pledge form, whether you are changing your pledge or not, is vital as we put the finishing touches on our budget for next year. As we shared with you at last year’s annual meeting, our budget is going to be tight so every pledge we have on hand helps us more accurately plan for the programs and building work that are important to this community. Pledge packets have been mailed, so if you have not received your packet, it should be arriving at your door soon!

We are grateful for your generosity!  If you are ready to pledge, or would like more information about this year’s campaign, please visit our website. Our community’s vibrant programs and work for justice are all made possible by your generosity, and we are grateful that you have chosen to weave your story with ours!

Pledge Now!
Life Skills Workshop Series
This series of workshops led by Rev. Terasa will help us develop tools for healthy communication and best practices for being in a diverse community. You can come to just one or attend all! All classes are offered on Tuesdays, at both Noon and 6:30pm – pick the time that works best for you! All workshops will be in-person only, and there is no need to register.
April 30th – Deep Listening: Learning to listen deeply to others is a skill we all need to develop more fully as it does not come naturally to many of us.
Offered at Noon and at 6:30pm
Image by Couleur from Pixabay
Coming Soon: 
May 7th – Polarity Management
May 28th – Powerful Questions
Carpe Diem Concert
Carpe Diem String Quartet will give its final concert of the 23–24 season at First UU on Sunday, May 5 at 2 pm. The concert, “Expand”, will feature works by Wiancko, Ravel, Dohnanyi, and Arensky, as well as guest cellist Julian Bennett.

Church members may Purchase Tickets for $25, which is a $10 discount.

From the Staff & Board
Sign Up for High School Grad Recognition!

Please submit info ASAP for your 2024 graduates to be recognized by the church on 5/5! This form is due by midnight Friday, May 3rd!

Graduating youth and their families are invited to attend the Bridging Ceremony in person as part of our annual RE Sunday service on May 5th – so that the congregation can honor you – but this is not required. Bridging seniors also receive gifts from the congregation!

🍑 See Amber Skate TOMORROW, 4/27! 🍑
Single game tickets and prorated season passes are available for Ohio Roller Derby’s remaining home games: 4/27, 5/25, and 6/15! Get yours before they sell out! Amber (or “Peach”) plays in the 7pm B-game!

Image by Chris Baker.

Upcoming Governance Meetings
Classes and Groups
Seeking Worship Associates!
Join our new Worship Associate Program! Participate in monthly planning meetings, and help craft four worship services per year. We will gather to discuss with Rev. Terasa on Saturday, May 4th, from 10-Noon, and will formally launch in September. Fill out this form if you’re interested!
The First UU Library
Did you know First UU has a library, and it’s not just a room for meetings? To learn more or check out some books, visit the table in Beach Hall hosted by Wednesday Night Covenant Group during Coffee Hour in the month of April. They’ll have selections from the library, including recent gender issue, social justice, and anti-racism resources, and will be happy to answer questions. Stop by!
Image by Marisa Sias, via Pixabay.
Upcoming Events
Senior Gathering
Thursday May 9th, at 10:45am
Lunch at Noon
Join us for our next Senior Gathering!  Piano music by Karen Thimmes will commence at 10:45am in the Worship Center, followed by a program presented by Rev. Terasa and Dick Dawson.  A homemade meal will be served at Noon in Beach Hall.   RSVP by May 4: send an email to Marilyn Beerman OR leave her a voicemail at 614-282-8440.  We hope to see you there!
Pathways to Membership
Saturday May 11th, at 9–11am
Are you Curious about how to become a member of First UU? Are you considering becoming a member, but just not sure yet?  Are you wondering about how to connect and engage with this community? Pathways to Membership is for you!

This class will be online only.  While we would LOVE to have you become a new member, there is zero obligaiton to join.  Email pathways@firstuucolumbus.orgfor more infirmation, or Register online to receive the link to Saturday’s class!

Around the Corner
  • Sunday, April 28: Emerging Young Adults group meets
  • Friday, May 3: First Friday Spaghetti Dinner
  • Sunday, May 5:
    • Trans & Gender Non-Conforming TEEN support group
    • Trans Allies and Families support group
  • Tuesday, May 7: Polarity Management Workshop
  • Saturday, May 11: Pathways to membership ONLINE ONLY.
Justice & Volunteer Opportunities
Save the Date! BREAD Nehemiah Action!
Join Building Responsibility, Equality, and Dignity on Tuesday, May 21st, at 6:40pm in the Celeste Center at the Expo Center (state fairgrounds). Email the First UU BREAD Team or go to the BREAD website for more information.
Diversity and Inclusion highlights from our new Coordinator of Multicultural Engagement, Minister Shannon C. High!
Because of Them, We Are
Land ownership as we understand it to be, includes building homes, rearing children, creating traditions, and leaving plots of soil to beneficiaries via wills or trusts. We may even consider land ownership to be an intentional investment in genealogical preservation and all the ways in which wealth can be defined in this world.

For those of us who have inherited land from our loved ones passed, memories are conjured. Our mind’s eye remembers the house tucked back from the road with the long gravel driveway where Grandma’s pies cooled on a window ledge as we hopscotched and danced with fireflies. The stoop of the brownstone at the end of the block where grape popsicles tasted best reminds us of Pop Pop firing up the barbecue every hot city summer. Memories are all we have of what was. We honor these memories because they are a part of who we are.

There is, however, a consideration to be made. We must embrace the truth that the land we “own” is not ours at all. Whether acquired by will or trust, our homes, our church, and even our memories have been built on sacred Indigenous land stolen by countless iterations of Manifest Destiny. Land on which aksod (grandmothers) and haksod (grandfathers) built communities to kindle memories for Their children’s children long before we landscaped our front yards and cut down sacred trees to install in-ground pools. Because of this truth, must create a tradition of land acknowledgement within our families to respectfully acknowledge Indigenous land.

Today we honor the tribes of the Adena, Hopewell, Wyandot, Miami, Seneca, Erie, Cayuga, and Those whose names have long gone unspoken. Because of You, we are. Thank You.

View Ohlone Land Prayer by Minister High on YouTube

Community News
SYC Scholarship Fundraiser:
Donatos Pizza “Dough Day”
Wednesday May 1st
On, May 1, Donatos Pizza will donate 20% of sales to the SYC Scholarship program! You can dine in, pick up, or have your Pizza delivered any time all day long to participate in the fundraiser:

Order your pizza from Donotos Pizza at 3489 N. High Street (614-268-9559) using Promo Code 5398! 

Funeral Consumers Alliance of Central Ohio Annual Meeting
Saturday May 4th, at 12pm
FCACO invites you to our Annual Meeting, starting with lunch at noon. Jarrod Williams, Executive Director of the Ohio Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors will share insights about the regulatory framework governing embalmers and funeral directors in Ohio. Please RSVP by Thursday, May 2nd to 614-263-4632.
Family Activities
Register for Peace Camp!
  • Peace Camp A (6-8yrs) 9am-12noon M-F, 7/29-8/2 Register Now!
  • Peace Camp B (9-11yrs) 9am-12noon M-F, 8/5-8/9 Register Now!
Happening This Sunday, April 28th
  • 9:15-9:45am Breakfast (A/B) 
  • 9:30-11:30am Infant and Toddler Care (room 101)
  • 9:30-11am 13-14yr OWL (rm 302)
  • 9:40-11am Neighboring Faiths (301)
  • 9:55am-11am 10-11yr OWL (404)
  • 10-11am Worship Service
  • 10:15am-11am (after story until service ends), 3-6yr Spirit Play (102), 7-9yr Spirit Play  (201), and 10yr-MS/HS Tools for the Journey (401)
  • 11:15am Youth Group Departs for School of Rock Field Trip (RSVP)
  • Coffee Hour, snack after service