School For Young Children (SYC)
As a community outreach program of the First Unitarian Universalist Church SYC is a unique, play based preschool that for over 50 years has helped children discover who they are and how to handle big feelings and resolve conflict. Our philosophy has remained consistent; that children be allowed to develop at their own pace in an atmosphere of free play enriched with a variety of creative materials and the support of teachers who respect them as individuals.
SYC provides a valuable atmosphere for young children by devoting the largest amount of class time to free play . Our children begin to practice life skills by engaging in day-to-day relationships. Many art activities, games, costumes, and toys are provided to enhance their imaginative play. Teachers guide children to expand their ideas, enrich the interaction, and put their ideas into purposeful activities. When necessary, teachers set appropriate limits so children will feel safe.
For more information visit our website.