Racial Justice and Immigration

Today’s Justice Saturday is about the work of the Racial Justice and Immigration (RJI) JAM Focus Group, specifically its work for immigrant justice. We invite you to learn more about RJI with a short video and information about how you can engage in this important work. The goal of RJI, like that of the congregation, as a whole, is to transform and heal ourselves and the world through reason and love. We hope that you will join us as we work for a better world.

Jan Phillips has been a member of First UU since 2005. She is the facilitator of First UU’s Racial Justice and Immigration JAM Focus Group and is the organizer of the All Soles Contra and Square Dance, a social outreach function of First UU. She is a retired teacher and former banker. Jan is a new member of First UU’s Board of Trustees.


Actions and Information

We welcome you to become an immigrant activist through RJI!

  • To be added to the RJI email list, email to Jan.
  • To donate a Kroger gift card for one of the three families we are supporting (Edith, Miriam, Just North family, or greatest need), you may purchase a card and email Jan to make arrangements for delivery.
  • To join either Edith’s or Miriam’s team, email Jan.  These teams usually have weekly planning meetings.
  • To donate to FILA, go to the First UU website, and click on FILA at the top right corner of the webpage.  Or you can email fila@firstuucolumbus.org for information about other ways to donate to the fund.  If you would like to host a zoom fundraiser for FILA, send an email to this same address.


Immigration Table - April 2019
Immigration Table – April 2019