We build community by sharing our Joys and Sorrows.

The information you share here will be sent to the ministers, staff, and trusted members of the congregation who can follow up with you. You can submit this any time. Caring Card requests submitted after 4pm Saturday will be mailed a week later.

If this form doesn’t work for you, contact the church office at 614-267-4946 or the Pastoral Team Council at PTC@firstuucolumbus.org.

Requester Information

Please tell us about who is filling this form out, and provide your contact in case we need more information

Joy / Sorrow Details

What kind of follow-up is needed?

Pastoral Team members and ministers are available for confidential conversations.

Caring Team volunteers mail Caring Cards signed by the congregation on Sunday.

The deadline to receive a caring card or announcement on Sunday morning is 4pm on Saturday. Late submissions will be delayed until the following Sunday.

The Caring Network offers meals and rides on a short-term basis. We also coordinate medical equipment loans among members of the community.

Does the person with a pastoral concern have family and friend support available? Please provide details, if known.