Friday News – September 27, 2024

An integral part of doing transitional ministry work is taking a deeper look at the history of the congregation. Sometimes this can involve pretty complicated gatherings, but we have come up with a new way of doing this that we hope will be a bit simpler.

The Archives Committee has done extraordinary work over the years documenting and compiling information relevant to our history. So we are going to build upon their findings! Every month we will be displaying posters that show things related to particular decades in the life of the congregation.

In October we’ll be looking at the founding times of the 1940s and 50s. Please check out the posters in Beach Hall. We will gather the fourth Sunday of each month after the second service to have conversations about these periods in our history. October 27th will be the first of these. I hope you will come to hear about not just the events, but how members experienced them. We are lucky to have people with us who go back to founding times!

We often hear the doomsday quote “Those who don’t remember their history are doomed to repeat it.” I think it is just as true that our history has some positive things to teach us if we but pay attention.

Rev. Terasa

Developmental Minister

Upcoming Events

This Sunday, September 29

9:15am Nouurish Service

Featuring the story The Invisible Boy

by Trudy Ludwig

Presented by members of the Alternative Worship Team together with members of our First UU Community.

11am Worship Service: “History: The Whole of It”

Presented by Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley

What does it mean to really face our history? To not succumb to the tendency to air-brush the difficult stuff away? We will talk about this in relationship to First UU’s history as well as a general concept.

Hot breakfast is served at 10am,

Coffee & tea available after both services

Rummage Sale Donation Drop-Off

TOMORROW, Saturday, September 28 10am–3pm

We are currently accepting donations for our 2025 Rummage Sale! Volunteers will be available to help you unload your vehicle on Saturday from 10–3. Or Email Myra Hartmann to schedule a time to drop off your gently loved furniture or household items at Life Storage, 4735 Evanswood Dr 43229.

Join us for the First UU Church of Columbus

Engagement Fair Series

This year we are hosting 4 events to help you connect with meaningful opportunities in our community. After last week’s successful Religious Engagement Fair, you can look forward to the following:

September 29 Groups (Small Ministry, Affinity and Interest Groups)

October 6 Teams (Volunteering & Lay Leadership Teams)

October 13 Social Justice

Interested in volunteering at First UU? Fill out this Questionnaire to find some great opportunities! Thank you for being a valuable part of our community, and don’t hesitate to reach out to First UU Staff with any questions!

The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Sunday, September 29

Last Sunday, 31 UUs wrote 110 letters to young Ohio voters encouraging them to vote. Come to Beach Hall after the services this Sunday to help write 160 more letters. Writing personalized letters to voters is one of the most effective ways to increase voter turnout. Write to voters from underrepresented communities to encourage them to vote in this critical election. Your time can make a big impact. If you can’t join us, do your part at Vote Forward.

Organized by First UU Democracy & Human Rights working with UU the Vote & Vote Forward.

Carpe Diem at First UU!

Sunday, October 13 at 2:00 pm

Join us as we welcome Carpe Diem String Quartet for their first concert of the year in our first Concert Series event of 2024–25! First UU members receive a $10 discount for tickets, or a $40 discount for all 4 concerts. Get tickets online at This concert, titled “Ubuntu”, features a world premiere by Columbus composer Mark Lomax II, as well as works by Prokofiev, Gibson, and Arensky.

Wild and Spooky Fall Festival

Only Happens with YoUU!

October 19 from 4–9:00pm

Fall Festival is just 20 days away! First UU needs volunteers to help with the event. Sign up between services in Beach Hall at the Fall Festival table or email Candee Brags to lend a hand. You can paint faces, or supervise the bouncy course, tell fortunes and more! The best jobs are those where you interact with our awesome kids. Young or old, come enjoy a fall day with friends and family and support First UU.

From the Staff & Board

Upcoming Governance Meetings

Finance Committee: October 16, 7–9pm

Board of Trustees: October 23, 7–9pm

All are welcome! Email using the links above with any questions

for the board or finance, or to request a zoom link.

Did you Know?

Did you know that the this congregation had its founding meeting at the Southern Hotel at the corner of S. High and E. Main on June 27th, 1940? One of its founding principles was

“All who are seekers of the truth and lovers of man and wish to share with us in the quest of the good life, shall always be welcomed and received into the membership of this church, regard­ less of any theological opinions he may hold.”

There may be a bit of work to be done on inclusive language, but the sentiment still holds true for us today!

Join Rev. Terasa and the Archives team on October 27th to discuss our history.

Take a little walk through our early church history on our website at

Justice & Volunteering

BREAD Listening Sessions

September 29

October 6, 13, 15, 19, 20 & 27


Fall is the season for House meetings, or “Listening Sessions,” when Leaders in BREAD congregations ask their members to discuss problems that have weighed on their heart this past year. Hundreds of stories are shared to identify the biggest problems facing our community, and narrowed to three by democratic vote of BREAD team members. All network members will vote to select one of the three problems for research and action at BREAD’s Annual Assembly.

Please sign up for one of First UU’s listening sessions at the JAM table in Beach Hall after church, or email our First UU Bread Team to sign up. To invest in BREAD’s work for justice and to learn more, check out

Living the Pledge to End Racism 2-day Workshop

Saturdays October 5 & 12, 2024


Register by September 30

A minimum of 8 Participants are needed to hold the class.

Register Today!
What would it look like if we made a commitment to anti-racism as a congregation? How have other UU congregations committed to this journey?

Join us for our upcoming intensive workshop. Living the Pledge curriculum is presented as in-depth workshops that delve into various aspects of racism. All are invited to join us in transition from reading and talking about how to end racism to taking intentional actions. All are invited to learn about and then commit to anti-racism work in our congregation.

Email questions to the Living The Pledge Leaders.

Classes & Groups

Senior Gathering Success

Our sincere thanks go to the many volunteers who provided their time and energy to make the September 26 Senior Gathering a success: Donna Adassa, Marilyn Beerman, Paula Egbert, Su Farnlacher, Clare Fried, Michael Greenman, Pat Hoffman, Jack Holdford, Katie Holdford, Paula Hook, Karen Keenan, Dave Richter, Karla Rinto, Debbie Shaw, Karen Torvik.
A special thanks to the numerous attendees that spontaneously helped with clearing the tables for cleanup as well as putting tables and chairs away. Your help was greatly appreciated! This included David and Susan Carr, Eddy Fried, Graff and Sarah Graffagnino, Dennis Rankin (sorry to those missed!).
Our appreciation is also extended to those who provided the program– Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley, Dick Dawson, Rev. Kelli McNeal, Karen Thimmes.  We particularly thank Rev. Kelli who provided an exploration of the new 9:15am Nouurish service.

Celebrate 10 years of Sacred Song Circle!

Sacred Song Circle has been singing for 10 years at First UU! Join us for singing and a dutch-treat dinner at Olive and Lime on October 2. We will gather in the worship center to sing at 6pm and will immediately walk across the parking lot to enjoy food and fellowship.

Caregivers Group Reconvenes

Monday, October 7, 7pm (Online only)

It is with great pleasure that we announce that the Caregivers Group will begin meeting again. Many thanks to Rev. Sylvia Howe for starting the group – Clare Fried will now be facilitating this monthly meeting. The group is open to anyone providing care to a loved one and to those who have done so in the past who would like to share their life stories. We will meet each month on the first Monday, beginning October 7.Please email Clare Fried or Rev. Kelli with questions or to request a zoom link.

Community News & Events

All Soles Contra & Square Dance

Saturday, September 28th, 7:30–10:30 PM

Contra dancing is good exercise, fun, and brings an opportunity to meet new people!

Susan English, from Wooster, will call the dances and Roscommon Sessions will provide the music. If you attend Summer Institute, you will recognize Susan, as she calls the dances at SI. Roscommon Sessions plays rousing Irish tunes.

New dancers are always welcome! All dances will be taught and no partner is needed. Please bring a refillable water bottle.

Cost: $10 for adults, $5 for ages 12-25.

Future All Soles Dance dates:

October 26th

November 23rd

December 14th\

Unite for Springfield Resources

Many of you have been asking about how we might show support for Springfield Ohio and all the hate-mongering they are dealing with. Here is an opportunity to contribute and show that there is more love in the world than hate.

Contribute to Unite for Springfield via ActBlue Charities to support the Haitian Community in Springfield.

Around the Corner

  • 10/4 First Friday Spaghetti Dinner
  • 10/4 Youth Group Late Night
  • 10/5 & 10/12 Living the Pledge to End Racism Workshop (Register Now)
  • 10/6 Trans Allies and Families Support Group
  • 10/6 Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Support Group for Teens
  • 10/11 Community Bingo Night
  • 10/13 Rising Young Adults (RYA!) (2nd & 4th Sundays)
  • 10/13 Youth Group (2nd & 4th Sundays)
  • 10/13 Carpe Diem String Quartet Concert
  • 10/16 All-Ages YA Book Group (October’s book: Columbus Noir, by local author Andrew Welsh-Huggins)
  • 10/17 SYC Dine-to-Donate at Noodles & Co
  • 10/19 Fall Festival
  • 10/20 Artists Reception “Going Wild”

These are some of the events you can look forward to in the next few weeks! Don’t see your group? Email Becca to add your event info!

Family Activities

This Sunday, September 29

  • 9:15am-10am Nouurish Worship Service (sanctuary)
  • 10-10:30am Breakfast, and Coffee until 11am (A/B, Beach Hall)
  • 10:30am-12:30pm Infant and Toddler Care (room 101)
  • 10:30am-12:15pm 13-14yr OWL – first teen class! (302)
  • 10:45-12:30pm 6-7yr / K-1st OWL orientation – required for all children/participants and parents/caregivers (402)
  • 10:55am-12:15pm 10-11yr OWL (404)
  • 11am-12:15pm
  • Coming of Age (401)
  • Building Your World MS/HS (301)
  • 11am-12noon Worship Service (sanctuary)
  • 11:15am-12:15pm (after story until service ends)
  • 3-6yr Spirit Play (102)
  • 7-10yr Spirit Play (201)
  • Coffee, Snack, Engagement Fair after both services (Beach Hall, A/B)
  • 12:15-1pm Caregivers of Young Children (101)

Register your children and youth for this year’s classes and activities today!

Fill out this form to volunteer in a classroom, or get involved in our RE Team!