Upcoming First Friday Excitement
Save the date! We have some most excellent activities planned for the next two First Fridays, April 4 and May 2!
April 4: Paper, Pots & Packets: Origami for Green Thumbs
In this fun, hands-on workshop, Dianne Kadonaga will teach us how to craft biodegradable plant pots from recycled newspaper, and to fold perfect little seed packets from scrap paper – origami style – without scissors, tape, staples, or glue! These eco-friendly creations are perfect for sharing with your community—or upping your zero-waste gardening game. Join us and let’s get folding, planting, and spreading the green love!   During crafting, Dianne will give updates on Connecting Community Corridor for People Pollinators and the Planet (CCC for PPP) projects that First UU supported via Share the Plate donations.
May 2: Coffee House! Open Mic Night / Talent & Variety Show
Come one, come all to the First Friday Coffee House in May! Get ready to show off your skills, because First UU’s Got Talent! Tune up your Instruments, practice your juggling or musical acts, polish up your poetry – and get ready to have some fun! In the interest of time, participants will be asked to present one three-minute act. |