Friday News – March 21, 2025

Happy Friday!

I have been grateful to see the plants starting to poke up from the ground and grow again around the church building, and to enjoy some sunshine these past few weeks (even though it’s been on and off again with the cold weather)! I am looking forward to things being lush and verdant, and feeling thankful for the many ways our congregation has been blooming lately. This Sunday I hope you will join me for a fun and thoughtful all ages service highlighting creativity and gender. In theses uncertain times, the promise and welcome of our Unitarian Universalist values is even more vital!

As we move into the spring of my fifth church year serving this congregation as your professional religious educator, there is much to do, and still so much to learn, dream, and plan together. I am excited to announce that on Saturday, April 19th, we will be hosting an RE Start-Up from 10am-4pm, and everyone is invited! This special workshop is designed to help reimagine multigenerational and family programming within our congregation. Featuring facilitator Cassandra Montenegro, member of our regional UUA staff team.

Religious Exploration is for everyone! Whether you raised your kids at First UU or SYC decades ago, are a current participating family or teacher, are thinking of joining the RE Team, or are new and simply interested in learning more, this event is for you! If you plan to participate, please RSVP! (Which helps us to plan lunch and childcare). Thank you! Together, let’s keep on growing!

Amber Scott

Director of Religious Exploration

Upcoming Events

This Sunday, March 23

9:15am Nouurish Service


All I See Is Part Of Me

by Chara M Curtis

Presented by members of the Alternative Worship Team with members of our First UU Community.


“All Bodies Are Sacred, All People Are Worthy”

Join us for an interactive service for all ages! Together we will explore our congregation’s call to be truly welcoming, and what Unitarian Universalism teaches us about bodily autonomy, diversity, and gender.

Presented by Amber Scott,

Director of Religious Exploration

Enjoy hot breakfast at 10am! Coffee, tea, & conversation following both services.

Expressive Worship

Tuesday, March 25, 6:30pm

You are invited to experience a different kind of spiritual practice centered around the personal creative process. There are readings and songs guided by a monthly theme which inspires our individual artwork.

At the end of the evening those who wish to share their work and how they were inspired are welcome into a sharing circle. All ages and abilities are enthusiastically welcomed.

March’s theme is “Trust”. You may choose to do the themed project of Decorating Eggs, or create anything you wish! Bring your own materials or use what we have on hand.

Participants’ projects from February’s theme of “Inclusion”

Atheists, Skeptics, and Humanists (ASH) Monthly Meeting & Program

Tuesday, March 25, 7 PM, Room 301

Our speaker for March will be Collin Marozzi, Deputy Policy Director of ACLU of Ohio. Collin will bring us up-to-date on the multitude of actions the ACLU is involved in at the State and Federal level, trying to keep Democracy from collapsing.

First UU Concert Series Event

Aaron Nathans & Michael G. Ronstadt

March 29 at 7:30 pm

Join Aaron Nathans & Michael G. Ronstadt in Concert on Saturday, March 29 at 7:30pm, as part of our Concert Series at First UU. You can check their music out on YouTube.

Donations will be accepted at the door for the artists. The concert will also be live-streamed.

Upcoming First Friday Excitement

Save the date! We have some most excellent activities planned for the next two First Fridays, April 4 and May 2!

April 4: Paper, Pots & Packets: Origami for Green Thumbs

In this fun, hands-on workshop, Dianne Kadonaga will teach us how to craft biodegradable plant pots from recycled newspaper, and to fold perfect little seed packets from scrap paper – origami style – without scissors, tape, staples, or glue! These eco-friendly creations are perfect for sharing with your community—or upping your zero-waste gardening game. Join us and let’s get folding, planting, and spreading the green love! 🌱📰✨ During crafting, Dianne will give updates on Connecting Community Corridor for People Pollinators and the Planet (CCC for PPP) projects that First UU supported via Share the Plate donations.

May 2: Coffee House! Open Mic Night / Talent & Variety Show

Come one, come all to the First Friday Coffee House in May! Get ready to show off your skills, because First UU’s Got Talent! Tune up your Instruments, practice your juggling or musical acts, polish up your poetry – and get ready to have some fun! In the interest of time, participants will be asked to present one three-minute act.

Around The Corner

  • 3/26 Board of Trustees (RSVP)
  • 4/4 First Friday Spaghetti Dinner (Origami for Green Thumbs)
  • 4/9 Vespers at Westerwood
  • 4/11 Pesach (Passover) Celebration with Kehilat Sukkat Shalom
  • 4/13 History Workshop
  • 4/16 Finance Committee (RSVP)
  • 4/19 Religious Exploration Startup, 10am-4pm
  • 4/20 Anti-Racist Allies Monthly Lunch (_____)
  • 4/26 All Soles Contra & Square Dance (more)

Weekly events:

  • Tai Chi for Balance (Tuesdays, 10am)
  • Sacred Song Circle (Wednesdays, 6pm)
  • Co-Working Space (Fridays, 9:30am)

From First UU Leadership

New! Poll of the Week

Introducing Friday’s News Poll of the Week! Each week we will have a different poll – please respond at 9am Wednesday. This week’s question is “We will publish results in next week’s news!
What Brings you Joy?

See results below for the Mid-Year Meeting Question

“What would you like to see more of in the future at First UU?”

Realm Update

At the mid-year meeting, We invited all members to access your information in our new Member Management database, Realm. You can now verify and update your personal information, edit your security settings, view your giving information, and connect with other First UU Members online!

If you missed your invitation, have questions, or need help please email us at, call Becca (614-267-4946, ext 0), or stop in during office hours!

Save the Date: Religious Exploration Startup 4/19

Religious Exploration is for everyone! Everyone is invited to join us in reimagining the role of multigenerational and family programming within our congregation as part of this retreat, from 10am-4pm. Featuring facilitator Cassandra Montenegro, member of our regional UUA staff team, and Amber Scott, Director of RE.

Justice & Volunteering

Side With Love T-Shirts Available

Available to purchase for $25 Sundays

The Justice Action Ministry (JAM) team has a fresh supply of Yellow Side with Love T-shirts available for all your protesting / public witness needs. Wear these shirts when you attend protests, the BREAD Nehemiah Action, and other justice-seeking events to be able to pick out your fellow UU’s, and to spread the message to Side With Love!

We have Adult Small – 5xl available for sale after worship this Sunday for $25. You can also pick them up online through the UUA book store, InSpirit!

Thank you, Iftar Dinner Volunteers!

A big thank you to all the volunteers and others who helped make the March 14 Iftar dinner with TASO a big success: Claudia Bowles, John Boyd, Susan Carr, David Carr, Sandy Coen, Yesh Cosme, Dick Dawson, Christin Davidson, Billy Davidson, Su Farnlacher, Barb Fiorini, Bill Fiorini, Fluff Fiscus, Jack Holdford, Katie Holdford, Florence Fain, Suzan McCrystal, Becca Morse, Noe Morse, Jan Phillips, Frank Phillips, Dave Richter, Andrea Smith, Bruce Smith, Karen Thimmes, Karen Torvik, and Ross Torvik. Special thanks to Rev. Terasa and Marco Belletini for their part in the program.

Weekly Eco-Tip

Eco-Justice starts with shrinking our own footprint on the Earth, to help ease the burden on the most vulnerable among us. Each strand in the web of existence is connected. Check back here each week for a tip from the First UU Eco-Justice team!

Are you thinking about planting a tree in your yard? Learn about what native species will do best in a warming world using this handout from Columbus.Gov, or access their how-to guide rom youtube.

Classes & Groups

Learn more in our Engagement Catalog, and reach out to join!

Dinner & Conversation Signups

Sign up to enjoy Dinner & Conversation with fellow First UUers! Quarterly potluck groups of 6–8 members meet in participants’ homes once per month to have a good time and get to know each other. Attendees commit for one quarter at a time and negotiate the meeting dates and times among themselves. The host organizes the dinner and picks a topic for conversation!

Sign-ups for the second quarter of 2025 (April, May, June) are open until March 25 at noon – Email Marcia Canter to participate!

Save the Date: Out of the Flames Book Group

Meeting at 7pm Wednesdays Throughout April

Registration Open Now!

Mark your calendar, and consider ordering your copy of the book now, for this rousing month-long book study, led by Dana Reynolds and Robin Lawson! Out of the Flames: The Remarkable Story of a Fearless Scholar, a Fatal Heresy, and One of the Rarest Books in the World by Nancy and Lawrence Goldstone tracks the history of The Chrisitianismi Restituto, examining Michael Servetus’s life and times and the politics of the first information during the sixteenth century.

Contact Amber with questions.

Community News & Events

SYC Dine to Donate – Piada Worthington

Online through March 23

You can order your favorite items online from Piada any time from March 17–23. Enter the fundraising promo code Z4JQ3R when you are ready to check out. 20% of the proceeds of your order will be donated back to the School for Young Children Scholarship Fund.


Deadline to register is March 26th!

Wednesdays, April 2, 9 and 16

7:00pm-8:00pm CT on Zoom


Fee: Free for current Faith Forward congregation subscribers and NTUUC member congregations; $50 for non-subscriber congregations (no participant limit) or $10 per person.

The Faith Forward program out of the First Unitarian Church of Dallas is excited to offer an online session of our UU Elevator Speech series for all congregations. This three-week series guides participants through developing an “elevator speech” about their Unitarian Universalist faith. The next time someone asks you “what is Unitarian Universalism?” you’ll be ready with a brief and meaningful statement.

For more information or to register, email Faith Forward Coordinator Rev. Lora Brandis. Deadline to register is Wednesday, March 26th.

First UU Art Gallery

March 6– April 20

Take time to view our latest exhibit, “Nature Distilled” by UU Katherine Lawson in India Ink, Water media, and collage. New! Now on the East wall of the Worship Center, you can view 5 paintings by Helen Yee as well!

Questions? Reach out to Deb Baillieul

Family Activities

This Sunday, March 23rd (All Ages Service: No Classes!)

9:15am-10am multigenerational Nouurish Service (sanctuary)

10-10:30am Breakfast, and Coffee until 11am (A/B, Beach Hall)

Caregivers of Young Children eat together (Beach, near the piano)

10:30am-12:30pm Infant and Toddler Care (101)

11am-12noon All Ages Worship Service (sanctuary)

No Classes Today: “All Bodies Are Sacred, All People Are Worthy”

12noon-1:00pm Snack and Coffee (Beach Hall, A/B)

12:30-2:30pm Youth Group meeting 12yrs-HS senior (402)

1:00pm-2:30pm Navigators Scouting meeting: book badge (201/playground)

Help Needed: seeking scout troop & Youth Group volunteers! Email Amber, or fill out this interest form! Families: please register here.

Register Now for Peace Camp in August!

We can’t wait to see you this summer! More info, and registration here!

  • Session A: for 6-8 years, Monday 7/28 – Friday 8/1, 9am-12noon
  • Session B: for 8-11 years, Monday 8/4 – Friday 8/8, 9am-12noon

11am Time for All Ages stories:

From the Stars in the Sky to the Fish in the Sea & Call Me Max