Friday News – February 9, 2024

Greetings and salutations from your intrepid staff team as we do our best to cover for Becca – who is vacationing in sunny Puerto Rico this week! As a reminder, the front desk will be closed today, and next week other staff will be providing coverage from 10am-1pm on Thursday and Friday – while Becca has a family commitment. Thank you for your flexibility and patience!

The sun is shining, and there has been so much happening lately here at First UU! Staff and lay people alike are hard at work beta testing the new church database, and working to get those records to play nicely with the email newsletter system. Our Youth Group has been busy planning for their annual worship service on March 3rd, and preparing for their Enchanted Forest Ball on 2/16 – which is a fundraiser for their summer youth trip to CER Summer Institute! Even if you can’t join us for this magical Valentine’s dance, consider donating to support our youth!

Amber Scott (she/they)
Director of Religious Exploration

This Week
“Does the Story Have an Ending?”
Sunday, February 11

Presented by Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley

One of the goals of this first year of developmental ministry is to deepen the connections between one another. One of the best ways to do that is to share our stories with one another. We have our individual stories and our congregational stories – all of which are important. Can we also be co-creators of a new story as a congregation?
Musical Notes
Carpe Diem String Quartet will present Upward on Sunday, February 11 at 2:00 pm in the Worship Center. The program will consist of music by Wiancko, Dohnanyi, and a world premiere by Jonathan Cziner. Purchase tickets here, and remember that First UU members receive a $10 discount!

Looking ahead in our Concert Series: Be sure to mark your calendars for March 2 at 7:00 pm for the Jake Reed Trio with Laura Camara (The Songs of Laurel Canyon) and March 23 at 7:30 pm for the rescheduled concert by Beki Test and Mike Neely and Al Smyth’s FBnCC. Carpe Diem will also be back on March 10.

From the Staff & Board
See Amber Play Roller Derby Tomorrow!
Come see me skate in the first home game of the season tomorrow, February 10th! I usually play in the 7pm B-level game, but will also be filling in for the 5pm A-level game this month! (I expect to be very tired). Reserve your tickets now!

Ohio Roller Derby is a small, volunteer-run organization that relies on game revenue. Thank you for your support! -Amber Scott. Image by JL Bermudez Photography. 

Town Hall Rescheduled 2/18
The Town Hall discussion about the 8th Principle has been rescheduled for February 18 immediately following Worship.  Please plan on joining us then!

Email Amanda Hays or take the 8th Principle Survey to give us your thoughts and questions!

Ride Share Sign-Up Available
There is a new rideshare sign-up sheet, on the bulletin board in the back hallway, for people who need rides, and people who can give rides to members and friends. If you are home bound and cannot get to the sign up sheet, Please call Karen Torvik at 614–262–3010.
Upcoming Governance Meetings
Classes and Groups
For a complete listing of our groups & contact information,
download a copy of our Fall Engagement Catalog
Register Now
First UUers age 18-35 are invited to join us for adulting 101 on second Sundays and spiritual discussion on fourth Sundays. Meet in the library after the service! Email Gale Callaghan with questions.
Personal Finance & Budget Class
Sunday Feb 11 at 11:30AM
Tuesday Feb 13 at 7PM
Room 301
Freshen up your skills for your personal budget. We’ll talk about financial goals, budgeting, saving, spending, and various budget apps.

Lunch provided on Sunday after the service. Email Patricia Boughton for more info.

Upcoming A-S-H Program
February 27 Lords of the Arctic vs. Climate Change For International Polar Bear Day come learn about the polar bears on Hudson Bay near Churchill, Manitoba and how climate change is affecting them and the Churchill community. Danya Furda shares her personal experiences.

All A-S-H (Atheists, Skeptics, Humanists) meetings are in Room 301 at 7 PM on the 4th Tuesday of the month.

Trans/GNC Youth and Allies Support Groups
Trans and gender non-conforming youth join us on the first Sunday of each month for support and community, hosted by the adult support group. Anyone 18 or younger is welcome. We will meet at 11:30am in the library.

There will also be a support group for parents and anybody supporting trans people in their lives which will be meeting in room 302 at the same time.

First meeting of each group is March 3. Email Emily Henry with any questions.

Upcoming First UU Events
Enchanted Forest Ball (Youth Fundraiser)
Friday, February 16 at 6:30 pm 
Step into a magical realm at our all ages Valentine’s dance, The Enchanted Forest Ball, hosted by the First UU Youth Group. Dust off your prom dress or don your most magical attire, pose under twinkling lights in the photo booth, and enjoy some delicious treats as we come together to dance and fundraise for our summer youth trip!
Buy Tickets / Donate
Tickets: $10.00 each (Available during coffee hour)
Email Andi for more information
Justice & Volunteer Opportunities
Ride share signup available
Join the Anti-Racist Allies (ARA) & Friends for Movies and Lunch at Lalibela
Join us at the movies this February to learn more about Black History!

For $5 at AMC:
Feb 10-16: Devotion
Feb 17–23: The Woman King

Free with reservation at McConnell Arts Center:
Feb 10: Black Panther
March 9: The Princess and the Frog

and more movies all month long!  Click here for even more Black History Month Activities around Columbus, and we invite you to contact ARA with suggestions for February Bubble-breakers. See photos of our events on the First UU Facebook page and post some too!

We will also be meeting in room 301 on Sunday, Feb. 18 after the town hall on the 8th principle to carpool to eat at Lalibela (Ethiopian) Restaurant in Whitehall. The address is: 1111 South Hamilton Road, Whitehall, OH 43227 and phone number is (614) 235-5355. The food is friendly for vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores. Please contact Danya Furda if you have any questions.

Check out other Black History Month Opportunities Here

Raising Race Conscious Children Workshop
Sunday, March 10th, 7:00-8:30 PM, Online
We often avoid talking about race with our young children but research has shown that children notice similarities and differences between people. When we are silent, they are left to draw their own conclusions about what “different” means. Without coaching or support, their conclusions often reflect and reinforce biases. Fortunately – when we are intentional – we can impact the ways that our children see, categorize, and make meaning about race.

The SYC Committee invites SYC and First UU Parents/Caregivers and Staff to attend this 1.5 hr online workshop. The conversation will focus primarily on young children, but people who spend time with older children are welcome as well. In this workshop, you will: Develop confidence to talk about race with young children. Practice various strategies to proactively talk about race with young children. Strengthen children’s ability to become a change-maker.

RSVP to to register and obtain the Zoom link.

BREAD Updates
If you’re a network member, why not join one of BREAD’s ongoing campaigns! It’s a great way to meet people from other congregations! If you aren’t already a network member, please consider becoming one. To learn more about BREAD, come to the March 10th service and go to the BREAD website for further information and the latest BREAD newsletter.
  • Our church’s Network Organizing meeting – March 16th, 12;30 – 2:00 pm
  • BREAD RALLY – April 15th 7 PM
  • BREAD Nehemiah Action – May 21st 6:40 PM
Community News
SYC 2024-25 School Year Applications
Deadline approaching!
SYC’s 2024-25 school year application and scholarship application are now available on Jovial. Submit by noon on February 16, 2024 for best possible placement and tuition assistance. Children must be at least 2 years old by September 30, 2024 to attend SYC. Children of First UU members get priority when applying to attend.

If you are new to SYC or it’s been a while since you’ve been to SYC, call the SYC office at 614-267-0254 to set up a day and time for a tour.

Visit the Enrollment Page on the SYC website for more information.

Check Out Winter Institute
Register by February 11! Enjoy a relaxing weekend retreat at Salt Fork State Park Lodge with UUs of all ages! Gear up for frosty outdoor activities like hiking, birding, (and, snow permitting) sledding and cross country skiing, or stay cozy indoors and enjoy community worship, movies, happy hour, conversations, board games, puzzles, the pool / hot tub, or simply a good book by the fireplace.
In Celebration
Let’s Celebrate! Submit announcements to celebrate each other together.
Special thanks to Ohma Willette for this beautiful pouch she made for Amber out of a threadbare family quilt! And cheers to the continued success of our Youth Group’s Banned Book Library! Donate a book from their wishlist, here!
Family Activities
Save the Date! Peace Camp Reg Coming Soon
  • Register for Winter Institute (President’s Day wknd), thru 1/11
  • Enchanted Forest Ball (Youth Fundraiser), 6:30pm Fri 2/16
  • Wizard Night! First Friday dinner, 6pm Friday, March 1st
  • Reg opens for CER Summer Institute (second wk of July) 3/1
  • Annual Youth-Led Service! (all ages) 10am Sunday, March 3rd
  • Trans / Nonbinary Teens mtg and Allies / Families mtg, 11:30am 3/3
  • Peace Camp A (6-8 years) 9am-12noon Mon-Fri, July 29th – Aug 2nd
  • Peace Camp B (9-11 years) 9am-12noon Mon-Fri, Aug 5th – Aug 9th

Happening This Sunday, February 11th
  • 9:15-9:45am Breakfast (A/B) 
  • 9:30-11:30am Infant and Toddler Care (room 101)
  • 9:30-11am 13-14yr OWL (rm 302)
  • 9:40-11am Neighboring Faiths (301)
  • 9:55am-11am 10-11yr OWL (404)
  • 10-11am 6-7yr OWL (402), Worship Service
  • 10:15am-11am (after story until service ends), 3-6yr Spirit Play (102), 7-9yr Spirit Play (201), and 10yr-MS/HS Tools for the Journey (401)
  • Coffee Hour, snack after service
  • 11:30am-1:30pm Youth Group meeting (402)
  • 12:30-2:00pm Navigators Hike (off site)