Sunday, March 10th, 7:00-8:30 PM, Online
We often avoid talking about race with our young children but research has shown that children notice similarities and differences between people. When we are silent, they are left to draw their own conclusions about what “different” means. Without coaching or support, their conclusions often reflect and reinforce biases. Fortunately – when we are intentional – we can impact the ways that our children see, categorize, and make meaning about race.
The SYC Committee invites SYC and First UU Parents/Caregivers and Staff to attend this 1.5 hr online workshop. The conversation will focus primarily on young children, but people who spend time with older children are welcome as well. In this workshop, you will: Develop confidence to talk about race with young children. Practice various strategies to proactively talk about race with young children. Strengthen children’s ability to become a change-maker.
RSVP to to register and obtain the Zoom link.