Friday News – February 21, 2025

Happy Friday friends! As the end of February is quickly upon us, I’ve found myself in reflection about the importance of our community for those who are too often left behind, especially in today’s world. Join me this Sunday as we consider the difference between Equality and Equity, and ponder how to advocate for a more just world.

I wanted to share this poem by author Nikki Giovanni entitled “BLK History Month.” And may we all remember that even when this world tells us we have no value, we do. “You’re as good an anybody else. You’ve got a place here too.”

Rev. Kelli McNeal

Congregational Life Minister

BLK History Month

By Nikki Giovanni

If Black History Month is not

viable then wind does not

carry the seeds and drop them

on fertile ground

rain does not

dampen the land

and encourage the seeds

to root

sun does not

warm the earth

and kiss the seedlings

and tell them plain:

You’re As Good As Anybody Else

You’ve Got A Place Here, Too

Upcoming Events

Be the Spark – First UU Auction

Bidding on “Excellent Stuff” ends TONIGHT at 11:59pm! – Bid Here Now!

Bidding for “Food, Fun, and Frolic” begins tomorrow! Questions? Can’t log in to bid online? Contact the auction team!

We need cakes and desserts for the Live Auction & Celebration, on Saturday, March 1. Email or sign up at the auction table in Beach Hall before or after the Sunday service.

We still need volunteers! Email Danya Furda or sign up here to help!

  • Help decorate Friday, 2/28, from noon to 3 pm!
  • Serve the dinner buffet, Saturday, 3/1, from 6:30–8:30 pm!
  • Or bus tables after dinner, Saturday, 3/1, from 7:30–8:30 pm!

All Soles Dance

This Saturday, February 22nd, 7:30 to 10:30 PM

$10 for adults, $5 for ages 12-25

We will dance to the calling of Gaye Fifer (Pittsburgh) and the music of The Hollertones. Gaye is a veteran caller who brings pure joy to the dance floor with her clear directions and interesting dances. Gaye has called throughout the U.S., as well as internationally. It is a true treat to dance to her calling.

The Hollertones, consisting of Jeanie Thieken (guitar, vocals), Linda Scutt (fiddle, mandolin, vocals), Paul Brown (banjo, fiddle, vocals), and Nick Weiland (bass, vocals), all hailing from the hills of Ohio, will provide the music. With a lifetime of musical experience, they join forces to create a unique sound that builds on trad, old time and Irish music, innovative yet respectful to tradition. The Hollertones play a wide repertoire of contra dance, waltzes, English Country, and concerts.
New dancers welcome, no partner needed! Bring your refillable water bottle.

Upcoming dances: March 15, April 26, May 17 and June 21. Learn more online!

This Sunday, February 23

9:15am Nouurish Service


Say Something

by Peter H Reynolds

Presented by members of the Alternative Worship Team with members of our First UU Community.

11am: “Equality or Equity”

Beloved Community calls us to fight for equity in a world that puts up systemic barriers to equality. In our quest to become a more inclusive congregation and faith, what can we do to remove the barriers in our own spaces? What is the difference and how do we advocate for a more just world?

Presented by Rev. Kelli McNeal

Enjoy hot breakfast at 10am! Coffee, tea, & conversation following both services.

Expressive Worship

Tuesday, February 25, 6:30pm, Beach Hall

Experience spiritual practice centered around the personal creative process. Readings and songs are guided by a monthly theme, which inspires our individual artwork. At the end of the evening, those who wish to may share their work and how they were inspired. All ages and abilities enthusiastically welcomed.

February’s theme is Inclusion. Speak your truth through what you wear: craft patches that make a statement, or embellish your gear directly to let everyone know what matters to you. Bring your own materials, or use what we have on hand, and follow the provided craft, or do your own thing!

*ASH: The Hopewell Civilization

Tuesday, February 25, 7pm, Room 301

Jennifer Aultman, Chief Historic Sites Officer of Ohio History Connection, will edify and amaze us with the story of the Hopewell Civilization and the decades long process to have sites in Ohio receive our state’s only World Heritage designation. *Atheists, Skeptics, and Humanists.

Speaker for March 25 meeting: Collin Marozzi, Deputy Police Director for the ACLU of Ohio.

April 22: Marc Pinsonneault, Astronomy.

Around The Corner

  • 2/26 Board of Trustees (RSVP)
  • 3/1 Be the Spark! Auction Celebration (more)
  • 3/1 Rummage Sale Drop-off (offsite)
  • 3/2 Mid-Year Congregational Meeting (all are welcome!)
  • 3/7 First Friday Spaghetti Dinner
  • 3/9 History Workshop
  • 3/12 Vespers at Westerwood
  • 3/14 Ramadan Iftar Dinner with IACO
  • 3/15 BREAD Organizing Meeting
  • 3/15 All Soles Contra & Square Dance (more)
  • 3/16 Anti-Racist Allies Monthly Lunch (Creole 2 Geaux)
  • 3/19 Finance Committee (RSVP)

Weekly events:


  • Tai Chi for Balance (Tuesdays, 10am)
  • Sacred Song Circle (Wednesdays, 6pm)
  • Co-Working Space (Fridays, 9:30am)

From First UU Leadership

Scam Email Alert

Don’t fall for it! Phishing emails are being sent to congregants posing as Rev. Terasa, Rev. Kelli, or other board and staff members. Please do not respond to these scams! If you get an email asking for gifts or money and also asking you to not call us about the request, it’s not from the church! We will never solicit anything financial via email.

General Assembly Delegates Needed

Registration is now open: the 64th UUA General Assembly will be online and at the Baltimore Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland, June 18–22, 2025. Financial Support is available! If you plan to attend, and are interested in representing First UU as a Delegate, please reach out to our Board of Trustees.

Improved Outdoor Lighting

New outdoor lighting is being installed around the building to improve security and safety. Most notable is additional light around the main entrance, including three bollards with lights near the main door and brighter overhead lights. New, brighter security lamps have already been installed near the SYC and east entrances. Have lighting or other building questions? Email Brian Hagemann

Justice & Volunteering

DEI Boycott

Join the 24hr Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion boycott on big business, Friday, February 28, from 12am-11:59pm! Corporations and banks have been backing out of their commitments to DEI since Trump’s election, but they still care about their bottom line. If we disrupt the economy for just one day, it sends a powerful message. We must use the power we have, just as civil rights leaders did in the 1960’s. Anyone can participate safely and peacefully at home: just don’t spend money that day, on fast food, gas, or at major retailers! If necessary, only buy essential items such as food, medicine, and emergency supplies. If you must spend, only support small, local businesses. Spread the message! Talk about it, post about it, and document your actions.

Community News & Events

First Friday Movie! Defying the Nazis: The Sharps’ War

Friday, March 7 from 6:30–9pm

This film by Ken Burns will be shown in the sanctuary after First Friday Dinner. The movie tells the story of Martha and Waitstill Sharp, the first employees of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) sent into the field. They left their children in the U.S., and went undercover to assist the escape of people in danger of being detained by the Nazis. Rev. Terasa was involved in the making of the film, and will introduce it. Rev. Mary Katherine Morn, UUSC Executive Director, highlighted this film when she preached and spoke at First UU earlier this month.

Day Trip: Cincinnati Underground Railroad!

Saturday, March 8 at 8 am

Through permanent & traveling exhibits, the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center shares the stories of freedom’s heroes, from the era of the Underground Railroad to contemporary times, challenging and inspiring us all.
All are welcome on this trip, sponsored by our Anti-Racist Allies! We will carpool from the church at 8 am. The museum is open from 10 am – 5 pm. The cost is $16.50 for adults and $14 for seniors. Please RSVP to Danya Furda.

Classes & Groups

Learn more in our Engagement Catalog, and reach out to join!

Beyond Small Talk

In Slowter After Worship Each Sunday

Feeling distressed? Confused? Angry about current events? Bring your whole self for a free-flowing listening circle designed to help us process our feelings during these complicated times. Hosted by a covenantal relations team member.

Senior Gathering

Thursday, March 13, 2025, from 10:30am–Noon

Email to RSVP
Attention seniors: we hope to see you at our upcoming Senior Gathering! RSVP by 3/9 to Marilyn Beerman.

Muffins, quick breads and fruit will be served in Beach Hall starting at 10:30am, followed by a program with Rev. Terasa and Dick Dawson.

Family Activities

Peace Camp Registration Coming Soon!

Save the dates: 1st UU Peace Camp is back, and we can’t wait to see you this summer! More info will be available, and registration will be released next week!

  • Session A: for 6-8 years, Monday 7/28 – Friday 8/1, 9am-12noon
  • Session B: for 8-11 years, Monday 8/4 – Friday 8/8, 9am-12noon

This Sunday, February 23rd

9:15am-10am Nouurish Service (sanctuary)

10-10:30am Breakfast, and Coffee until 11am (A/B, Beach Hall)

Caregivers of Young Children eat together (Beach, near the piano)

10:30am-12:15pm 13-14yr OWL (302)

11am-12:15pm Coming of Age (401)

11am-12:15pm Building Your World MS/HS (301)

11am-12noon Worship Service (sanctuary)

11:15am-12:15pm (starts after story) 3-6yr Spirit Play (102)

11:15am-12:15pm (starts after story) 7-10yr Spirit Play (201)

12noon-1pm Snack and Coffee (Beach Hall, A/B)

12:30-2:30pm Youth Group meeting, 12yrs-HS senior (402)

12:30-2:00pm Rising Young Adults meeting, 18-28yrs (302)

Help Needed: seeking scout troop & Youth Group volunteers! Email Amber, or fill out this interest form! Families: please register here.

This week’s Time for All Ages story: