Caring Ministries
The ministers and lay volunteers work together to serve the pastoral and caring needs of the church community. Our caring ministries provide a variety of services, offered by several different persons and groups.
Pastoral Staff
Our ministers, Rev. Kelli McNeal and Rev. Kathleen Fowler (Pastoral Care Minister) are available for individual pastoral consultations, for hospital and home visits, grief support, and other pastoral needs. Contact the ministers directly at 614-267-4946.
Joys & Sorrows / Caring Cards
The Caring Team helps us recognize joys and sorrows. This includes sending caring cards signed by members on Sunday mornings and lifting up joys and sorrows during Sunday Services. To request recognition for yourself or someone you know use the online form here (link) or call the church office at 614-267-4946.
Pastoral Team
Members of the Pastoral Team are available to provide a church presence and help for individuals needing either short term or long term assistance. The Team is composed of lay members trained by the pastoral staff to serve as compassionate listeners, provide an on-going church presence, and offer other support on a one-on-one basis. Contact Rev. Terasa Cooley if someone needs this type of care.
Caring Network
This network of volunteers, (led by co-coordinators Gail Baxter and Karen Torvik) provides services when support systems such as family and friends are not available. This short-term outreach includes transportation and meals.
Memorial Services
Volunteer coordinators work with the ministers and family to provide greeters, ushers and receptions in connection with memorial services. Call the church office, 614-267-4946, for an initial contact.
Medical/Orthopedic Equipment Loan
We loan out equipment for medical conditions. Contact Jane Tessier ( or 770-723-0971), to arrange a loan or to donate an item.