2025 Camping Trip 

Friday June 20, 4:00pm – Sunday June 22, 11:00am
at Delaware State Park Campground

Great chance to get to know your fellow First UUers while relaxing in the great outdoors. Group food, swimming, campfires, fellowship.
Contact office@firstuucolumbus.org for more information.

2025 Labor Day Weekend Retreat

Saturday August 30, 11:00am – Monday September 1, 11:00am
at Camp Oty Okwa in the beautiful Hocking Hills.
[Click Here for Driving Directions]

Calling all First UU folks of all ages!

This multi-generational gathering is a great way to catch up and a better way to get more deeply engaged in our church community.  Swimming, hiking, group activities, star gazing, and napping all with other folks doing the cooking and clean-up.  Be sure to plan your talent show act and warm up your voice for the campfire sing-a-long!

Labor Day Retreat Sample Schedule

The 2024 Labor Day was a great success!  You can still make a payment or donate to the Labor Day Retreat Scholarship fund. We hope to see you there next year!