Camping & Labor Day Retreat
2025 Camping Trip
Friday June 20, 4:00pm – Sunday June 22, 11:00am
at Delaware State Park Campground
Great chance to get to know your fellow First UUers while relaxing in the great outdoors. Group food, swimming, campfires, fellowship.
Contact for more information.
2025 Labor Day Weekend Retreat
Saturday August 30, 11:00am – Monday September 1, 11:00am
at Camp Oty Okwa in the beautiful Hocking Hills.
[Click Here for Driving Directions]
Calling all First UU folks of all ages!
This multi-generational gathering is a great way to catch up and a better way to get more deeply engaged in our church community. Swimming, hiking, group activities, star gazing, and napping all with other folks doing the cooking and clean-up. Be sure to plan your talent show act and warm up your voice for the campfire sing-a-long!
Labor Day Retreat Sample Schedule
The 2024 Labor Day was a great success! You can still make a payment or donate to the Labor Day Retreat Scholarship fund. We hope to see you there next year!