If you are interested in the next steps to become a member of First Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbus you are cordially invited to register and participate in the next Pathways to Membership class. It is designed for newcomers and is always recommended before deciding to become a Church member. Your participation in the class does not obligate you to join our church.

Sign up here or by contacting the Minister of Congregational Life .

The Pathways to Membership class will acquaint you with our church and our faith before you consider a commitment of membership to First UU.

Together, we mutually create beloved community, as we grow into a wider circle of people who choose to live deeper, non-superficial lives….

…so the world we share might know greater justice, self-reflection, and wisdom, day by day.

Pathways Class Registration

Please note, we need time to secure a sitter and are relying on availability of our volunteers. We will do our best to accommodate the request, and will confirm availability with you prior to class.
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