We build our church community on a foundation of love with the goal of promoting justice and peace. Toward this end, I covenant to do the following:

  • Accept responsibility for my own actions.
  • Be receptive to connecting with others by listening with care and compassion.
  • Speak my truth honestly and directly with care and compassion.
  • Honor the confidentiality and private disclosures of others.
  • Welcome new members and guests within this religious community.
  • Embrace our diversity as a source of communal strength and accept and care for others despite our differences.
  • Cherish the well­being of the congregation above my personal preferences.
  • Remain engaged in the process with compassion and respect when conflict occurs, knowing that truth and sound decisions emerge from an open exchange of ideas.
  • Use the Healthy Relations Policy (under revision).
  • Contact a minister or pastoral team when I believe the Covenant has been broken.