Tuesday Talk 10/1/19

Our superstar Senior Gathering kitchen crew. Wow! They cook. serve, and clean up. What more could you ask for? And the food is always delicious and the smiles are huge, as are the hearts.

Tuesday Talk

Allie Bonsteel, Board President, is our guest this week…

This year is off to a very energetic start.

Our Church is filled up during weekdays with students attending the School for Young Children, Red Oak Community School and folks learning English as a second language as well as church programs. Evenings and Saturdays are buzzing again too. Sundays are kicking off promptly at 9 o’clock and our services have been focusing on Covenant. September’s focus on Covenant is a good reminder for all of us to review our Covenant of Respectful Relations as well as our Healthy Relations Policy that was rewritten last year.

Newly revamped Religious Exploration classes are up and running. I’m one of the teachers for the 9 o’clock 8-11 Curiosity Garden class. While I’ve only taught one class so far this year, it was a lot of fun. The students tried to build stable structures with hula hoops–not a easy task! My son, Pierce is in the next room in the 5-8 Curiosity Garden class–he’s having a great time too! Thanks to all of the Religious Education staff and team for all of the hours invested in getting this year off and running.

Beach Hall has been refreshed and rearranged. Thank you to the generous donors who made this possible.

Middle Hour is offering many opportunities to connect. This past Sunday during Middle Hour about 30 people gathered for the Board Town Hall to discuss how we, as a congregation, can better create community through nurturing. Lisa, Larry, Greg and I will be debriefing the rest of the Board next month on the conversations we had. I’ll let you know what we heard from you. And next time, we’ll get a bigger room!

I hope you are finding ways to engage as the the new Church year commences.

The Board met on September 25th. There are some things that you should be aware of:

  • Bill Fiorini was approved as the Moderator with a term to end 6/30/2020. This fills the remaining portion of the year left vacant by the death of Tony Rice. The congregation will vote to fill the remaining portion of the term in June 2020.

  • We are still working to fill the vacant seat on the Board.

  • Doug Kaufmann, as the Chair, and the other members of the Finance Committee are doing a wonderful job keeping the Board informed. They’ve developed some new reporting that is very helpful for the Board to evaluate our financial health each month. We are keeping a close eye on things like membership trends, worship service attendance and budget variances. If you have any interest in serving on the Finance Committee, please e-mail us at board@firstuucolumbus.org.

  • We spent the last 40 minutes of our 2 hour meeting talking about the culture at First UU. This is not the beginning or this conversation nor is it the end. There are many things that we do well, but there are also many things that we struggle with as a community. Some of those struggles are shared by other UU churches and others are very unique to us. We’re having conversations about understanding what historic events have influenced our culture. There will be more to come on this. If you are interested in digging deep into our Church culture, please e-mail us at board@firstuucolumbus.org.

Board meetings are open to all. They typically occur on the 4th Wednesday of every month in room 301 (former room 7) and are listed on the Church calendar.


Scenes from the Senior Gathering.

SHOUT OUTS! and Reminders

Shout out to the Senior Gathering crew…
You should have seen the email thread that almost never ended thanking everyone. So much love. Thank you again.

***Middle Hour…Middle Hour…Middle Hour***
It’s a happening place! Come early, stay late. There is something for everyone.

Middle Hour is an exciting and changing mix of Forums, Theme Talks, Learning Labs, Smapler Groups, Creative Space, Tabletop Conversations, and more! It all happens between services from 10:10–10:45.

Here is this week’s Middle Hour lineup:

THEME TALK: Democracy (Room #301 – old #7)
Facilitated by Pat Hurley

CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS (Room B – near kitchen)
a self-guided experience with crafts, drawing, writing…

TABLETOP CONVERSATIONS (Beach Hall near the windows)
Organized by Amber Scott and Kelli McNeal
Intentional conversations on an evolving set of topics mostly designed for young adults and parents.

And more scenes from the Senior Gathering.


For additional churchwide activities and events, please see First UU News (emailed on Fridays and in the Sunday Order of Service).

For information about family and child-focused events and classes, see the RE News (emailed to families and in the Sunday Order of Service).

Wednesday, October 2nd, 7–8:30pm, Room A/B 
The Long Strange Trip—Our UU History  (6 weeks)
Every Wednesday, September 11 – October 16 (six weeks). Led by Dana Reynolds, retired UU minister. This is a great way to learn about our UU development throughout the centuries. The series is ideal for those new to Unitarian Universalism, but it promises new surprises for those who have been UUs for a long time. In each session, we will view the DVD and have a discussion.
For childcare, please call or email the office at least seven days prior.

Friday, October 4th, 6:30pm, Beach Hall
First Friday
Leave the Cooking to Us!
Join us for a pasta dinner in Beach Hall, followed by a communal art project for everyone or board games at 7:30. Gluten free and vegan options provided; if you’d like to bring something to share you’re more than welcome to but the important thing to bring is you. See you at First Friday!

Saturday, October 5th, 3:30–5:30pm, Sanctuary
Drum Circle led by Wahru
Bring your drum. All are welcome.

Sunday, October 6th, 9 & 11am, Sanctuary
“Yom Kippur and Our UU Sources Series: Prophetic Words and Deeds”
In this seson of the Jewish High Holy days, we will take lessons of Yom Kippur and weave them into the launch of our series on our UU sources. This week, we will look at our second source, the Words and Deeds of Prophetic People.

Monday, October 7th, 7–9pm, Room #401-403
Grief Recovery Method®  
Led by Rev. Kathleen Fowler and Rev. Eric Meter. Small group format. Registration required, no later than the second meeting, October 10. For more information, contact Rev. Eric.

Looking Ahead…

Flu Shots – Here!

Flu Shot Clinic @ First UU
Sponsored by the City of Columbus: Public Health

Saturday, October 19, 2019
11 am – 3 pm
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
12 pm – 4 pm

For people 6 months and older
All immunizations are free
Bring your insurance card if you have one
No appointment necessary


2nd and 4th Wednesdays
ICE Solidarity with Immigrants Table

Our table in front of the ICE office downtown is back for its third year. Your help is needed: volunteers to staff the table, as well as volunteers to bake cookies or make trail mix. To sign up to help out, follow this link.

Sponsored by the First UU Archives Group
October 1, 1852
Eleanor Elizabeth Gordon was born in Hamilton, IL. She learned radical Unitarianism from her uncle, William Gordon, and read widely in Unitarian authors. Gordon became an educator and teamed up with Mary Safford. Together they organized the Unitarian church in Hamilton, where Safford served as minister with Gordon as her assistant. The pair also served churches in Humboldt and Sioux City, IA. Gordon was ordained in Sioux City in 1889, where she remained as minister until 1896. She served churches in Burlington, IA; Fargo, ND; Des Moines, IA (with Safford); and Orlando, FL. Gordon was also field secretary for the State Unitarian Conference of Iowa and edited and wrote for its newspaper, Old & New. She retired from the ministry in 1918 but remained active in church affairs and women’s issues until her death on January 6, 1942.