These Red Oak posts feature news and events from our community partner. To see the most up-to-date Red Oak School news, check out their Online Blog page

  • A Show of Artists

    April 22, 2024

    Brian Hagemann
    What is an artist? Though not an objective answer, I believe an artist is someone who expresses a unique part of themselves. It could be done in many forms – from how they bake a cake, to how a soccer ball is kicked, to how an idea is painted on a canvas. Anyone who puts a unique aspect to something they do, is an artist. And though it sounds easy, being an artist requires taking a lot of risk. It requires owning one’s individuality. In downtown Franklinton, at Wild Goose Creative there is a show currently up called, “Us.” That show ...
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  • Access is Love

    January 31, 2024
    How we move within in a space, how we move within our environment is not entirely our decision. It coincides with how the space was designed, how it exists either ...
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  • Chaperoning at Glacier Ridge

    November 28, 2023
    Chaperoning at Glacier Ridge   The big yellow school bus pulled up to the 1,032 acre park – once covered in farmland, and before that, debris left by retreating glaciers.  ROCS had ...
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  • The Choice To Sing…

    October 4, 2023
    Part One: The Choice to Sing  It seemed so simple, what they did over at The Harmony Project. They got together in a big room and sang a few songs. But ...
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  • A Gratitude List

    September 14, 2023
    A Gratitude List The following is a gratitude list. Twenty-five reasons I am grateful for Red Oak Community School. This idea came from: 1) a personal goal to make my first ...
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  • The Great Book Sort

    June 23, 2023
    The Great Book Sort of 2023 The minute Maureen, a ROCS educator, pulled me into her room and I saw the books organized in stacks on the table, I knew there ...
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  • Studying Aminah Robinson

    April 5, 2023
    BUTTONS OF INSPIRATION STUDYING AMINAH ROBINSON “Can you tell me about your drawing?” I asked each student in the Chickadee class. They were sifting through bowls of buttons trying to decide which ...
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  • Learning Democracy

    February 16, 2023
    CHAIRS COME IN ALL SHAPES AND SIZES     There was an issue to be solved and a solution to present even before word of the problem hit Cheryl’s ears. The Owls, the ...
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