Peach Cookies

Peach Cookies

Featured in the past two holiday cookie exchanges – Now you can make them yourself!

  • 1 cup Canola or Vegetable Oil
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 4 cups Flour
  • 3 tsp Baking Powder
  • 4 Eggs (Room temperature)
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1 pinch Salt
  • 2 cans Solo (Cake and Pie) Raspberry Filling (Or you can use apricot if you prefer)
  • Dry White Vermouth
  • Red Food Coloring
  • More Sugar
  • Mint Leaves or Green Icing (for making leaves on top)
  1. Beat eggs with sugar, vanilla and oil.

  2. Mix dry ingredients together and then add dry ingredients to the egg mixture.

  3. Refrigerate cookie dough for at least 2 hours or over night.

  4. Preheat oven to 325°

  5. Roll balls from the cookie dough. The size should be like a walnut.

  6. Place balls on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes. (I use my seasoned pizza baking stone which works great.) Do not brown.

  7. While balls are warm, scoop out the centers. (I use my metal teaspoon to do my scooping.) You can eat the centers or use them as a crumb topping.

  8. Fill the centers with raspberry filling. (My mom originally used pudding, but they made the cookie too soft. So we switched to the raspberry filling.)

  9. Place two similar sized cookies (flat sides) together to form your "peaches."

  10. Fill a small spray bottle with vermouth and red food coloring. Shake bottle.

  11. Make sure you lay down an old table cloth or plastic to avoid any staining of counters.

  12. Spray each "peach" with the vermouth and let dry a bit on a cookie rack. You want the peach color, but don't overly saturate your cookies.

  13. Roll each peach cookie in a shallow bowl of sugar and place in a tissue paper cup.

  14. If you are serving them right away, you can use mint leaves for the tops.

  15. If you are not serving them right away, you can use piped green frosting for the tops. Or use the mint leaves right before serving.