The Role of the Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is the congregation’s link to determining the leadership team that serves our church. Its members are your representatives in the selection and election process. The Nominating Committee’s work will be guided by the principle of seeking out and bringing forward candidates who reflect the church’s commitment to inclusiveness and diversity. You can help to guide the future of your church and its leaders by bringing to the attention of the Nominating Committee persons who may have qualities needed for these roles.

Members of the Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is composed of six elected members and the immediate Past Chair of the Board of Trustees. The committee works throughout the year to identify engaged, thoughtful and energetic congregation members in good standing for consideration and election at the Annual Meeting as follows: (1) Two members for each of three open positions on the Nominating Committee (total of 6 candidates) (2) One member for each of two open positions on the Board of Trustees (3) One member for the position of Moderator, every two years (4) Members of the Search Committee for a settled minister, as needed.


If you would like to suggest someone for the committee’s consideration, or are interested in one of the positions yourself, email

Contact Us

For more information, please contact any member of the committee. Committee members:  Karla Rinto, Glenn Waring, Judy Vazquez & Joan Matyskella, Eddy Fried, Jack Holdford, and Board Liaison Billy Davidson.