Today’s edition of Justice Saturday features Michael Greenman tells us about Move to Amend. He also shares links to helpful resources.
Our national trajectory towards serious challenges in many areas of society and the global environment is, to a great extent accelerated by large global corporations that have, over the last century and a half, been given many of the same rights as human beings and the ability to spend unlimited amounts on elections by a number of Supreme Court decisions. Move to Amend, and its “sub-group” the Interfaith Caucus are proposing a constitutional amendment that would, when passed and ratified, significantly improve our ability as citizens of this nation – to begin to fix the wrongs that are so widespread.

More resources:
If you would like more information, Michael has a second video (click here to watch) which includes more specifics on the injustices that African Americans suffer as a result of corporate power and money, as well as the environmental impact that endangers us all.
Link to documents listed below (and referenced in videos):
-The 2013 UUA General Assembly Action of Immediate Witness in support of the Move to Amend action
-HJR48 the “28th We the People” Amendment Proposal in Congress with 72 sponsors
-Issues List – Supreme Court decisions that granted personhood rights to corporations, and examples of corporate actions impacting various issues.
-Template letter to send to the UUA by congregations and affiliated organizations requesting they promote and publicize the amendment
More about Michael…
He had a long career in international business and he and his family (wife Donna, son Sean, and daughter Natasha) lived most recently in Brussels, Belgium for 11 years. As a hobby they hosted spiritually-oriented American speakers at workshops around Europe. He retired in 2010 as Executive Director of the Glass Manufacturing Industry Council (GMIC) based in Columbus.