Friday News – November 24, 2023

Happy Friday! I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing holiday! I wanted to let you know that I will be out of the office until December 4th, but I look forward to returning and continuing to reconnect with you all then!

Be sure to register for our upcoming Pathways to Membership class. There is a link to the registration page in the announcement below.

I also wanted to say a belated Happy 91st Birthday to Jane Young! We hope that you had a wonderful birthday Jane!

I wish you all a slow, peaceful, warm and relaxing week. See you all in December!

Rev. Kelli

This Week
“Stone Soup”
Sunday, November 26

Intergenerational Service with Amanda Scott
Join us for a fun, seasonal All Ages service – where our young people will act out the stone soup story, and everyone will enjoy home cooked hot soup together after the service!

Attend in person or online at 10am! Our monthly theme for October is Generosity, and our Share-the-Plate recipients are Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio (NAICCO)

Add to Our Stone Soup!
We will be serving hot, homemade soup after the service this Sunday! You are invited to please drop off any chopped vegetables to go in the soup, along with any other NUT FREE, allergen-labeled potluck items to our volunteers in the kitchen before the service. Thank you!
From the Staff
Upcoming Leave
During the holiday season, some of our Staff members will be on leave to rest, recharge and spend time with their families.

Amanda Hays will be on leave November 20–January 6.
Andi Mocharski will be on leave November 26–December 26.

Office Hours
The Church offices are open from 9am–2pm Monday through Friday.  Minister and Full time staff office hours vary, please contact us to make an appointment as needed.

The Church Offices will be closed for the following:
Thanksgiving Holiday – November 22–24
Christmas Holiday – December 25–29

Music Notes
Here are some upcoming Musical Events happening at our Church:

  • December 8, 7:30pm – Beki Test, Mike Neely, and Al Smyth’s FBnCC. (Donations Accepted)
  • December 16, 4pm – Carpe Diem Concert (Tickets available online)
  • December 17, 10am – Music Sunday (Worship service)
Happy Birthday
A Belated “Happy Birthday to Jane Young, who celebrated her 91st birthday on November 14th!
Classes and Groups

For a complete listing of our groups & contact information, download a copy of our
Fall Engagement Catalogue.

Grief Recovery MethodⓇ Program
All of us have experienced grief throughout our lives, but rarely do we have the proper “tools.”  The Grief Recovery Method of working with grief is an “action program” for unlocking and respecting the emotional experience of our grief. Rev Kathleen Fowler, a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, is offering an 8 week program that is evidence based, beginning on Monday, Nov 27, 1 to 3 pm at First UU. For further information and to register, Please call or email Kathleen Fowlerat 614-264-8364.
Register Now
Atheists-Skeptics-Humanists (ASH)
Monthly Meeting & Program
Tuesday, November 28, 7pm

The First UU Atheists-Skeptics-Humanists will meet for an intriguing program led by Astrophysicist, Marc Pinnsoneault. “Fermi’s Paradox: Where are the aliens?” 
This simple question has deep implications for our understanding of intelligent life in the Universe.  The Universe is far older than the time that it would take an intelligent species to colonize the Galaxy, but we are not part of an intergalactic empire. I’ll discuss the basis for the paradox, what we have learned about planets around other stars, and some potential families of solutions.
Spiritual Practices Class
Spiritual Practices class is offered every
Wednesday at 6:00pm.
This 10–session course helps participants develop regular disciplines or practices of the spirit that help us connect with the sacred. Spiritual Practice offers a forum for learning, sharing, and growth that can enrich our personal faith journeys. Each class session is created to stand alone. Please join in anytime.

Contact Andi Mocharski for more information.

Register Now
Pathways to Membership
Saturday, December 2nd, 9–12:30pm
(light breakfast available at 8:30)

Have questions about what it means to be a member of First UU? Want to learn more about who we are and how you can connect and engage with this community? Join our next Pathways to Membership class. We will explore various paths to involvement at First UU and connect you with groups and other members who share similar interests. There is no obligation to become a member. We invite everyone who has questions or is looking to find points of connection.
Register Now
Upcoming Events
8th Annual Interfaith Prayer Gathering & Potluck
Sunday, December 3 at 3:30pm
The Interfaith Association of Central Ohio (IACO) invites you to attend its 8th Annual Interfaith Prayer Gathering & Potluck here at the First Unitarian Universalist Church.  Doors will open at 3:30 pm, and our service will begin at 4 pm, with the potluck dinner immediately following the service.  This year’s theme is Living our Faith and Spirituality: With Our Heads, Hearts, and Hands.  Please bring a vegetarian dish to share that will serve around 8 people.  Registeronline by November 25, 2023.
Register Now
Senior Gathering
Thursday, December 7, 2023 10:45am
(Please RSVP by December 1)

Our holiday gathering for Senior members of our congregation will be held on Thursday, December 7, 2023. Piano music will start at 10:45am in the Worship Center with a program at 11am, followed by lunch in Beach Hall. Please RSVP by December 1 by sending an email to Marilyn Beerman OR leave a voicemail at 614-282-8440.

Send RSVP Email
Sorrow at This Season Service
Sunday, December 10, 2023, 5pm

Getting through the holiday season may be difficult because of sadness or grief in your life. We invite you to attend the 7th annual Sorrow at This Season service on December 10, 2023 in the Worship Center.

For some of us, the idealized holiday season only reinforces the heartache, loneliness, and isolation we may feel. Please gather as we create a sense of welcome, trust, and understanding in what can be a very painful time of the year.

If you have any questions please contact Rev. Kathleen Fowler, 614-264-8364
Justice & Volunteer Opportunities
Help Combat Food Insecurity
“Home for the Holidays” can be a stressful time for Food Insecure Families – when children can’t receive free breakfast and lunch provided by school programs, the additional meals at home put a strain on parents who are struggling.

JAM works with Feed and Read Ohio to combat Food Insecurity in Franklin County.  Stop by the Food Insecurity Table in Beach Hall after worship to donate Food items, Toiletries, or Gift cards for WalMart, Aldi, and Kroger to be distributed over the holiday season. Laundry Detergent, Deodorant, Shampoo, Canned Meat, Chicken, Tuna, and Chili with beans are all great ideas.

Call Jacques Angelino at 614-439-0245 for more information.
Family Activities
Happening This Sunday 11/26
  • 9:15-9:30am Breakfast for donation (A/B) arrive on time!
  • 9:30-11:30am Infant and Toddler Care (room 101)
  • 9:30-10am Playground available until service
  • Drop off chopped veggies for the soup, in the kitchen!
  • 10-11am All Ages Stone Soup Service
  • Enjoy homemade soup together, after the service!

There are no RE classes due to the holiday weekend. We will be acting out the Stone Soup story together in the service! Drop off chopped vegetables and any NUT FREE potluck items to the kitchen before the service begins, so that we can enjoy hot, homemade soup together after the service!