The board has been busy this week in all areas of our lives. That being said, at this time we don’t have much that is new to share with you. However, we are anticipating two informative emails to be sent to you from Hope for Us about the May 28th service/engagement session and from the Ministerial Search Team with updates.
Save the Date reminders
- May 28 – Hope for Us service & congregation engagement session
- June 11 – Annual Congregational meeting
- The next board meeting is June 7th at 7:00pm in 301 or hybrid on zoom..
- Email
May is giving off Summer Vibes and Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of Summer. Summer allows for a time of reflecting back on the year and growing forward into the new opportunities. The UUA’s Hope for Us Conflict Engagement team, with support of the board and staff, will begin congregational engagement sessions with our First UU Columbus community starting Memorial Day weekend. The sessions will be recorded. A digital repository to house the recorded sessions and resources will be created and made available. The overall focus of the series is “Reflecting Back, Growing Forward, Healing and Accountability.” Learn more about the Hope for Us conflict engagement team.
Below is a brief overview of what you can expect. More specifics will be shared as we have the logistics solidified.
- Sunday May 28th – Save the Date! Hope for Us will speak on that Sunday service. After the service will be the first congregational engagement session
The board has been busy this week in all areas of our lives. That being said, at this time we don’t have much that is new to share with you. However, we are anticipating two informative emails to be sent to you from Hope for Us about the May 28th service/engagement session and from the Ministerial Search Team with updates.
Save the Date reminders
May 28 – Hope for Us service & congregation engagement session
June 11 – Annual Congregational meeting
The next board meeting is June 7th at 7:00pm in 301 or hybrid on zoom..
. This session is the biggest of the series. Some of the specifics are still in flux but we know the session will be a collaborative effort to share and clarify information regarding the timeline of events from this year.
- June Sessions (online through Zoom). Several topics and sessions will be offered. The sessions will be structured through listening circles with pastoral care support, as well as an educational training. Session titles, dates and times are TBA.
- Sunday July 2 – Closing Worship Service, “Looking Back, Looking Forward.” A time to reflect as a community on what we’ve learned and / or how we’re healing.
It is our intention to support the whole community in reflection, growth, healing, and accountability with as many ways as resources will allow, while acknowledging the various levels of emotional complexity regarding this past church year.
The Annual Congregational meeting is on June 11, 2023. More information will be sent later in the month.
Transitional Minister Survey. We are still compiling a summary of your survey responses. You gave us a lot to work through, thank you for participating! In the meantime while we are working, here is a word cloud generated from the results.