Friday News – March 15, 2024

Happy Friday!

I sit at my computer, writing to you with the sound of rain outside of my window. It’s peaceful and comforting, yet it causes some anxiety as I hear the thunder echoing around my neighborhood. I’ve never liked storms. Even after someone told me as a young girl that the thunder is just angels bowling, I’ve still not found comfort in the noise and the shaking of the house.

But with the storms comes the spring – a time of rebirth and the blossoming of possibilities. The trees bloom with multiple shades of pink along my street and I hear dogs barking with joy as they get to run around the yard. These beautiful moments remind me that despite the fear that rises up with each angel’s strike, the turning of the star wheel is a blessing, storms and all.

As we celebrate the beginning of Spring, marked by the Vernal Equinox, I wanted to share with you a blessing, written by Eric Williams.

Blessed is the Sky,
and all that is warm and filled with light.

Blessed is the Air,
and all that is open and free.

Blessed is the Earth,
and all that is steady and firm.

Blessed is the Sea,
and all that is hidden and deep.

From Rev. Kelli McNeal (she/her)
Congregational Life Minister
This Week
“Unconditional Love”
Sunday, March 17
Presented by Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley
Is unconditional love really possible? What would it mean to approach the world in which people are so capable of doing hurtful things with an open heart?
All Soles Dance
Saturday, March 16th
Beginners’ Session 7:30 to 8:00 PM
Dancing 8:00 to 10:30 PM

Come and Wear your Most Festive Green to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!

We will dance to the calling of David Mould (from the Athens area) and the music of Root Cellar String Band (from Northeast Ohio).  Root Cellar String Band consists of Lucy Long (fiddle), Dave Strickler (guitar), Steve O’Regan (banjo), and Will Strickler (bass).  Dave and Will are UUs and you may very well recognize them from Summer Institute.
We welcome new dancers.  All dances will be taught and no partner is needed. Snacks will be available in the kitchen area and contributions to the snack table are welcome.  Please bring your own refillable water bottle.
Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for ages 12-25.
Opportunities with BREAD
(Building Responsibility, Equality and Dignity)
Columbus City Schools (CCS) is hosting a 2 Day intensive training specifically for BREAD leaders & Community Members – including First UU Members! Help restore our community by learning the model from the International Institute for Restorative Practices.

Tuesday May 14 – 15th, 8AM-3:30PM 
Location TBA
Fees are covered by the CCS

There are a limited number of spaces, so Register NOW using the Online registration form.

Other Upcoming BREAD Opportunities:
  • Watch the full The Lincoln School Story documentary
  • TOMORROW, March 16, 10–11:30amFirst UU BREAD Network Organizing meeting
  • Sunday, March 17 10–11:00am Sunday Service Commisioning BREAD Network members
  • Monday, April 15, 7:00pm BREAD Rally, Congregation Tifereth Israel, 1354 E Broad St
  • Tuesday, May 21, 6:40pm  BREAD Nehemiah Action, Celeste Center at the Fairgrounds
Go to the BREAD website and check out the latest BREAD newsletter!  Or Email the BREAD Team for more information.
Register for Restorative Practices Training
Reception for Pastoral Care Volunteer Team

Reception: Sunday, March 17, 11:30am

First Unitarian Universalist Church trains and installs Pastoral Care Team members to work in our congregation. These volunteers receive training in caregiving, listening techniques, grief, maintaining boundaries, confidentiality and more. They support this one-on-one ministry by regularly contacting their assigned member of our congregation who needs TLC.

We would like to honor the hard work of our Pastoral Care team: Betsy Smalley, Barb Fiorini, Barbara Warner, Chris Sullivan, Dana Reynolds, Karla Rinto, Kathleen Fowler, Karen Nekervis, Ben Blee, David Carr, Denise Deschenes, Caroline Mocharski, Michael Greenman, Sylvia Howe, Sharon Hammersley, Pat Snyder, Su Farnlacher, and Nancy McDonald-Kenworthy.

If you are interested in learning more about what pastoral care volunteers do or becoming a volunteer, please reach out to Rev. Terasa Cooley or Rev. Kathleen Fowler.  Consider joining us on Sunday, March 17 for a reception to honor their hard work.

First UU Exhibit and Events
Seeds of Change: The Power of Women’s Voices
Exhibition: March 3 – March 31, 2024
Presentations & Discussion: Sunday, March 17, 11:30am–1pm
  • Dianne Kadonaga
    From Survival Farming to Urban Garden Oasis: Coming Full Circle in the Sunny Glen Garden
  • Marybeth McDonald
    The Comfort Box as a Seed of Change in the  Evolving Landscape of Mental Health Care
  • Paula Penn-Nabrit
    Spiritual and Cultural Connections to Gardens in Black, African American Communities
We invite you to this exhibit & discussion here at First UU, to learn more about these three women and their incredible passion to challenge the status quo in their communities. Free and open to the public.
From the Staff & Board
🐣 Easter Candy Needed! 🐣
We need Nut / Peanut Free Easter Candy donations for our annual Spring Festival! You can drop off labeled bags of candy in the copy room anytime between now and the start of the service on 3/31. The family Egg Hunt will happen during the service, followed by Throwing Color at 11:30am.
Upcoming Governance Meetings
Email our Board or Finance committee to inquire about attending: 
Classes and Groups
Life Skills Workshop Series
This series of workshops led by Rev. Terasa will help us develop tools for healthy communication and best practices for being in a diverse community. You can come to just one or attend all!

March 26 – Polarity Management: We seem to constantly come up against polarities in our polarized world. Polarity Management is a tool to help us look at issues in a more complex and holistic way.

April 30 – Deep Listening: Learning to listen deeply to others is a skill we all need to develop more fully as it does not come naturally to many of us.

May 28 – Powerful Questions: The way we phrase or present an important question can have a huge impact on the kind of conversation we wish to create. The tool of Powerful Questions helps us learn how to identify assumptions that may be getting int he way of asking a question that will bring about creative and open questions

All classes are offered at Noon and 6:30pm – Pick the time that works best for you!  All workshops will be in-person only and there is no need to register.

Upcoming First UU Events
Atheists, Skeptics and Humanists (ASH)
Tuesday, March 26 7pm

Did you know that The 3rd week in March is National Clear Out Your Closet week?  If you need a little help with your closets, Come see our March ASH speaker – Pat Snyder, presenting “What Stories are Hidden in the Stuff You Need to Clear Out?” Consider bringing an item, or a picture of it you need to make a decision on – or just come as you are!  All are welcome!
Around the Corner
Here are *Just a Few* of the additional upcoming Events anyone can enjoy:
  • March 28, 6pm – Expressive Worship
  • March 30, 1pm  Neurodiversity Presentation
  • April 5, 5:30pm – First Friday Spaghetti Dinner
  • Every Tuesday –
  • Every Wednesday at 6pm – Sacred Song Circle
  • Every Saturday at 8:30am & Tuesday at 7pm – Zen Meditation.
    All experience levels welcome,
    Orientation for beginners on 2nd Saturdays and 4th Tuesdays.
Justice & Volunteer Opportunities
We Need Your Mugs!
We have a great problem! The popularity of coffee hour is outpacing our mug supply. Help us affirm and promote our 7th principle, “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part” by bringing in your gently-used but no-longer-needed mugs. Put your donations in the box on the counter in A/B. Thank You!
Image by Ilo from Pixabay
Click Here to Volunteer for Coffee Hour
Community News
     A Tribute to JACO Artist Claire Hagan Bauza
The Jung Association of Central Ohio (JACO) is honoring Claire Bauza, a long-time member of First UU, with a virtual exhibit of 35 works she created from 1957-2010. The exhibit, “A Journey,” can be viewed online from March 5 – October 31.
See Exhibit Now
Community Fellowship Iftar Dinner

You are invited to an evening of Food, Fellowship, and Presentations by the Turkish American Society of Ohio.

Date: Monday, March 25th, 2024
Time: 7:00-9:00 PM
Location: Turkish American Society of Ohio (TASO)
2885 W Granville Rd, Columbus, OH 43235
RSVP by March 18th

In Celebration
A Hearty Helping of “Thanks” to
the Senior Gathering Volunteers
Our sincere thanks go to the many volunteers who provided their time and energy to make the March 14 Senior Gathering a success : Donna Adassa, Marilyn Beerman, John Boyd, Sandy Coen, Deanna Dennis, Paula Egbert, Su Farnlacher, Bill Fiorini, Sam Hadden, Paula Hook, Pat Hoffman, Jack & Katie Holdford, Karen Keenan, Katherine Lawson, Adam & Andi & Noah Mocharski, Frank Phillips, Karla Rinto, Debbie Shaw, Chris Sullivan, Karen Torvik. We extend our appreciation also to those who provided the program – Patricia Boughton, Rev. Terasa Cooley, Dick Dawson, Rev. Kelli McNeal, Karen Thimmes, and Karen Dawson.
Happy Anniversary!

Members Shirley Lange and Kris Elliott celebrate their 44th  Anniversary TODAY, March 15! Congratulations!

Family Activities
Register for Peace Camp!
Happening this Sunday, March 17!
  • 9:15-9:45am Breakfast (A/B) 
  • 9:30-11:30am Infant and Toddler Care (room 101)
  • 9:30-11am 13-14yr OWL (rm 302)
  • 9:40-11am Neighboring Faiths (301)
  • 9:55am-11am 10-11yr OWL (404)
  • 10-11am 6-7yr OWL (402), Worship Service
  • 10:15am-11am (after story until service ends), 3-6yr Spirit Play (102), 7-9yr Spirit Play  (201), and 10yr-MS/HS Tools for the Journey (401)
  • Coffee Hour, snack after service
  • 12:30-2pm Navigators Scouting (201, playground)