We are grateful to Reverend Sunshine Wolfe for speaking last Sunday at the morning service. Their sermon was quite fitting for where we are. Thank you, Rev. Sunshine!
After the service, we hosted our Annual Congregational Meeting. Thank you to the 135+ members who attended in person or on Zoom. Because of you, we surpassed our quorum allowing for business to proceed. Also, thank you to the 173 members who voted through OpaVote.
We are thankful to you for your deep care of our church community as you keep open hearts and keep showing up to do the work. There were great discussions during the meeting, including learning about the GA amendments and taking a straw poll to better direct our delegates on how our congregation feels about certain topics. It was invaluable information and support for our delegates. Thank you, Kristen Hartmann, for thoroughly presenting the amendments, and doing so in an engaging way.
Here are the results from OpaVote:
Ordain Amanda: Yes. 165 to 3, with 1 abstention
Approve Minutes from Mid-Year Meeting: Yes. 158 to 1, with 9 abstentions
Approve Share The Plate recipients: Yes, 160 to 3, with 5 abstentions
Approve Budget: Yes, 149 to 6, with 13 abstentions
These are our new Nominating Committee members:
Judy Vazquez, Nathan Griffith, Glen Waring, and Joan Matyskella (1-year term)
Thank you to ALL of the nominating committee candidates; Nathan Griffith, Linda Loesch, Joan Matyskella, Karla Rinto, Judy Vazquez, and Glenn Waring. We appreciate your answering the call and agreeing to put yourself out there as potential lay leaders.
Thank you for your overwhelming support of our incoming Board members and Moderator. The new Board members are Su Farnlacher, Sarah Mayabb, and Chris Sullivan. The incoming Moderator is Lisa Brandt.
Please congratulate your new Board members, Moderator, and Nominating Committee members who will begin their terms on July 1, with the beginning of the new church year.
During the meeting, there was a request from the Board to reassess the start time for Fall worship services. The start time of the worship service is not something that the board sets, but we are willing to discuss it more with staff to gather additional input. Please keep in mind that this reconsideration may, or may not, result in a different decision.
Let us know, by email, your thoughts about what you liked/appreciated most about the Annual Meeting. We also welcome suggestions for improvement. Email board@firstuucolumbus.org
Your First UU Board of Trustees,
Jan Phillips, Billy Davidson, Julie Pinsonneault, Shelly Casto, Jim Conlan, and Cindy Whicker