Friday News – January 31, 2025

One of the great privileges of my ministry has been to serve at the UUA, our denominational headquarters, in a variety of positions. In that capacity I had the opportunity to work with some of our most talented religious leaders.

One of those is the Rev. Mary Katherine Morn, President of the UUSC, who will be speaking with us this Sunday. I don’t think I have ever worked with someone who has more integrity and focus on social change than Mary Katherine. In her quiet way, she has had huge impact on our institutions, and therefore has helped Unitarian Universalism have huge impact on our wider world.

I’m sure you will be fascinated to hear the current projects of the UUSC, and I hope you join us this Sunday, for both the service and the conversation after.

Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley

Developmental Minister

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

Powered by UU values and grassroots collaboration, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights and social justice in the United States and around the world. For more information, please visit

Upcoming Events

This Sunday, February 2

9:15am Nouurish Service


Wally and Freya

by Lindsey Pointer

Presented by members of the Alternative Worship Team with members of our First UU Community.

Hot breakfast is served at 10am,

Coffee, Tea & good conversation

available after both services

11am Service:

“Another Possible World: Hope from the Grassroots & UUSC”

After 30 years in faith-based leadership, the Rev. Mary Katherine Morn joined UUSC as President and Lead Executive Officer in 2018. She has helped to grow a number of Unitarian Universalist congregations serving their members and the larger community, including congregations in Georgia, Tennessee, Washington, D.C., and Virginia.

Presented by Rev. Mary Katherine Morn, UUSC President &

Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley

First Friday Spaghetti Dinner

and Wizard Night!

Friday, February 7 at 6:30pm

Join us at 6:30pm to enjoy dinner prepared by our very own Board of Trustees – featuring authentic family recipe Italian Sauce passed from Rita Guistino Wise to her loving son-in-law, Jim Svagerko!

We’ll have salad, pasta, sauces, garlic bread and dessert. Vegan/gluten free/dairy free options available. Dinner is served at 6:30 and chatting/games/movies often go till 8:30-9. All ages are welcome!

After dinner, Wizard Night activities will abound – wear your robes, bring your wands if you have them, and get ready to make potions, practice your flourishes, and make the magic of community! Organized by Patricia Boughton.

Your first dinner is free! If it’s not your first time, we request a $3 donation to help fund the food.

Pathways to Membership

Saturday, February 8 9am–1pm

(Light breakfast at 8:30)

Do you have questions about what it means to be a member of First UU? Do you want to learn more about who we are and how you can connect and engage with this community? Join us for our next Pathways to Membership class.

We will explore various paths to involvement at First UU and connect you with groups and other members who share similar interests. There is no obligation to become a member. We invite everyone who has questions or is looking to find points of connection.

Register Now

Be the Spark – First UU Auction

Online Auction starts February 15

Live Auction: Saturday, March 1, 6–9pm

Raise funds for First UU while igniting friendships with other UUs!

Hello fabulous First UU’ers! We have some very important deadlines Just around the corner!

  • We need your donations no later than Thursday, Feb. 13.
  • Purchase your tickets by Sunday, February 16. This year’s auction features a catered dinner, and tickets are $30, or $20 for new members.

Visit the 2025 Auction Website in order to donate or purchase your tickets online. Visit us in Beach Hall on Sunday, or email us for assistance – we will be glad to help!

P.S. You can check out our FAQ, and please sign up to volunteer and help make this event a raging success!

P. P. S: Come Join us tomorrow at 1pm in A/B to craft decorations together! No RSVP Needed!

From First UU Leadership

Parking Help Please!

We have been having a “good problem” – our parking lot has been full on Sundays, and we need your help!

Did you know that we have an “East Entrance” to First UU Church? If you are able, please consider using our High Street Lot to leave more space in the Weisheimer lot for new visitors.

The East parking lot entrance is between Olive & Lime and Chipotle restaurants. The East Door is open for entry until our 11:00 Sunday Service begins. After that, you can use the sidewalk to the south of the building to reach the main entrance.

Thank you!

Expanded Office Hours

Our main office has new and expanded hours! Here’s when you can drop by to say hello to Becca and other staff, peruse the art and banned book library out in the gallery, or pick up any items you may have left behind on Sunday.

Additional building access is available by request. Call our office at 614-267-4946 or email us to set up a time. Individual office hours vary widely, so it’s best to schedule an appointment to meet with a specific staff member.

Ohio Roller Derby’s First 2025 Home Game is Next Week!

From DRE, Amber Scott. Tickets are available now for our 20th anniversary season! I am playing in both the 5pm A-game and the 7pm B-game on 2/8 and 3/8 (and will be in B or both on 3/29), at the Ohio Expo Center. More info TBA, for three additional home games at Heatwave Arena, Plain City, happening in June, August, and September. Image by Chis Baker, 2024.

NomCom’s “InSight” of the Week

“Leadership is a mirror in which the people see their collective reflection.”

–Doris Kearns Goodwin

We are looking for members to join our Nominating Committee. In this two-year role, you’ll help find and prepare leaders for church positions, celebrate their service, and welcome new committee members. The time commitment includes monthly meetings and extra meetings in the spring, plus time for emails and other tasks. If you’re a member in good standing who enjoys teamwork and making a difference, we’d love to have you!

Please email your recommendations to Nominating Committee!

Justice & Volunteering

Share about Our Rights

All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution! If you, your loved one, or anyone you know is concerned about a potential encounter with Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE), you can spread some basic information about these rights.

The Immigrant Legal Resource Center has Red Cards in many languages with a short guide to help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations, such as when ICE agents go to a home. You can also watch videos from the We Have Rights national immigrant defense campaign, available in multiple languages.

Check these resources online or pick up some cards and handouts at the JAM table in Beach Hall on Sunday.

Volunteer Opportunities Abound!

Here are just a few ways to get involved at First UU:

  • Support Pastoral and Caring Team activities, reach out using the Volunteer Interest form on our Caring Ministries site.
  • Let us know if you’d like to Assemble Orders of Worship, class materials, and Visitor folders using the Office Help Signup.
  • Help set up and staff Coffee Hour on Sundays.
  • We are especially in need of scout troop & Youth Group volunteers! Email Amber, or fill out this interest form to support programs for children and youth!

Community News & Events

School for Young Children (SYC)

Accepting 2025–26 Applications

SYC’s 2025-26 school year application and scholarship application are available online. Submit applications by noon on 2/14/25 for best possible placement and tuition assistance. Children must be at least 2 by 9/30/25 in order to attend. Children of church members do receive priority.

If your family is new to SYC, please call the SYC office at 614-267-0254 to set up a day and time for a tour.

First UU works with many community organizations throughout the year – Indivisible Central Ohio will be hosting their Kickoff Meeting here at First UU and they would like to invite you to join them:

Indivisible Central Ohio

2025 Kickoff Meeting

Saturday, February 8, 1–2:30pm

Attendance Registration Form

Are you ready to take action? Join Indivisible Central Ohio for our 2025 kickoff meeting. We’re ready to orient and engage new members, as well as refresh and re-energize those who have been with us from the beginning. All are welcome!

With the new administration back in office, there is much work to be done, at the local, state, and federal levels. Join fellow activists to learn how we can keep working for the world we want to see and pushing back against the cruelty and chaos.

Note for parents: Childcare will be available at the meeting. Please use this form so we can be sure to have enough caregivers! In addition, we will have a kid/family-friendly activity during the tabling portion on the event.

Classes & Groups

Learn more about groups in our current

Engagement Catalog and reach out to group leaders to join!

Caregivers of Young Children

Meeting Update

The times for this meeting have recently changed – Caregivers of Young Children will now be meeting over Breakfast! Join them on Sunday Mornings at 10am. For more information about this group, Contact Heather Stone or Join the group’s Discord Server to get the latest.

Trans Youth & Allies Groups

There will be no meeting of the trans youth and allies groups this Sunday, Feburary 2. The groups are expected to resume in March. Please reach out if you need support during these times.

Family Activities

This Sunday, February 2nd

9:15am-10am Nouurish Service (sanctuary)

10-10:30am Breakfast, and Coffee until 11am (A/B, Beach Hall)

Caregivers of Young Children eat together (Beach, near the piano)

10:30am-12:30pm Infant and Toddler Care (room 101)

10:30am-12:15pm 13-14yr OWL (302)

11am-12:15pm Coming of Age (401)

11am-12:15pm Building Your World MS/HS (301)

11am-12noon Worship Service (sanctuary)

11:15am-12:15pm (starts after story) 3-6yr Spirit Play (102)

11:15am-12:15pm (starts after story) 7-10yr Spirit Play (201)

12noon-1pm Snack and Coffee (Beach Hall, A/B)

12:30-1:00pm Peace Pals choir, 5-12yrs (sanctuary)

1:00-2:30pm Navigators Scouting meeting, 5-18yrs (201/playground)

Help Needed: seeking scout troop & Youth Group volunteers! Email Amber, or fill out this interest form! Families: please register here.