Our sincere thanks go to the many volunteers who provided their time and energy to make the Senior Gathering a success: Donna Adassa, Marilyn Beerman, John Boyd, Eve Catus, Sandy Coen, Su Farnlacher, Bill Fiorini, Myra Hartman, Jack Holdford, Paula Hook, Florence Jain, Karen Keenan, David Krohn, Katherine Lawson,  Frank Phillips, Dave Richter, Karla Rinto, Andrea Smith, Chris Sullivan, Karen Torvik. We extend our appreciation also to those who provided the program – Sylvia Howe, Amber Scott, Dick Dawson, Brian Hagemann, Becca Morse, Myra Hartmann, and Georgia Glunt.
Save the dates! The next Senior Gatherings will be Thursday, March 14, 2024 and Thursday, May 9, 2024.