April has flown by. Before another week goes by we want to thank you all for the amazing things happening here at 1st UU Columbus. Last Sunday we experienced Spirit Play RE programing during the service (Thank you Jenifer Bojanowski and Cara Seidt!) and celebrated our Bridging High School Graduates, including one of our board youth representatives, Quill Seilhan. It was a lovely service and we are excited to see where our now young adults will grow next.
We want to give another huge thank you to the Rummage Sale team and the many volunteers who pitched in to help in a myriad of ways. Your dedication and excitement was infectious and it resulted in a very successful event in March.
We invite you to join us in generosity by increasing your pledge by at least 13% if you are able. Our Congregation is thriving and our pledge dollars enable us to fund our program offerings as we continue to rebuild from the pandemic. Our pledges also inform budget decisions as we look ahead to next fiscal year, so please return your pledge forms and give generously as you are able!
Are you planning on attending the General Assembly in Pittsburgh on June 21-24? More information can be found on the UUA’s website for GA. Whether you are attending online or in person, please let us know! Drop us a note at the board@firstuucolumbus.org address and indicate if you’re willing to be a delegate for our Congregation.
Thank you to all of YOU, our 1st UU church members and friends, for showing up week after week in all the many ways that you all do to make this amazing community. We are glad you are here in all the many facets; all parts of the whole are greatly appreciated.
Your Board of Trustees,
Jan Phillips, Billy Davidson, Shelly Casto, Jim Conlan, Julie Pinsonneault, and Cindy Whicker
Next Board meeting: Wednesday, May 3rd, at 7pm.
Contact: board@firstuucolumbus.org |