Happy Friday!
As always, we are incredibly busy here at First UU. And with that busyness comes a looooooong Friday News. We’ve heard from several of you that the length of this email makes it hard to read so we’re trying to make changes to make this more accessible for you. I also have a lot to share with you, so my apologies for the length of this opening!
If you scroll to the purple box titled “Announcements at a Glance,” you can click on a heading to jump to that section. We’ve also put summary boxes in the sections for those of you who just want an overview of what is going on. You can click on the word “summary” in the purple box to go to that in each of the titled sections. We’re hoping that this makes this email more readable for all.
We’re also nearing the end of our church year and a shift to our lay-led summer services! Historically, First UU has shifted our services to 10:00am in the summer. This was because we had two services during the church year, and only one in the summer. However, we now only have one service at 11:00 throughout the year. We have received feedback requesting both that we shift to 10:00 for the summer and that we stay at 11:00. So, we are asking for your help!
If you could take 2 minutes and answer this poll, that will help us determine what our community wants. (For the purpose of this poll, we are considering summer to be July and August, although the exact dates aren’t finalized yet.) We’ll keep this poll open through April 21st. Thank you!
You should have received your stewardship packet in the mail by now. If you haven’t received it after tomorrow, please let me know!
Don’t forget to attend the watch party for Meg McGuire’s Ordination! We will be live streaming it in the sanctuary on Sunday at 5:00pm.
We’ve had some questions about deadlines for the various materials that we put together.
- Deadline to get something in to this email is 8:00pm Wednesday. It needs to be submitted to announcements@firstuucolumbus.org.
- Deadline to get something in the Sunday service is Thursday morning at 11:00am.
A safety note from Amber Scott, DRE: Reminder to all to please check and lock the doors when leaving the building, and to consider locking them once all members of your group have arrived, if the door will not be monitored. First UU has recently had a few uninvited guests, including someone who slept in the building overnight, and a scary situation where a strangely behaving individual entered classrooms during school hours. Please help us keep each other and both SYC and Red Oak safe by checking and locking doors, and please tell a member of staff if you notice anything fishy!
Also be on the lookout for email scams. Bad actors take the email addresses, names, and photos of staff and laypeople from our website and start conversations where they may ask you to buy gift cards or otherwise share financial information. Never respond to requests of this nature without checking directly with the person the sender claims to be.
As I said, this is a lengthy email and I really appreciate your taking the time to read through this rather lengthy introduction. It’s a blessing to have so much going on that it results in emails of this length. I wish you all a healthy and relaxing weekend, and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday for our Flower Communion!
Blessings friends,
Rev. Kelli McNeal
Minister of Congregational Life
*Please email us with any announcements you would like in Friday News by 8 pm Wednesday, and put “Friday News” in the subject line – so that we can be sure to not miss your email! Let us know if you have any questions
*Worship materials and changes that affect the slides and order of service are due to Andi no later than 11am each Thursday. While the script and sermon can be tweaked through Saturday, we need most things in advance, in order to create the slide deck and set the camera shots for streaming, as well as for Marian Garcia to print the orders of service on Friday morning. Thank you! |