Friday News 7-2-21

Friday’s News & Updates!

July 2, 2021

Happy July!

July 1st marks the official start of our new church year! That means that your staff is deep in the planning of what this next year will look like, and we cannot wait to see you all again in September. Stay tuned for more information about the exciting opportunities we will have on Sunday mornings and throughout the week.

The start of the new church year also means that your new pledges will be taking effect this month. If you have not completed your pledge payments for July 2020-June 2021, please do so as soon as possible so we can start closing our books. If you aren’t sure if you have completed your pledge or not, please email me or Joe and we’ll be happy to let you know.

And finally, don’t forget, if you would like an announcement in the Friday News, please email me no later than Wednesday at 8:00 pm with FRIDAY NEWS in the subject line.

Virtual hugs,

Kelli McNeal
Director of Congregational Life

Announcements at a Glance

(Click the heading to go to that group of announcements for more details)
  • Sunday Service – 7/4
  • Sunday School Volunteers Needed!
  • Next 3-12yr Class – 7/11
  • Open Playground Time – weekly
  • Youth Group Kayak Trip – 7/18
  • Reopening Survey – Complete by 7/6
  • Engagement Catalog Request – Due by 8/15
  • Grief Recovery Support Group – 7/8
  • First UU Community Quilt Project Workshop – 7/10
  • Check out the new Justice Update!


Sunday Service – What I Know of Country
Join us Sunday 7/4 for the beginning of our summer series, where we will be virtually visiting congregations across the midwest. This Sunday, we will visit the Unitarian Church of Lincoln. Their minister, Rev. Oscar Sinclair uses the poet Richard Blanco’s idea of country to show how in faith and in civic life, we have been confronted with the chasm between our highest aspirations and our lived history. As we move forward into this next season, how can we hold the tension between aspiration, history, and the present moment?


Sunday School Volunteers Needed!
Please fill out this form if you are interested in helping with classes for children and youth, starting in the fall! Thank you!

Next 3-12yr Class Online!
Summer RE for 3-12 years Next class: 11:10am* on July 11th (*starting 5 min after the service ends). Join Jen second and fourth Sundays on Zoom!
Open Playground Time
1-3pm Every Sunday (weather permitting) Sign Up Here! (For contact tracing purposes, or to volunteer to help).
Youth Group Field Trip!
River Day Kayak Trip! for youth age 12-19 years, happening Sunday, July 18th! More info TBA. Email Amber to RSVP (so that we can reserve our boats!
More Summer Events!
Our next all church ice cream social is at 2pm on Sunday, July 18th. More Summer Event Info TBA! Email Amber with questions, or to volunteer! Thank you! 

RE Class Schedule 2020-2021 / Church Google Calendar 


Reopening Survey
This morning, you should have received a link to a voluntary reopening implementation team survey. You can find the survey with more information here. Please complete by July 6th. 
Engagement Catalog Request
In preparation for returning to the church building in September, we are working on compiling a catalog of all groups and classes that are available for our community to participate in. If you would like your group or class to be included in the catalog, please email Kelli with the following information:

  1. Name of Group/Class
  2. Brief Description
  3. Who and how to contact for more information
  4. When you meet, if known (including if you will meet in person, online, or both)

To be included in the catalog, Kelli must receive your information by August 15th.  

Grief Recovery Support Group
People say you have to let go and move on in your life, but they don’t tell you what you need to do to accomplish that. The Grief Recovery Method Outreach Program not only makes that possible, but provides partnerships and guidance to ensure that it happens. Join us for this important 8-week program, beginning Thursday July 8th at the church.

You must register before attending. Please view this flyer for more information.
First UU Community Quilt Project!
We are inviting everyone to decorate their squares (which you can find in a box outside the front doors of the church, or in your June Soul Matters packet mailing) with an image of a chalice and a reflection of the past year, what you love/miss about First UU, or what you wish for the future. You can use any medium to decorate your square. Please leave a 1/2 inch border because we will be sewing all of the squares together to make a First UU Community Quilt!  Please either return your square to First UU or to Deb Baillieul by AUGUST 1. Our goal is to have 500 squares!

You can join Deb on July 10th from 10:00-Noon (or July 17th if it rains on the 10th) to participate in an outdoor art workshop. If you have any questions, please email Deb. Please register here so that we know how many volunteers will be needed to help!

And a HUGE THANK YOU to Deb Baillieul for taking the lead on this project! We look forward to seeing the quilt all put together on Sunday September 12th at our first in-person service!


Justice Update
Check out our latest Justice Update to learn more about how First UU is combating food insecurity, hear some uplifting gratitude, and learn how you can defend our First Amendment rights!