Outdoor RE Update!
Hello First UU Families! This last Sunday was a lovely day to be together! During our gathering time we shared our “joys and sorrows.” And we read The Happy Day by Ruth Krauss. In this story the snails, field mice, squirrels, groundhogs, and bears start to sniff, then to run, and then to dance as they gather to see the first flower bloom. And then we engaged in closing our eyes and really listening to the sounds around us. Here is a list of things we were hearing around us: birds, people, robins, cars, chickadees, barn owl, fence clanging, electronic sound waves (like a soft buzzing), woodpecker, blue jay, and a sparrow.
After we shared space together the kids were ready to resume play in the sandbox and on the playground. They particularly enjoyed playing in the sand and digging a big hole in which they had a road and a bridge. Our best and most important work of the day was having time to reconnect and play. Although we can’t promise such perfect weather each week- we have found that we can gather and play outside together in many different types of weather. And, that time together is very precious! We hope to see you this Sunday! -Jen B.
Families with young to elementary aged children are invited to join Jen Bojanowski for Outdoor Religious Exploration during the service! We will read stories, play games, and do activities together. Start outdoors at 10, or begin in the service and join after the story.
Youth Group Update!
This Sunday’s meeting will be full of planning and fun! It was decided that the youth-led service on June 6th will be a theatrical musical featuring fractured fairytales highlighting our seven principles. There are diverse opportunities for youth to contribute – whether by performing or working behind the scenes!
Middle and high schoolers are invited to join us for a late nighter on Friday, 3/25, from 9-11pm after Fourth Friday Family Fun Night! Your entire family is welcome to gather in Beach Hall from 5-9pm for fun and games followed by a movie. Afterwards the Youth Group will gather for a life-sized game of CLUE, and treats with Mrs. Plum in the kitchen with the chalice.