Happy Friday!
Sorry for the late arrival to your inboxes! You can find lots of good information about upcoming events and classes below, so be sure to scroll all the way through. I hope you’re getting to enjoy this beautifully sunny morning!
Please let me know of any announcements you would like in Friday News by 8 pm Wednesdays and put “Friday News” in the subject line so I can be sure to not miss your email.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Virtual hugs,
Kelli McNeal
Director of Congregational Life
kelli@firstuucolumbus.org |
Announcements at a Glance
(Click the title to go to that group of announcements for more details)
Sunday Service – As the Beavers Foretold
Join us Sunday 10/10 at 10:00 am, for our Sunday service “As the Beavers Foretold.” We will be honoring Indigenous People’s Day by acknowledging our complicated history and relationships with native peoples. It all began with the beavers… |
Sunday Service – Ways to Watch!
1.) Help us experiment and be the first to watch our Sunday services via our new live-stream! The full service will be live streamed on our First UU Youtube channel. Visit firstuucolumbus.org/sunday for the link, or search First UU Columbus on Youtube.
2.) Join us In-Person! We will be having live, in-person services for the first time since March 2020! Please be aware that seating will be very limited due to pandemic restrictions and very high local caseloads. We will have seating in the sanctuary and Beach Hall. RE will be outside. Masks are required in the building.
3.) Can’t watch the service live? You can catch it and all of our services through our website. |
October Soul Matters Packets Are Here!
The October Soul Matters Packets are ready for your viewing pleasure! This month, our theme is Cultivating Relationships. We will not be mass mailing the packets this year, but you can find them in digital version in Friday News, printed copies at the Church, or you can request a mailed copy from Marian Garcia.
You can find the digital versions here: General Packet (for all ages); Soulful Home (UU activities to do as a family). |
Outdoor Family RE This Week! (Sunday School)
Don’t forget to sign-in when you attend RE or other church events, for contact tracing purposes! Use the clipboard, or scan one of the QR codes around the church building to access the online form!
See you on the SYC playground from 10-11am this Sunday! Children are invited to attend with a parent or other adult caregiver. Masks are required!
Special thanks to Cara Seidt and Niki Ducy for leading class last Sunday, on Jen and Amber’s day off! After lighting the chalice and sharing our joys/sorrows, we read Rou and the Great Race by Pam Fong. We discussed looking for and embracing hidden possibilities even during tough times, like how Rou found seeds among the pieces of trampled flower & shared the flowers grown from the seeds with her Grandma & their community.
After that, Barnaby led a colorful flower craft related to the book using coffee filters, pipe cleaners, and watercolors. When the group finished the craft, the children played a lively game of freeze tag. A lot of families came despite the rain and we had a great time. It was a good morning, and we looking forward to seeing you again soon! – Jenifer, Amber, and Christine |
Youth Events! (Middle and High Schoolers)
Next Youth Group Meeting! 11am-1pm this Sunday, 10/10
- Red Oak Natural Play Area, outside First UU
- Wear bug spray, and feel free to pack your lunch! See you there!!
Next Special Event: Fall Fun Corn Maze! – Friday evening, 10/22. RSVP and carpooling info coming soon!
Fun events for Youth are happening all year long! Mostly outdoors – for middle and high schoolers, age 12-19years. Masks are required! Add our Google Calendar or ask to join the Youth Group email list!
Interfaith Association of Central Ohio
(Two Announcements)
Join the Interfaith Association of Central Ohio (IACO) either virtually or in person to learn and experience Pragmatic Buddhism. Attendees will be introduced to the faith and its practice. There will be an opportunity to ask questions.
In-person registration by noon on Friday October 29 via email: office@iaco.org
Online registration via Zoom: https://bit.ly/IACOVisit |
First UU holds seats on the IACO Council and we are currently in need of 2 volunteers to fill 2 vacant seats. For more information about what it means to sit on the Council, please email our Board President Don Jones or current IACO President, also a First UU member, Karen Dawson. |
First UU, OSU, and City of Columbus Research Project
Wondering what the white lock boxes are that have appeared near the rain garden?
First UU is participating in a research project with Ohio State and the City of Columbus!
The two solar powered white devices on each side of the Rain Garden on Weisheimer are part of a monitoring system installed by a research project with OSU (Department of Food, Agriculture, and Biological Engineering) and the City of Columbus to understand better how rain gardens such as ours function to mitigate runoff issues. Ideally, this garden will substantially reduce/treat stormwater coming from High Street and down Weisheimer that otherwise would flow into the Olentangy River at the bottom of the road.
If you would like more information, please email Brian. |
Are you seeking a way to deepen your learning and engagement with the congregation? Beyond Inquirers is a five session series on the Faith Forward Path focused on the congregation and you – offering a deeper understanding of how the congregation works and how you can be part of it. The sessions do not have to be done in order, so come when you are able. This class is open to anyone! This Monday, we are meeting online at 7:00pm. Sessions include:
- October 11th: How do we live our lives?
- October 18th: Does it matter if I join?
Learn more about the Faith Forward Adult Religious Education curriculum, and register for Beyond Inquirers to receive the Zoom information on our website.
BREAD 2021-22 House Meeting Listening Sessions
BREAD (Building Responsibility, Equality, and Dignity—40+ interfaith congregation founded by First UU and 10 others) builds the power of the people to solve community problems. In meetings with thousands of community residents, the organization presses targeted decision-makers to implement solutions to those problems.
Every year, BREAD conducts a listening process to surface one new community problem that is added to the organization’s agenda. Dozens of leaders are trained to research that problem and identify proven solutions. Along with identifying solutions, the research committee identifies the appropriate decision-maker(s) in the community with the authority to implement that solution. At the annual Nehemiah Action Meeting, BREAD congregations bring out thousands of people to press those decision-makers for specific commitments. Throughout the year, BREAD leaders follow up with those officials to ensure that the solutions are implemented.
Listening Sessions occur in all the BREAD congregations to learn what their people’s major concerns are. A democratic process to select a new problem for BREAD to address follows the Listening Sessions.
This year one of the questions will be, “How has the environment impacted you and/or those you know, e.g., air quality, mold, flooding, etc. Contact the First UU BREAD Team facilitator of the Listening Session you want to attend to get to know others in the church better, to increase First UU’s voice in the process, and to learn about opportunities for involvement.
Sun. Oct. 10, 11:30 am – Alice Rathburn (Church – Room 301)
Tues. Oct. 19, 7:00 pm – Alice Rathburn (Zoom) |

Join us Saturday, October 16th from 1-4pm on Zoom for a screening of the films “Why White?” and “I Am White Like You Mom, Right?”
This event is sponsored by the Sacred Conversations Group, a collaboration of the Episcopal churches of St. Philip, St. Matthew, Saint Mark’s, St. John’s Worthington, and First UU. For more information, please see the attached flyer, or email Kathleen Fowler to get tickets.
(Please note: this is now ONLINE ONLY and FREE!) |