Thanks to all for their participation. We had a successful meeting; Board and Nominating Committee elections and budget passed for next church year. [meeting notes coming soon]
The First UU Board of Trustees invites all members and friends to attend our annual business meeting at 11:00 on Sunday, June 6. As the annual congregational meeting will be online this year, so will the election.
There are four open positions on the Nominating Committee. Under our Constitution, we need a competitive slate of 2 members for each open position, which is a total of 8 candidates. After contacting many First UU members, the Nominating Committee has only been able to identify 7 candidates. Since we don’t have a full slate, the board will propose a congregational vote to suspend the constitutional requirement for a competitive slate for this year only.
We are grateful to everyone who nominated themselves or others to be considered, to all who took our calls and emails, to those who took the time to meet with us, and especially to the people who agreed to run for election. Please click here for the Final 2021 candidates biographies and photos of the individuals who are on this year’s slate.
On the electronic ballot, you will vote on the following:
- To suspend the constitutional requirement for a competitive slate (one year only)
- Elect candidates to the Nominating Committee and the Board of Trustees
- Approve the Share the Plate recipients as recommended by the Justice Action Ministry group (JAM) and suggest recipients for future years
In addition to the items on the ballot, we will conduct the following business during the meeting:
- Vote on next year’s budget (if you’d like the detailed version, please email to receive a copy)
- Approve the mid-year meeting minutes
- Take straw polls on UUA’s business agenda items to provide our delegates with guidance (if available)
- Propose a compensation covenant committing to bringing our staff salaries in line with the Unitarian Universalist Association’s salary recommendations, which take into account cost of living, congregation size, and each staff member’s experience and training.
You will receive your electronic ballot by email on 5/30. If you have any questions about the agenda items, please contact us; our email address is
One final reminder: When you join the Zoom meeting on June 6th, please remember to rename yourself if more than one voting member is in attendance. This helps with our quorum counting. Thank you for participating in the business of the congregation, and we look forward to seeing you on June 6th at 11:00!