UU Church in Florida makes national news!
Hosts Storybook Prom for LGBTQIA+ teens after backlash
Conservative bloggers created a stir that made the local library cancel a prom for LGBTQIA+ youth. So, the local UU church stepped up and folks noticed. And, the kids had a great time. Outreaching with our values not only had real impact for kids and families, it also lifted our UU values as moral beacon for all to see. Respecting the worth and dignity of others IS a real alternative. I would argue it is even ground zero from which others deviate. Hooray to the Buckman Ridge UUs for being LOUD and PROUD for teens and for our values.
Read the Washington Post article here.
Your chance to sing!
Summer Choir
Everyone who would like to sing may show up at 9am, learn a song and a closing, and then sing it at the 10am service, directly afterward. It is great fun, and it is a chance for people who may not be choir members to sing on a Sunday morning.
July 7: Michaela Jones will direct
July 21: Michaela Jones will direct
August 11: Brandon Moss will direct |