Happy July!
July 1st marks the official start of our new church year! That means that your staff is deep in the planning of what this next year will look like, and we cannot wait to see you all again in September. Stay tuned for more information about the exciting opportunities we will have on Sunday mornings and throughout the week.
The start of the new church year also means that your new pledges will be taking effect this month. If you have not completed your pledge payments for July 2020-June 2021, please do so as soon as possible so we can start closing our books. If you aren’t sure if you have completed your pledge or not, please email me or Joe and we’ll be happy to let you know.
And finally, don’t forget, if you would like an announcement in the Friday News, please email me no later than Wednesday at 8:00 pm with FRIDAY NEWS in the subject line.
Virtual hugs,
Kelli McNeal
Director of Congregational Life
kelli@firstuucolumbus.org |