Friday News – August 23, 2024

Happy Friday!

From the beginning of my time as Developmental Minister, we have been talking about this time as an opportunity to experiment in a multitude of ways. One experiment we are now embarking upon reshuffles some roles on the staff team. Joe Voltolini, our wonderful bookkeeper, will be retiring this fall. We are grateful to Joe for his many faithful years of service – more years than he even wanted to count!

In the wake of Joe’s departure, we are going to try distributing our programming tasks in a different way. Many of you may not know that Rev. Kelli is a trained bookkeeper! It is a role she left behind when she entered the ministry, but which she is still eminently qualified for. She will be taking on the major bookkeeping tasks for us, maintaining her role of overseeing stewardship, membership activities, and leading and participating in worship. Brian Hagemann, Director of Administration, will take on some bookkeeping tasks to ensure that we have appropriate checks and balances. Amber Scott, our Director of Religious Exploration, will be assuming the Adult Programs portfolio, which would make her position “Life-Span” which is how many RE Directors now work.

We have high hopes that this redistribution of tasks will allow us to accomplish our work and also help address our budget shortfall. We will evaluate the results of this experiment in December, even as we re-examine compensation for some of the roles in our staff. Rest assured we are working on a plan for addressing our budget shortfall.

Please feel free to contact myself, Rev. Kelli, Brian or Amber about any questions you may have.

We appreciate your support in these challenging times!

Rev. Terasa

Developmental Minister

Upcoming Events

This Sunday – Women & the Bible

Service at 10am

Presented by Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley, Developmental Minister

Much of the current conservative attitudes about women are derived from religious thought, particularly old Christian thought. Let’s take a deep dive into that history and current manifestations.

A continental breakfast will be served starting at 9:15am. Coffee and tea remain available after the service.

Tonight! Final Summer Movie FUUN Night

Friday, August 23

7pm: Pajama Pre-Show: The Transformers (cartoon)

8:15pm: Ocean’s 8

Ocean’s 8 is a stylish heist film where an all-female crew, led by Debbie Ocean (Sandra Bullock), plans and executes a daring jewelry robbery at the Met Gala!

Wear your comfiest pajamas and get ready for a night of fun and entertainment!

Enjoy delicious concessions at family-friendly prices.

$2 per candy, popcorn, or drink

Suggested $5 entry donation

Rummage Sale Donation Drop-Off

Saturday, August 24 10am–3pm

We are currently accepting donations for our 2025 Rummage Sale! There will be volunteers on hand to help you unload your vehicle on Saturday, come any time. Or if Saturday isn’t good for you, email Myra Hartmann to set up a time to drop off your gently loved furniture or household items at Life Storage, 4735 Evanswood Dr 43229,

Calling all volunteers! If you are available to join our Rummage Sale team, or just donate some time once in a while, please email Myra.

Image by Becca Morse

Expressive Worship

Tuesday, August 27, 6:30pm in Beach Hall

This lay led service is centered around individual artistic practice: we sing songs, listen to readings and work on art inspired by monthly themes, with optional sharing time at the end of worship. August’s theme is Stamina. All ages and abilities are enthusiastically welcomed.

Contact Christine with questions.

Atheists Skeptics and Humanists (A-S-H) Meeting Program

Tuesday, August 27, 7:00pm

April’s A-S-H program will start with a brief presentation on the elements of “Project 2025”, followed by an open discussion of what it is, who wrote it, and what it would mean for our country if its many elements ever became official policy. No one is expected to pay for and download the full 900+ page document, but there are a lot of synopses and commentaries out there; feel free to bring other reviews to share.

Sing with Us at First UU!

August is here, and that means our First UU Choirs will be starting up again soon! The beginning of the church year is a great time to join a choir for the first time and for members on a break to return! All who love to sing are welcome, regardless of age, musical background, or music-reading ability.

Spirit of Life Choir will resume rehearsals on Tuesday, August 27, 6:30–8:00pm in the Worship Center. Please contact SOL’s director Michaela Brown with questions.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
Chalice Choir will resume rehearsals on Thursday, August 29, 7:30–9:30pm in the Worship Center. Please contact Chalice Choir’s director Brandon Moss with questions.

Sacred Song Circle is Every Wednesday from 6:00–6:30pm in the Worship Center if at least 3 people can join. Contact coordinator Debra Boyd to be added to the email confirmation list – or just come, no RSVP required!

Labor Day Retreat – Last Chance to Register!

Saturday, August 31 – Monday, September 2

at Camp Oty’Okwa in beautiful Hocking Hills

Adults (26+): $135

Teen / Early YA (13–25): $110

Children (5–12): $95

Toddlers (2–4): $25

Children Under 2: Free

Register Now – or no later than August 25. Please contact Patricia Boughton for more information on hosting activities or about scholarship funding.

Register Now

Fall Sunday Worship Schedule

Beginning September 8, there will be two worship services:

9:15am: Nouurish worship services are in a new, inclusive & intergenerational format.

11:00am: Traditional worship format.

Breakfast will be served from 10:00–10:45am between the services. We can’t wait to start the new church year with you! If you have any questions, please email our Worship Team.

Image by valentinsimon from Pixabay

From the Staff & Board

Upcoming Governance Meetings

Board of Trustees: August 28, 7–9pm

Finance Committee: September 18, 7–9pm

All members are welcome! Email using the links above to request a zoom link!

Image from Pixabay

Submit Group Info

Calling all Groups and Teams! Last Chance to Add your information to the 2024–25 Engagement Catalog!

We want to give a HUGE Thank you to all of the groups and teams who have submitted your information. We appreciate you, and we are hard at work on the First UU Engagement Catalog. If you haven’t had a chance to submit your info, there is still time to get your information into this valuable resource. Whether you’re part of a Small Group, Justice Team, Music Group, Service Team, Social Group, or Spiritual and Pastoral Group, we want to include your group in this vital directory.

If you are a group leader, and you haven’t yet submitted your group information, please take a moment to fill out the form ASAP. If you need help “Wordsmithing” then send us a rough draft and we will help you polish it. We can’t wait to showcase the wonderful work all of our groups are doing!

Email Andi M for more information!

Justice & Volunteering

BREAD (Building Responsibility, Equity, & Dignity) Orientation Meeting

Thursday, August 29 6pm Dinner, 6:30 Program

First Congregational Church

444 East Broad Street, Columbus Ohio 43215

BREAD is Central Ohio’s 40+ congregation-based, multi-faith community organization founded 28 years ago by First UU and 10 other congregations to hold local decision-makers accountable for addressing serious community problems.

If you’re interested in learning more about how BREAD works, plan to attend this BREAD Orientation. This event will be helpful for Network Members and potential Network Members who want behind-the-scenes info on how BREAD builds power, strengthens communities, and wins solutions to serious problems for the central Ohio community! Take a flyer from the Justice Action Ministry (JAM) table this Sunday and plan to attend. Click the button or call 614-220-9363 to RSVP.

BREAD on Facebook
RSVP for Meeting

Sign up to be a Covenant Group Facilitator!

Have you participated in or facilitated a Covenant Group in the past? Now’s the time to let us know of your interest to facilitate our 2024-2025 Covenant Groups! Fill out the Covenant Group Facilitator Registration!

Possibilities: Solar Panel Expansion Project

The Solar Power Team (part of the church’s Justice Action Ministry) recently sent requests to five solar power installation companies for proposals to maximize church usage of solar produced electricity. After months of meetings and vetting dozens of possibilities, the team selected these five vendors with the size, reputation, capitalization, and stability needed for the project. To select the vendor we developed stringent criteria based on financing options, roof space, solar panel costs, timing, and more.

Increasing the church’s use of solar power is part of First UU’s long term goal of becoming carbon neutral. It reflects the principles expressed in Article 2 of the UUA bylaws, that states we should show “respect for the interdependent web of all existence“ and reverence for our place in it.

Contact any members of the Solar Power team for more information:Tom Tichenor, Bruce Smith, Dave Richter, Tom Baillieul and Brian Hagemann.

Classes & Groups

Senior Gathering – RSVP Now!

Thursday, September 26 from 10:30am–Noon

Attention Senior Members!!! Help kick off the new church year by attending the Senior Gathering on Thursday, September 26. We will join together at 10:30am in Beach Hall for muffins/quick breads, fruit, coffee, and tea. A program will be provided from 11am to 12noon. Help us save a stamp and RSVP by September 1, 2024! Stop at our table in Beach Hall after the service on August 25, Email Marilyn Beerman, OR leave her a voicemail. Hope to see you there!

Email to RSVP

Community News & Events

Celebrating All Who Work:

A Concert to Restore Meaning to Labor Day

by Bill Cohen & Friends

Sunday September 1 at 4 pm

Columbus Mennonite Church,

35 Oakland Park Avenue, 43214

Join Bill Cohen and his musical friends, as they sing songs thanking all the workers who make our lives easier and richer by doing their everyday jobs – factory workers, miners, teachers, truckers, crop pickers, plumbers, and more. Teresa Schleifer and Phil Hart will add powerful and beautiful vocal harmonies.

We’ll recall some labor history, when union struggles sparked reforms like the minimum wage and workplace safety. And we’ll hear inspiring sayings about the dignity of work.

$15 donations are suggested at the door. The musicians and tech crew will split the proceeds with the Central Ohio Worker Center, which advocates for low-income and immigrant workers.

Columbus ArborFest

Saturday August 24 from 1-5 pm

The first-ever Columbus ArborFest is free and will be held in Whetstone Park. This fun event will feature live music, food trucks, local exhibitors, a native plant sale and activities for adults and children.

Visit Columbus ArborFest or contact Susan Carr for more information.

Around the Corner

  • Sun 8/25, 9/8 & 9/22: Rising Young Adults (RYA!) (2nd & 4th Sundays)
  • Sun 9/1: No RE classes (enjoy your holiday!)
  • Friday 9/6: First Friday Spaghetti Dinner
  • Sun 9/8: Water Ceremony, All Ages Ingathering Service
  • Fri 9/13: Community Bingo Night
  • Sat 9/14: OFAM Concert by Tret Fure, Tickets $10–$50
  • Sun 9/15: Artists’ Reception for “What Matters” Exhibit (on display until October 14)
  • Sun 9/15: Fall Religious Exploration classes & activities begin
  • Sun 9/22: Engagement Fair Weekend 1 – Religious Exploration
  • Tue 9/24: Expressive Worship
  • Tue 9/24: Atheists Skeptics Humanists (ASH)
  • Sat 9/28: All Soles Contra & Square Dance
  • Sun 9/29: Engagement Fair Weekend 2 – Groups

These are some of the additional events you can look forward to in the next few weeks! If your group is open to drop-ins or you are currently seeking new members, email Becca to add your event info.

Family Activities

Teachers Needed!

These classes are in danger of not happening unless we have more volunteers:

  • Coming of Age (9th grade / 14-15years)
  • 10-11year Our Whole Lives sexuality education (5th grade)
  • Middle / High School Games Class (11-18yrs)
  • Early Spirit Play (3-6years)
  • High School Get Real Sexuality Curriculum (10th-12th grade)
  • Sun AM Toddler Care / Event Sitters (paid opportunity!)

Please fill out this form, or email Amber ASAP if you are interested! Thank you!

Family Activities This Sunday

9:15–9:45am: Breakfast (A/B)

9:30–11:30am: Infant and Toddler Care (room 101)

10–11am: Worship Service (sanctuary)

10–11am Middle / High School Board game group (A/B Beach Hall)

10:15–11am (after story) Early Ed / Elementary LEGO Class (201)

Coffee Hour & Snacks after the Service (Beach Hall)