Friday News – November 10, 2023

Happy Friday!

Wow, it is so good to write that again! This is my first week back in the office after taking two months off for my mental health, to begin the healing process. In that time, I learned a lot. I spent time in deep reflection, trying to find the passion and drive for this faith that I knew wasn’t gone, but just buried deep, weighed down by the hurt and pain. I thought a lot about this wonderful community, about each of you and your fire of commitment that I see every Sunday morning and throughout the week. And I thought about how I had lost my ability to give you all everything that you deserve. And for that, I am truly sorry.

Now, my fire is burning bright again. I feel better than I have in years, and I wanted to thank everyone that came forward to take on my work so that I could have the time that I needed. I’m truly grateful to all of you for your grace and patience with me, and for being a community that provides space and time for this type of healing. I am so excited to jump back in and reconnect with all of you in this new era for First UU! See you Sunday!

Blessings friends,
Rev. Kelli
Minister of Congregational Life

This Week
“Inside Out” 11/12 
with Rev. Kelli McNeal
Growing up, many of us were taught that there were “good” emotions and “bad” emotions, and that we needed to adhere to society’s expectations of what emotions are appropriate. For many of us, this means that we learned to bottle things up until there is so much pressure, we burst! What would it look like if we flipped this thinking over and looked at it from a different perspective?

Join us in person or online at 10am! Our monthly theme for October is Generosity, and our Share-the-Plate recipients are Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio (NAICCO).

A note from Rev. Terasa:
The Gift of Leadership
You’ll see below Nominating Committee is starting the process of identifying leaders for the congregation. I think most people learn that service to a community is a privilege that benefits the server as much as the community. But sometimes it’s hard to figure out where you might best fit or what the job might be or how the process even works! So please chat with the NomCom folks after the service to learn more about how you might contribute to this wonderful community! Or I would always be happy to sit down with you if you’d like to talk more.
Nom Com needs you! It’s That Time Again!
No, not Halloween; that’s over. You won’t need a costume or superpowers.

It’s time for you to consider volunteering to be a member of the Board of Trustees, Nominating Committee, or Moderator. Not sure what skills you need or what these positions require? We’ll have job descriptions and nominating forms at the NOM COM table during coffee hour.

UUs believe in democracy and our church governance reflects this belief. So, we need you to help lead us into the future. Visit the NOM COM table during coffee hour.  There will be donuts!
Last Day for “It’s Not Too Late” Auction Items
IT’S NOT TOO LATE, but come Saturday November 11th at 11:59pm, it will be! There are quite a fiew items and great events you can still be a part of Check them out on the Auction page!

Once you are done making your purchases, please be sure to pay your balance, either online with a credit card, or at the Auction Table in Fellowship Hall on Sunday on November 12th.

Buy Now!
Finally, a word to our Donors and Bidders.  Please note that unlike previous years, the Auction Software will not send out reminders of upcoming events.  At the end of the Auction you should have received emails with information on who won your events and/or what items you won.

We will make every effort to manually send out a reminder email to donors two weeks prior to your events, but this will no longer be an automated event – so please mark your calendars!

If at any time you have any questions we are only an email away.

All Soles Contra & Square Dance
Saturday, November 11th
Beginners’ Session 7:30 to 8:00 PM
Dancing 8:00 to 10:30 PM
We will dance to the calling of Liz Burkhart and the music of Carter Scratch band.  Carter Scratch Band consists of Andi Carter and Lucy Long (fiddle); George Carter (guitar), Bill Miller (banjo), and Steve O’Regan (bass).

Masks are now optional.  We welcome new dancers.  All dances will be taught and no partner is needed.  Snacks will be available in the kitchen area and contributions to the snack table are welcome.  Please bring your own refillable water bottle.

Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for ages 12-25.

For more information, visit

Come meet our new artists!
“Celebration of Change” presented by Worthington Area Art League is the current exhibit in First UU’s Gallery and Worship Center.  20 artists, including UU’s Sarah-Jane Workman, Karen Rush Jones and Marcia Canter, present 40 beautiful works.

Artist Reception
Sunday, Nov. 11, at 11:15-1:30pm

Join us for conversation, snacks and ART!
Q’s and Purchases? Contact Sarah-Jane Workman 614-203-2987

Classes and Groups

For a complete listing of our groups & contact information, download a copy of our
Fall Engagement Catalogue.

Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Support Group
Our Trans and Gender Non-conforming Support Group is a compassionate and accepting community where people of all gender identities come together to share, learn, and support one another. We believe that everyone deserves a space where they can express their authentic selves, free from judgment and discrimination.

The first meeting is November 19, 2023, at 11:30 in the Library.

Contact Emily Henry for more information
Spiritual Practices Class
Spiritual Practices class is offered every
Wednesday at 6:00pm.
This 10–session course helps participants develop regular disciplines or practices of the spirit that help us connect with the sacred. Spiritual Practice offers a forum for learning, sharing, and growth that can enrich our personal faith journeys. Each class session is created to stand alone. Please join in anytime.

Contact Andi Mocharski for more information.

Upcoming Events
Save the Date! Saying Goodbye to Judy and Bob
Saturday November 18, 6:00 pm

Judy Kleen and Bob Mills are moving in early December to Newtown, PA, to be closer to their families. We will miss them!  Over the years, Bob and Judy have been engaged in countless activities at First UU. Chalice Choir is hosting a pizza and potluck going-away party in Beach Hall at 6 pm on Saturday November 18. We invite you all to join us in wishing them well. Feel free to bring a potluck dish to share. Cards are welcome.
Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner
Thursday, November 23rd, 2023, 4:30-6pm
Beach Hall
Staying in town and have no plans for Thanksgiving?

Join us for a holiday potluck dinner; turkey, vegetarian and vegan protein options will be available.

If possible, please RSVP by Tuesday, November 21.  Questions? Contact Laura at 305-77S-9636

Justice & Volunteer Opportunities
Thirsty for knowledge…Thirsty for water
Rev. Kate Walker recently visited a Unitarian School in India and returned with a mission – help support the education of these amazing children by removing a barrier created by climate change. The Annie Margaret Barr School is located in the remote agricultural Khasi Hills region of North East India, a region that is no longer able to collect enough rainwater so that all in the school and community have reliable water.
The First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh is hoping to raise $20,000 to help support a new underground rainwater harvesting facility to better meet the needs of this community. Visit Faithify to learn more and to donate to this important cause.
Donate via Faithify
Proposed 8th Principle Survey
Please take the First UU Proposed 8th Principle Survey! This survey will help our Justice Minister Amanda Hays and the Anti-Racist Allies Team better understand the stance of our congregation towards adopting the proposed 8th Principle.
Take Survey
BREAD Updates: Annual Assembly
Monday, November 13 at 7pm
Christ the King Catholic Church
2777 E. Livingston Ave
BREAD’s Annual Assembly is coming up. Whether you’re a veteran network member or simply curious about BREAD, we encourage you to attend!  The Annual Assembly will help us confirm we are building the people power needed to win solutions at the Nehemiah Action.
This year, network members will be deciding whether to take on housing, education, or (nonviolent) crime. Have your voice heard: be there November 13!
The Tech Team Needs You!

The First UU tech team provides sound and streaming support for Sunday services and a growing lineup of events here at First UU.

For more information, contact Myra Hartmann

Community News
SYC Annual Scholarship Auction
TODAY 6:30–8:30 pm
Join us at the SYC Annual Scholarship Auction and Enjoy good food, drinks, and time with others. Tables of treasures, experiences, services, and gift cards will go to the highest silent auction bidder. All you have to do is snag a bidder number and keep an eye on the offering(s) you hope to win. Can’t make it in person but want to provide support? Look for our online after sale, or contact us to make a direct monetary donation! Want to attend but aren’t in a place to spend money? Please join us!

SYC takes pride in our ability to help families overcome financial barriers to attendance at our school. Each year, the SYC Committee receives applications from folks who commit to contributing as able to their tuition, and need scholarship support to make the total payment. ALL of the proceeds of this event go to the SYC Scholarship Fund.

This is an adult (babes in arms ok) event. Limited childcare is available. Please contact the SYC Office at (614) 267-0254 to reserve your spot(s).

If you’re able, we need your help! Interested in donating your knowledge, connections, time, talent, or treasures? Please contact the SYC auction team to volunteer

Family Activities
Happening This Sunday, 11/12
  • 9:15-9:30am Breakfast for donation (A/B) arrive on time!
  • 9:30-11:30am Infant and Toddler Care (room 101)
  • 9:30-10am Playground available until service
  • 9:30-11am 13-14yr OWL (rm 302)
  • 9:40-11am 10-11yr OWL (404), Neighboring Faiths (301)
  • 10-11am Worship Service, 6-7yr OWL (402)
  • 10:15am-11am (after story until service ends), 3-6yr Spirit Play (102), 7-9yr Spirit Play (201), and 10yr-MS/HS Tools for the Journey (401)
  • Coffee Hour, snack after service ends
  • 11:30-12noon Peace Pals (sanctuary)
  • 11:30am-1:30pm Youth Group (rm 402/3)
  • 12:30-2pm Navigators Hike (off site)