Friday News – August 18, 2023

Happy Friday!  

I hope you all had an absolutely wonderful week! We’re ramping up to a busy Fall here at First UU so be sure to check out all of the important announcements below. We’ll be releasing our Adult RE schedule soon, so stay tuned!

Thank you everyone!

Blessings friends,
Rev. Kelli McNeal
Minister of Congregational Life

The deadline for Friday News submissions is 8:00pm Wednesdays. To request a submission to the newsletter, email
Deadline for Sunday service materials is 11:00am Thursday morning.
Announcements at a Glance

Indicates New or Updated Announcement
  • Greetings From Your Board of Trustees *
  • Calling All 1st UU Artists for upcoming Exhibit – 1st UU Artist Exhibit submissions by 8/27
  • 1st UU Art Exhibit “Being on the Side of Love”  9/1 – 10/9
  • Music News*
  • Summer Read: Transforming Conflict, by Rev. Terasa Cooley
  • “Casual Conversation with Ven. Pomnyun Sunim”.  9/20
  • Labor Day Retreat:   Labor Day Weekend
  • Sunday 8/20 – Rev. Terasa Cooley “”
  • SUMMARY: Upcoming Services
  • Next AUUction Coming Up!*
  • Join the Coffee Team!
  • Fourth Friday Picnics in the Park! – 8/25, 9/1
  • BREAD:  Juvenile Justice Part 2
  • Upcoming Auction Events
  •  Funeral Consumer Alliance of Central Ohio in Beach Hall
  • Lost & Found at Church.. .PICK UP YOUR STUFF…
  • Labor Day Retreat @ Hocking Hills 9/2 – 9/4
  • SUMMARY: Events Calendar
  • SUMMARY: Classes and Groups
  • SUMMARY: Community Events
  • Volunteer to Teach Next Year!
  • SUMMARY: Family Events
Greetings From Your Board of Trustees

Over this past week there have been moments when the breeze kicks up just right, and it reminds us that Fall is on its way.

Several Board members will attend two Leadership trainings in August, with last Saturday being the first one. It is the UUA Central East Region Leadership training entitled “Leadership Essentials for Inclusive Communities”. We’re excited to learn new skills to bring back to First UU.

The next Board meeting will be on  August 23rd,7:00 PM, both in-person and over zoom.

*As a reminder, the Board is switching its meeting date and will now meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Our next Board meeting will be Wednesday August 23rd at 7:00pm.

Your First UU Board of Trustees,   Billy Davidson, Su Ann Farnlacher, Sarah Mayabb, Julie Pinsonneault, Chris Sullivan, and Cindy Whicker

Calling all 1st UU Artists!! 
REMINDER ARTISTS!!  It’s time to get ready for our fall UU Artists exhibit-“Being on the Side of Love.”  Let’s welcome our new minister and congregation with what we love to do, make art, talk with friends, sing together, walk in nature,  share poetry, read books, solve problems, unite in a cause and more.  Your project drop off deadline is Sunday August 27th.  Make sure your pieces are ready to be hung.  This exhibit will be Sept 1- Oct 29.  Questons? Contact Deb Baillieul 614-697-6968
Justice & Art
 Take some time to look at the art-  “Pay It Forward,” by Jim Fussell, painter, social justice activist and incarcerated person.  What do you do 40 years in prison?  Jim paints and donates these to people and organizations so that they can find ways to benefit the community.  Sale of Jim’s paintings will benefit the Ohio Justice and Policy Center.  Take time to read his story—in the Gallery and Worship Center.
Q’s? contact Deb Baillieul
Do you enjoy singing? Maybe you’ve thought many times about being a part of one of our choirs? There are several opportunities coming up just for you!

Our choirs will begin their regular seasons in late August, and while it’s never too late to join, this is a great time to do so (or to return if you’ve taken a break for awhile!). Spirit of Life Choir rehearses on Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00 pm in the Worship Center. Their first rehearsal is Tuesday, August 29. This rehearsal will actually begin with a potluck at 6:00 pm: a chance for returning members to catch up and new and interested members to meet and greet others. Chalice Choir rehearses on Thursdays, 7:30-9:30 pm in the Worship Center. Their first rehearsal is Thursday, August 31 and will also begin with a potluck in Beach Hall at 6:30 pm. EVERYONE is welcome in both of these choirs, regardless of your experience or ability to read music. Just come with an open mind and a willing voice and heart!

There will be a very exciting special opportunity for our youth to sing in our first-ever Youth Pop-Up Choir. This will be held on Sunday, Oct. 15 and will be similar to a Summer Pick-Up Choir experience: youth should show up at 9:00 am to the Worship Center and will learn on the spot a song to sing during the 10 am service. I sincerely hope you will come be a part of this inaugural event!

Finally, we will be announcing our First UU Concert Series dates in the coming weeks, so check this news for updates. Concerts will include performances by the Carpe Diem String Quartet, the Jake Reed Jazz Trio, singer-songwriter Katy Oberle, and even our own fabulous pianist Nathan Hamm! Dates will be announced soon.

If you have any questions about our musical offerings, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Director of Music, Brandon Moss (bra…

Congregational Summer Read
This summer, many folks in our congregation are reading Transforming Conflict as part of our preparation to do developmental work alongside Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley.If you have not yet purchased a copy of Rev. Cooley’s book, Transforming Conflict, copies ($22 each) will be available in Beach Hall after Sunday services. Rev. Terasa has suggested that we add this to our Summer reading lists.
8/20: “When We Arrive” by Rev. Kelli McNeil
Many of us have had the experience of entering a space and questioning whether we belong. Is Unitarian Universalism that space for some? 
Upcoming Services Summary
  • 8/27 – Service: Animal Blessing, All Ages (RE Teacher Orientation after service)
  • 9/3 – Labor Day Weekend Svc: Recorded Video Svc.

Monthly Themes

  • Summer: Delight
  • September: League of Women Voters
First UU–AND OHIOANS Took Action for Democracy!
Ohio has a new Voter ID law, and many voters may not be aware of that. Our Democracy Team is partnering with VoterRiders to get the word out. We’re writing to Ohioans who have voted in the past with forms of ID that are no longer accepted (like utility bills), and sending them information on the new ID requirements and how to contact VoterRiders for help in getting the needed ID. So far we’ve sent more than our initial goal of 300 letters to voters. Thank you to everyone who has helped. This will be our final Sunday writing letters before the election; we hope to hit 500 letters. Join us in Beach Hall after the service.

August  Special Election: Issue One DOWN!!!!  

Raise your right hand, bend your elbow, and pat yourself on the back. Congratulations, you helped defeat Issue 1. We wrote letters, postcards, and texts, and we voted.

But now we need to put our hands to work again. Starting this coming week through September, we will have voter registration training, sign making, and registering voters. From October 1 until election day November 7, we will work with ProChoice Ohio and Faith Choice Ohio to pass the Reproductive Rights amendment. When UUs work together, there is nothing we can’t do.

Ohio had a rare special election on August 8. There was only one question on the ballot, Issue 1, a constitutional amendment that would:

  • Make it harder to pass future amendments: amendments would need 60% of the vote to pass instead of a simple majority
  • Make it harder to get future amendments on the ballot: campaigns would need to gather signatures from all 88 counties instead of just 44, and the cure period would be eliminated

AND WE WON!!!!!!! Issue One is DOWN!!!  DONE!!!! GONE!!!!!    Democracy continues!!!
Questions? Ask at the JAM table or email

Next AUUCTION Coming Up! 
HaUUnted First UU Fall Festival and Auction will start in just two months. Do you own a business or patronize a business that would like some new customers? We are busy soliciting donations from local Clintonville businesses, but we UUs live everywhere. Local merchants have donated gift cards, meals, services, and goods. If you would like to make a business donation or can secure one, please send us the details at In the meantime, start again thinking which of your summer activities would make an interesting excursion, tasty dinner, or other offering for the 2023 Auction.  Look for more information coming soon in the mail.


The Auction Team is seeking a volunteer to provide short-term tech support for this year’s auction. Your assistance will help us smoothly manage the online auction platform, troubleshoot any tech issues, and ensure a seamless experience for both donors and bidders.
What we need:

  • Assist team members with setting up and managing the online auction platform.
  • troubleshoot technical glitches or issues that may arise during the event
  • Provide quick and effective solutions to ensure the auction runs smoothly.
  • Collaborate with our team to ensure a user-friendly and efficient online bidding process.

If you are interested in contributing you tech skills to this years auction, please contact Andi an…  Thanks!

Join the Coffee Team!
Do you like coffee? How about people? Would you appreciate a low commitment way to get more involved at church? Come be a part of our coffee ministry on Sunday mornings!

Sign up at this link! There are detailed instructions in the kitchen cabinet, or you can shadow on a morning if you prefer an in-person how-to. Want to know more about what the job entails? Email Christine!

Fourth Friday 2 Last Picnics at the Park! 8/25 & 9/1. 
Over the summer months our regular spaghetti dinner shifted to a BYO picnic. Meet us at the lower playground picnic area in Whetstone park two more times from 5:30-8pm for some laid back socializing. Bring food for yourself, maybe a lawn chair or two, or even a game, and enjoy the (almost) summer evening with First UU friends!

After the 825 date, ONE MORE Upcoming summer picnic date:  9/1. Rain Location: Beach Hall. In the event of rain, a notice will be put on the Facebook group, and we’ll fall back to Beach Hall.

Juvenile Justice Part 2

Columbus City Schools
  •  In the Columbus City Schools, our research shows that kids receive varying degrees of discipline when they are disruptive, insubordinate, and/or bully other kids. The discipline is inconsistent and likely ineffective in reducing future incidents. It punishes kids rather than restores them to the community.
  • Suspensions are one example of this response. Suspensions punish children without any real attempt to understand the root of the problem and may actually make the problem worse.
  • According to the Ohio Department of Education, during the 2015-16 school year, Columbus City Schools had 26,473 out of school suspensions. Strictly by the numbers, that is more than one suspension for every two students. Some schools had more suspensions than students!
The vast majority of these suspensions are for disruptive behavior; a category that is very broad and ambiguous.  
  • Children and teens that get suspended are more likely to fail, drop out, end up in prison or on welfare.
  • Studies have shown that zero tolerance discipline policies often push students out of classrooms and toward the destructive school-to-prison pipeline, even for minor misbehaviors (Kirwan Institute).
  • Using national longitudinal data that tracked a cohort of 10th graders, the researchers estimated that 10th grade school suspensions result in more than 67,000 additional high school dropouts nationally. Cumulatively, the total cost of the 67,000 additional dropouts caused by school suspensions nationally exceeds $35 billion (UCLA Center for Civil Rights Remedies).
  • Students can enter the juvenile justice system from the schools. In the 2015-16 school year, all but 4 of the high schools had school resource officers (that is police officers) present. If a student commits a crime, the officer can arrest them or issue a summons to appear in court. They said they don’t have any alternatives.
➢      Restorative Practices is an alternative to suspensions. Restorative practices “reduce crime, violence and bullying, improve human behavior, strengthen civil society, provide effective leadership, restore relationships, and repair harm” (International Institute for Restorative Practices).
  • In 2016, BREAD worked with the School District to set up a plan to reduce suspensions and improve school climate.
  • At our 2017 Nehemiah Action, former Superintendent Dan Good agreed to send representatives with BREAD leaders to Pittsburgh Public Schools to see Restorative Practices in action.
  • On November 1st, BREAD Leaders, Members of the Columbus School Board, Columbus City Schools Administration including the interim Superintendent, and members of the Columbus Education Association toured 5 different schools in Pittsburgh.
  • After seeing the success in Pittsburgh, Columbus City Schools Administration agreed with BREAD that the best way to achieve fidelity was with training by the International Institute for Restorative Practices.
  • In April 2018, they presented a proposal to use Federal funds for training by the IIRP and the Columbus School Board voted yes!  That summer, over 100 staff received training and 36 of those staff went on to be certified by the IIRP to train others.
  • In 2018, BREAD also co-hosted a Community Summit “Breaking the School to Prison Pipeline and Restoring Our City”with CCS to educate the wider community in Restorative Practices and create more buy-in from teachers and staff in the district as well as families and community members.
  • In March 2020, the spread of COVID-19 caused schools to move to remote learning so training and monitoring of RP was paused.  However, once schools opened back up, BREAD met with the School Board and Superintendent to plan ahead for getting Restorative Practices back on track.
  • Thanks to BREAD’s persistence, in 2022, the School Board officially added Restorative Practices professional development and coaching to the Board’s Goals and Guardrails.
  • At our Nehemiah Action May 2022, we celebrated the written goal in the District’s 5 Year plan to implement Restorative Practices in every school by 2026
  • As an extension of that commitment, the Board added that progress on this goal will now be included in the Superintendent’s annual evaluation, a request BREAD had pushed for back in 2019
  • 4 high schools are part of a pilot program with a special focus on Student-Led Restorative Practices
  • Their goal is to have 10% of the students in those schools trained so they can shift the culture and set an example of the behavior change that other students could follow.
  • BREAD plans on continuing to work with the Columbus City Schools Administration and the School Board to ensure a strong implementation and integration of Restorative Practices into our schools

BREAD Rises!

Below are the final unsold items for this Friday’s news email under Auction and Fall Festival.  Many spots are still available, and hopefully we can sell a few of these spots.
To read a full description of the remaining auction items STILL FOR SALE, please go to the auction website. If you would like to purchase a spot or spots, please contact the Auction Team.

MM17:  True Comfort Food                                         Fri., Aug. 25 at 6 pm
1 spot – $45, offered by Pat Snyder & Jane Tessier
C5:  Lake House Retreat for UU Women (Long Weekend)     Sept. 14 – 17
2 spots – $55 per spot, offered by Stewart & Nancy Rafert
E15:  Clintonville Stroll                                         Sun., Sept. 17 at 1:30 pm
12 spots – $15 per spot, offered by Heather Pierson
E5:  Fall Outdoor Labyrinth Walk                               Sat., Sept. 23 at 1 pm
32 spots – $15 per spot, offered by the Saveson-Otten Family
C8:  Bike Ride & Caprese Dinner                                Fri., Sept. 29 at 6 pm
3 spots – $25 per spot, offered by Amanda Hays
MM31:  Afternoon Tea at Mozart’s Cafe                     Fri., Oct. 13 at 1 pm
2 spots – $25 per spot, offered by Stuart & Lynda Smith
Casual Conversation With Ven. Pomnyun Sunim  
Dear Friends,

I had the fortune of attending one of Ven. Pomnyun Sunim’s talks several years ago and really enjoyed his views, demeanor and wisdom so I wanted to pass this invitation along to you. I hope you will consider attending. This is for anyone of any spiritual background (including none.) Feel free to bring friends or family members. Please note, though, that to make sure that there is enough space for all, they ask that you register with the link below.
Wishing you all good health and happiness.
Peace, Sheila Jacquart You are invited! 

“Casual Conversation with Ven. Pomnyun Sunim” on September 20th at First Unitarian Universalist Church is a free to the public event.
Ven. Pomnyun Sunim is one of the most respected public figures in South Korea.
He shares his wisdom and helps bring new insights on life to millions of South Koreans.
He has held numerous public talks and wrote many best-selling books, helping people lead happier lives.
Please join us and ask any questions you have about life.

When: Sep 20, 2023 Fri 7:00PM

Where: First Unitarian Universalist Church (Fellowship Hall)
93 West Weisheimer Road
Columbus, OH 43214


Lost & Found at Church! 
The  Coat closet is beset with a bunch of stuff that needs to be in its rightful home!!! 
If you think you may have left something here at church, please look in the Lost & Found area in the coat room!! Every 2 or 3 months, all unclaimed articles are taken to Volunteers of America.  We just do not have storage space to keep items for months.   Thank you…

Annual 1st UU Labor Day Retreat Time! 
Labor Day Retreat: Sat Sept 2 – Mon Sep 4 at camp Oty’Okwa in beautiful Hocking Hills. SIGN UP by SUN AUG 20 Enjoy hiking, group activities, star gazing, campfires, and community for all generations. Plan your talent show act and warm up your voice for the campfire sing-a-long! Sign up now  or  Learn more on our website here  

We hope you can join us at our Annual Multi-Generational Labor Day Retreat.
SIGN UP by SUN AUG 20 so we can give the camp a count for food.
Join Rev Terasa Cooley, fellow congregants, and some of our board members There will be hikes, sing-a-longs, campfires, a talent show, worship, happy hour, and PEEK! We’ll gather from Saturday, September 2nd for lunch, until Monday morning after breakfast, at Camp Oty’Okwa in Hocking Hills.

You can register here: Register for the Labor Day Retreat
More info Labor Day Retreat – First Unitarian Universalist Church (

Costs have increased at the camp but we will do our best to assist folks who need financial help.

Take Care, Patricia Boughton                             

Event Calendar Summary
  • Ongoing: Youth Group Banned Book Library
  • 8/25, 9/1 Fourth Friday Picnics, Whetstone Playground
  • 9/2-9/4 – 1st UU Labor Day Retreat
Join the Coffee Team!
Do you like coffee? How about people? Would you appreciate a low commitment way to get more involved at church?  Come be a part of our coffee ministry on Sunday mornings!
Sign up at the link. are detailed instructions in the kitchen cabinet or you can shadow on a morning if you prefer an in-person how-to.
Want to know more about what the job entails? email chri…
Groups Summary
Click to Email the Group Leader!






  • UU Walkers, Highbanks Metro Park, 9:30am
  • Fourth Fridays Picnics in the Park (Whetstone) for summer


Community Events Summary

Family Activities This Sunday

Summer RE (Religious Exploration) is happening! Early childhood and elementary aged kiddos are invited to enjoy stories, crafts, and collaborative games focused on play with Jen and Cara. Rising middle and high school aged youth are invited to enjoy self serve board games and art activities in A and B during the service. Reminder that parents / caregivers always need to know the whereabouts of children not being formally supervised in a class.

  • 10-11:30am Toddler Care (rm 101)
  • 10am Worship Service, MS / HS Games and Art in A/B
  • Early / Elementary Summer Class, rm 201-2
  • Coffee Hour, Snack after the service ends

Register for Next Year, and Fill Out Annual Emergency Paperwork Here!

Volunteer to Teach Next Year!

Join the dream team – hanging out with our young people is the most fun you can have on a Sunday morning, and changes lives! We need classroom assistants, leads, and subs for all age groups! Sign up here!

Family Event Summary
  • 8/25, 9/1 Fourth Friday Picnics, Whetstone Playground
  • Peace Camp, “B” –  8/7-8/11
  • Potential Blessing of the Backpacks (Back to School), 8/13
  • Animal Blessing. 8/27
  • Labor Day Retreat, 9/2-9/4
  • Holiday Break: No RE (Labor Day Weekend), 9/4
  • Ingathering / Water Ceremony (All Ages, No RE), 9/10
  • Fall RE begins, 9/17