UUA Year in Review 2022

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UUA Newsletter
Unitarian Universalist Association
December 2022
gray geese photo credit hansbenn via Pixabay
Dear Friends,

It has been a year. Unitarian Universalist congregations and communities have pivoted to find safe ways to re-gather in the evolving COVID pandemic and pivoted again as staffing and leadership changes forced many to rethink their programming. And, in many ways, we stayed the course together—advancing Unitarian Universalist values in the wider world through bold action in support of reproductive justice, voting rights and democracy, LGBTQIA+ rights, racial justice, and climate justice. Throughout 2022, your UUA has offered support along the winding path.

In this newsletter, we share some key resources from 2022. At the closing of the year, may they provide spiritual sustenance and be reflective of our deep commitments. We wish you a time of rest and renewal during these winter holidays, as we anticipate all there is to do in the new year as we move together into a new phase in the life of our spiritual community.

With you on the journey,


Rachel Walden supports UUA Communications as senior manager for digital & marketing strategy. When she’s not brainstorming content with her colleagues, you’ll likely find her outside.
Image of Rachel Walden


Embracing Possibility in Times of Change - Sermon

Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray’s 14-minute sermon entitled, “Embracing Possibility In Times of Change,” is part of a worship collection of videos available for download from Vimeo.
Watch on Vimeo

In response to increased need in congregations for digital worship materials, the UUA’s WorshipWeb added a variety of new resources, from copyright guidelines to video worship services to new music options for congregations to incorporate into their own services. In the spring, President Susan Frederick-Gray and Rev. Erika Hewitt offered a worship service entitled, “Woven In a Single Garment of Destiny” and in the fall, they shared, “Embracing Possibility In Times of Change.” Explore all of the multiplatform worship resources available from WorshipWeb.


Explore WorshipWeb

Early in 2022, congregations and communities were learning more about the mandate incorporated in UUA bylaws that calls for periodic review of our Principles and Purposes. After months of inviting feedback online via Zoom gatherings, the Article II Study Commission shared information and took additional feedback in a series of General Assembly business sessions last June. In the fall, a new draft of Article II was developed by the Commission and next year we’ll all share in the exciting and important work of reviewing and voting on that draft at General Assembly 2023.


Revisit Article II Review

As if we need another reason to make this year historic, it is also the final year of UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray’s six-year term and time for candidate nominations for the next UUA President. The Presidential Search Committee, created at General Assembly in 2010, has put forward one nominee and the period to run for candidacy by petition is open. Together, Unitarian Universalist congregations, through their delegates, will elect the next UUA President at General Assembly 2023.


The UUA Presidential Election

The newest UU Common Read came out this year, an annual faith development offering from the UUA to help build community by giving diverse people a shared focus for reflection and action. Mistakes and Miracles: Congregations on the Road to Multiculturalism explores five congregations’ journeys to Beloved Community, and the joy, disappointment and growth they found along the way. A discussion guide and additional resources are now available.


Join the UU Common Read

Across the country and around the globe, we have seen so much pain and turmoil this year—from the Dobbs decision on abortion access, to anti-trans policies in many states, to voting rights restrictions, continued war and environmental degradation. We are so grateful to have Unitarian Universalist justice campaigns to guide us in taking action on the issues that matter to us. UU the Vote reached millions of people with a message about values that resonated. UPLIFT Action and Create Climate Justice developed programming to help congregations engage effectively in issues around bodily autonomy and climate. When we come together, we are powerful.


Take Action with Side With Love

ICYMI on UUA Facebook: We love celebrating the holidays online with Unitarian Universalists across the globe. We are committed to uplifting our diverse beliefs, practices, cultural traditions and backgrounds through the celebrations we mark with you on social media. Our post from September marking Rosh Hashanah highlights some of that sense of caring and appreciation for our theological diversity. Join us on Facebook as we celebrate many wonderful winter holidays as well.


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