Dear friends,
This time of year begins another season of Ingathering, when Unitarian Universalists come together to renew our commitments to each other and to our communities, and begin another year of vital ministry. Please watch and share this video message from me welcoming people back in this new congregational year. |
We are living in what I have come to call a liminal time – a time in between. The pandemic has upended so much. After two years of virtual and hybrid gatherings, the ways in which people connect to religious community have broadened and new patterns are developing. On so many levels, what comes next is still being imagined.
And while the way we carry out our ministries continues to unfold, it remains true that our world needs our Unitarian Universalist message of love and justice. Our world needs brave, bold and loving communities so we can support one another in the struggle for justice, equity and compassion. One way to join your Unitarian Universalist siblings in this work is by organizing to elect leaders who will take action on issues that reflect our values through UU the Vote. |
Join UU the Vote |
Your Unitarian Universalist Association is the embodiment of the covenant that all our congregations make to each other. The UUA is here because of the commitment congregations have made to be part of a broader Association that can amplify and strengthen our shared values, support one another in times of need, and be more than any of us can be on our own. We are committed, steadfast partners with you in this liminal time and in all that is ahead.
As we come together for Ingathering this year, may we each remember the hundreds of thousands of UUs gathered all across our Association celebrating and calling themselves back into the power and possibility of our faithful communities. For we are not alone – and we make each other strong. |
Watch the Ingathering Video |
I send you all my love and blessings.
Susan |