Dear Friends,
The work of discernment, deep connection with UU theology, and exploring what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist continues. In November, the Article II Study Commission released its Final Proposed Revision to Article II of UUA Bylaws for review and discussion. Since then, UUs have shared feedback and developed proposals for amendments to the final language.
In the links below, you’ll find details on the Final Proposed Revision.
We are deeply grateful to the dedicated volunteers on the UUA Board of Trustees and the Article II Study Commission for their faithful and inclusive work on behalf of Unitarian Universalism. As Board Co-Moderator the Rev. Meg Riley reminds us in UU World, “Thousands of people were involved in creating this draft… [I]t’s been a very inclusive process and the electronic process [for amendments] has made it even more inclusive.”
Our work together on Article II will culminate at General Assembly in June 2024, where delegates will cast votes on amendments and whether to adopt this new language for Article II of the UUA Bylaws. Links and information about GA are also available in the information below.
With you on the journey,
Rachel |