Sunday, February 2, 2025

“Another Possible World: 

Hope from the Grassroots & UUSC”

Board Welcome Debra Gray Boyd

Opening Hymn #30 “Over My Head”

Indigenous Land Acknowledgment Rev. Amanda Hays

Centering Words Rev. Meg McGuire

Congregational Greeting

Bringing in the Light Nathan Hamm

Sack Full of Dreams

by Gary McFarland

Chalice Lighting

Time for All Ages Amber Scott

My Rainbow

written by Heather Smith
& illustrated by Brooke Kerrigan

Affirming Our Children #362 “Rise Up, O Flame” 

Pastoral Meditation

Choral Anthem Chalice Choir

Dr. Brandon Moss, Director

“I Dream a World”

text by Langston Hughes,
music by Andre J. Thomas

Reading Where do we Go from Here

by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Meditative Hymn #133 “One World”

Sermon Rev. Mary Katherine Morn

UUSC President “Another Possible World:

Hope from the Grassroots & UUSC”

Offering Share the Plate: UUSC

Offertory “Yes We Can Can”

by Allen Toussaint
(as performed by The Pointer Sisters)


Closing Hymn #368 “Now Let Us Sing”

Extinguishing the Chalice

Choral Benediction

“We Walk in Love”

by Deanna Witkowski & Lemuel Colon


American Sign Language Interpretation provided by Heritage Interpreting Services

You are welcome complete a Joys and Sorrows form online. 


Be The Spark! First UU’s Auction is March 1.  Submit your donations by February 14 and Purchase your tickets by February 16. Visit for details or stop by the table in Beach Hall today!  

Caregivers of Young Children will now be meeting over Breakfast! Join them on Sunday Mornings at 10am. This group is targeted towards caregivers with at least one child under the age of 5, and focuses on fellowship, support, and play.  Contact Heather Stone for more information. 

The next Pathways to Membership class is Saturday, February 8, 9am–1pm. If you are interested in becoming a member, or just learning about how to connect and engage with our community, register for this class on our website at

Parking Help, Please!  Our parking lot has been full on Sundays, and we need your help! If you are able, please consider using our High Street Lot to leave more space in the Weisheimer lot for new visitors. The entrance is between Olive & Lime and Chipotle restaurants, and the east door is open for entry until our 11:00 Sunday Service begins. 

School for Young Children (SYC) is now Accepting Applications for the 2025–26 school year. Children must be at least 2 by 9/30/25 to attend. Apply online by noon on 2/14/25. Call the SYC office at 614-267-0254 to set up a tour.

Our main office has new and expanded hours. Drop by to say hello to Becca and other staff during these hours:

Tuesday/Thursday 9am–5pm
Wednesday 10am–6pm
Friday 10am–2pm

(Individual Staff office hours by appointment)

This week at First UU

Meeting after Worship Today: 

  • Coffee and Conversation (Beach Hall)
  • Getting To Know UU (Beach Hall)
  • Q&A w/Rev. Mary Katherine Morn, UUA (Beach Hall)
  • 6:30pm Millennial Covenant Group (RSVP required)

Monday 2/3

  • 7pm Francophones Bavarde(s) (online)
  • 8pm Care & Share Time Bank: Meditation Monday

Tuesday 2/4

  • 9:30am Seniors Tai Chi for Balance
  • 10am Archives Team
  • 6:15pm Spirit of Life Choir Rehearsal ♩
  • 6:30pm Be the Spark! Auction Team Meeting
  • 7pm Zen Meditation

Wednesday 2/5

  • 4:45 Let’s Get Better Together Urban 4H Club
  • 6pm Sacred Song Circle ♩
  • 6:30 NomCom Meeting
  • 7pm Wed Men’s Spirituality (Online)

Thursday 2/6

  • NO Chalice Choir Rehearsal on 2/6 or 2/13.

Friday 2/7

  • 9:30–2pm CoWorking Fridays at First UU
  • 9:30am UU Walkers (Off-Site: Highbanks Metropark)
  • 6:30pm First Friday Spaghetti Dinner
    (Hosted by Board of Trustees, Wizard Night Activities)
  • 6:30pm Coming of Age / Youth Group Activities

Saturday 2/8

  • 9am Pathways to Membership (Breakfast at 8:30)
  • 10am Hispanohablantes (online)
  • 8:30am Zen Meditation