Order of Service
Sunday, January 19, 2025
“Where are We in the Story?”
Board Welcome Sarah Mayabb
Opening Hymn #40 “The Morning Hangs a Signal”
Indigenous Land Acknowledgment Rev. Kelli McNeal
Centering Words Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley
Congregational Greeting
Bringing in the Light Nathan Hamm
“Morning Sun”
by Melody Gardot
Chalice Lighting
Time for All Ages Amber Scott
The Story of Ruby Bridges
written by Robert Coles &Â
illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds
Affirming Our Children #1010 “Oh We Give Thanks”Â
Share the Plate: Bottoms Up Diaper Bank
Offertory “My Future”
by Billie Eilish O’Connell &
Finneas Baird O’Connell
Pastoral Meditation
Choral Anthem Chalice Choir
Dr. Brandon Moss, Director
“The Road Not Taken” (from Frostiana)
by Randall Thompson
Sermon Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley
& Rev. Dr. Roger Bertschausen
“Where are We in the Story?”
Closing Hymn #145 “As Tranquil Streams”
Extinguishing the Chalice
Choral Benediction
“There is More Love”
American Sign Language Interpretation provided by Heritage Interpreting Services
You are welcome complete a Joys and Sorrows form online.Â
Be The Spark! First UU’s Auction is March 1, and tickets are on sale in Beach Hall today! The auction team is having fun planning this glittery event that we hope will draw most of you in. It’s been a long time since we had a sit-down dinner, and never one where we didn’t have to ask you to bring food! However, we do also need your donations for this social event+fundraiser, and we need volunteers. Please visit us at the auction table after the service!Â
January’s Ohio Feed and Read collection is for Hygiene Items and cleaning supplies. Return your green bag with your donations in Beach Hall, and see Jacques Angelino for information about how you can help. Â
Our Anti-Racist Allies team would like you to join us for lunch at the Hoyo’s Kitchen in North Market Bridge Park, 6750 Longshore Street, Columbus 43017. Meet at the kiosk in the gallery after service at 12:30 to carpool!
School for Young Children (SYC) is now Accepting Applications for the 2025–26 school year. Children must be at least 2 by 9/30/25 to attend, and children of church members do receive priority. Apply online by noon on 2/14/25 for best possible placement and tuition assistance. Call the SYC office at 614-267-0254 to set up a tour.
Co-Working space available at First UU on Fridays from 9:30am–2pm. If you work from home and would like a change of scenery, bring your work and join us for a productive morning in a supportive environment. Bring your lunch, we will provide the coffee & some friendly space.Â
Join the Atheists-Skeptics-Humanists (ASH) on Tuesday, January 28 at 7pm for James Bowling, Professor in the Otterbein department sharing images of his intriguing ceramic sculptures and discussing their social messages.
NomCom is seeking Nominations for Board members, Moderators, and New NomCom Members! Reach out to nominating@firstuucolumbus.org or talk to us today!
This week at First UU
Meeting after Worship Today:Â
- Coffee and Conversation (Beach Hall)
- Getting To Know UU (Beach Hall)
- Caregivers of Young Children (Room 101)
- Navigator’s Scouting (Rm 201 & Playground)
- Trans & Gender Non-Conforming Support Group (Library)
- Anti-Racist Allies Lunch at Hoyo’s Kitchen (Offsite, all are welcome!)
Monday 1/20
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday – First UU Offices Closed
- 7pm Francophones Bavarde(s) (online)
- 8pm Care & Share Time Bank: Meditation Monday
- 8pm Monday Men’s Spirituality
Tuesday 1/21
- 10am Seniors Tai Chi for Balance
- 10am Archives Team
- 6:15pm Spirit of Life Choir Rehearsal ♩
- 7pm Zen Meditation
Wednesday 1/22
- 6pm Sacred Song Circle ♩
- 7pm Board of Trustees Meeting (Online Only)
- 7pm Wed Men’s Spirituality (Online)
Thursday 1/23
- 7:30pm Chalice Choir Rehearsal ♩
Friday 1/24
- 9:30am UU Walkers (Off-Site: Highbanks Metropark)
Saturday 1/25
- 8:30am Zen Meditation
- 10am Hispanohablantes (online)
- 11am Rummage Sale ReOrganization Day
(email myra@firstuucolumbus.org to help us out!)