SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16:Â Congregational Life Coordinator Kelli McNeal will present “Being Generous with Our Search.”
For more information about any of these events, please contact the church office at 614-267-4946 ext. 21 or
Budgeting Workshop  Wednesday, February 12, from 6:30-8:30pm OR Sunday, February 16, from 12:30-2:30pm. Join us for a meal and then discussion on household budgeting. We’ll discuss tips and techniques to help you achieve your personal financial goals. Please RSVP for meal planning. Vegetarian and gluten free friendly.
Enrollment open for School for Young Children’s 2020-21 school year.Processing of applications will begin on February 14, at 12pm. Currently-enrolled students, children of church members and children from SYC alumni families receive priority, as long as their applications are received by February 14, 12pm. SYC offers part-time classes for children aged 2½-5. If your child will be two or older by June 30, we urge you to act promptly, since we usually fill up quickly. Information about applying can be found on the SYC website,, or you can call the school office, 614-267-0254.
UU Art  We open 2020 with an exhibit by Ele Ruman-Allen, called Simplicity Is My Countryside. Ele is a printmaker and painter. Come meet her at a reception at the exhibit’s end on Sunday, February 16, from 12:30-2pm. Questions about the art or purchases? Deb Baillieul,
BREAD Movie Night  Wednesday, February 19, 7pm, at First UU: Movie: Poverty, Politics and Profit: Inside America’s Affordable Housing Crisis, followed by a discussion of BREAD’s affordable housing campaign and brief updates of BREAD’s other campaigns. BREAD (Building Responsibility, Equality, and Dignity) is Central Ohio’s 40-member congregation-based, multi-faith community organization founded by First UU and ten other congregations 23 years ago to hold local decision-makers accountable for addressing serious community problems. Contact BREAD at 614-220-9363,,
Our First UU Auction: Come Fly with Me! is Saturday, February 22, from 5pm to 9:30pm. Auction tickets are on sale in Beach Hall after both services. Buy your ticket in advance and save! This Sunday we will have an “Auction 101” presentation during Middle Hour in Room 201 to share information and answer questions. And although we are no longer taking physical items, we do still want your meals, excursions, fellowship activities, services, vacations! It’s not too late to donate!
Join the Coming of Age (COA) Class for a private showing of the movie Just Mercy at Crosswoods, Saturday, February 29, at (tentatively) 2pm. Sylvia Howe
From Nominating Committee: Church leadership is an excellent way to deepen your connections to the people and mission of our church. If you know someone—including yourself!—who you think would be great in a leadership role at First UU, the Nominating Committee is taking nominations now. Forms are available from any Nominating Committee member or in the committee’s mailbox in the volunteer workroom, or you can talk to any committee member, or email us See Gina Phillips, Dana Reynolds, Shirley Lange, Heidi Drake, Kelly McConaughey, or Barb Fiorini for more information. Deadline is March 6.
First UU Rummage Sale  Saturday, May 2, 2020. Save the date (and your stuff)! We will also need volunteers. Please contact Seth Kraut (614-477-0099, or Rachel Kraut (614-774-2362). We need donations: small household furniture, antiques and collectibles, boutique/upscale clothing for adults.
Due to a lack of volunteers, we may have to consider cancelling or redefining Sunday morning coffee service for 2020! This is not something we want to do, but we have a small number of volunteers doing double and triple duty to bring coffee service each week. Come join our volunteer team and help us bring coffee to family, friends, and members each Sunday. We ask volunteers for one service, one Sunday a month. Please don’t let this be the year coffee service is cancelled. Denni Hale, 614-633-8082,
Project Linus  In January and February, we will be collecting blankets for Ohio children suffering trauma (e.g., hospitalized, homeless). The blankets must be new and handmade. You can also donate money for buying blanket supplies. Since 2014, 481 blankets and $470 have been donated. You can drop off blankets at the table in Beach Hall on Sunday or put them in the coat room.  Brad Bushman, 614-359-4797,
Feed My Sheep food pantry  February is Undies Sundays month. Bring girls and boys new underwear, all sizes, to our table in Beach Hall. We also need peanut butter, child and adult diapers, feminine hygiene products, dog/cat food, children’s books, and all sizes of coats, gloves, mittens, scarves, sweaters, and blankets. Jacques Angelino
YWCA Family Shelter Taco Dinner  Volunteers Needed Once a month (the fourth Friday), First UU cooks a taco dinner at the YWCA Family Shelter off 670 and Leonard Ave. Volunteers normally work a couple hours or more, between 4 and 8pm. There is a group of people emailed every month and normally 7-8 volunteers step up. You don’t have to commit to every month, but just to be on the list to consider.
Monday, February 10
3:00pm Women’s Creative Circle
Tuesday, February 11
9:30am Archives Team
1:00pm Caregiver Support
6:30pm RE Team; Rising Voices Choir Rehearsal
7:00pm Spirit of Life Choir Rehearsal; Zen Meditation
7:30pm First UU Bible Class
Wednesday, February 12
6:00pm Francophones Bavard(e)s;
Sacred Song Circle
6:30pm Budgeting Class
7:00pm Justice Action Ministry; Memoir Group
Thursday, February 13
9:30am Improvisational Dance
7:00pm Beloved Conversations
7:30pm Chalice Choir Rehearsal
Friday, February 14
11:00am Nia Class
Saturday, February 15
8:30am Zen Meditation
9:30am Pastoral Team Training
10:00am Scriptures Class
10:45am Hispanohablantes
12:00pm Move to Amend
Sunday, February 16
8:30am Sunday Breakfast
9:00am/11am Worship Celebration
10:10am Middle Hour
10:20am Peace Pals Choir Rehearsal
12:30pm Art Reception; Budgeting Class; Generosity Team
1:00pm Auction Team
6:30pm Care and Share Time Bank Potluck
6:30pm Millennial Covenant Group |