Friday’s News & Announcements
Happy Friday!
At the Neighborhood UU Church in Pasadena, where I previously served as Interim Minister, we adopted a motto: “Connection over Perfection.” This was in response to the pandemic, of course, as we made up our way through that. But I think it’s a great motto for congregations in general. We UUs can tend to be a bit perfectionistic (speaking only for myself, of course!) and yet the changing times still require us to have a bit of patience with, well, changing.Â
On September 8th we will be so excited to start offering two services again, with a twist. The first service at 9:15 am will be an intergenerational service we’re calling “Nouurish” that will be much more interactive than some of us may be used to. I thank the Alternative Worship Team for their creativity and vision in putting this service together. Our second service at 11am will be in the more traditional format. I encourage you to try both! In between the two services, at 10am we will serve a hot breakfast and coffee to give attendees from both services a chance to say hello and get to know each other. (Don’t worry, we will still have coffee after both services!)
Changing schedules, changing styles, changing programs will inevitably result in some jarring mistakes. If that is not the case I will be astonished. So I ask us to be gentle with one another as we move through these new ways. Especially patience with the staff who have been working so hard to bring about these services and experiences. Feedback is always welcome. And please remember: connection is always more important than perfection!
Rev. Terasa
Developmental Minister
This Sunday: General Assembly (GA) Sermon Video Replay:
Service of the Living Tradition – “Now What?”
Service at 10am
Video Replay of the Jacqueline Brett’s Sermon
from June 21, 2024 General Assembly
Join us as we screen the sermon from the Service of the Living Tradition service, held June 21, 2024 at our General Assembly. Rev. Jacqueline Brett’s sermon is titled “Now What?”
No Religious Exploration Classes.Â
We will not be serving breakfast prior to the service at 9:15am.Â
Coffee and tea will be available after the service.
Fall Sunday Worship Schedule
Beginning September 8, there will be two worship services:
9:15am: Nouurish worship services are in a new, inclusive & intergenerational format.
11:00am: Traditional worship format.Â
Breakfast and coffee will be served from 10:00–10:45am between the services, and there will be Coffee and Fellowship at Noon following the second worship service.
We can’t wait to start the new church year with you! If you have any questions, please email our Worship Team.Â
Ohio Feminist Art Museum (OFAM) Concert:
Tret Fure, folksinger/songwriter
September 14, doors open at 4pm,Â
Concert begins at 6pm
JOIN US for an afternoon/evening of MUSIC and ART!
The Ohio Feminist Art Museum (OFAM) is hosting a concert at the First Unitarian Universalist Church featuring folk singer/songwriter and Women’s Music icon, Tret Fure! We are also hosting an art gallery exhibit featuring 5 artists: Debb Cusick, Lisa Morris, Evangelia Philippidis, Melissa Thompson, and April Sunami. Meet the artists, enjoy the art exhibits; sample food and drinks, and socialize from 4:00pm – 6:00pm. The concert featuring Tret begins at 6:00pm.
Tickets are available on the OFAM Website for $10–$50.Â
Food and drinks will be available for purchase during the event from 4:00pm – 7:00pm.Â
Upcoming Governance Meetings
Finance Committee: September 18, 7–9pm
Board of Trustees: September 25, 7–9pm
All members are welcome! Email using the links above to request a zoom link.
It’s never too Late to Sing with Us!
Both the Chalice and Spirit of Life Choirs held their first Rehearsals of the season this week, but even if you didn’t make the first rehearsal, you can join us!
Spirit of Life Choir rehearses on Tuesdays from 6:30–8:00pm in the Worship Center. Contact Director Michaela Brown to join.
Chalice Choir rehearses on Thursdays from 7:30–9:30 pm in the Worship Center. Please contact Director Brandon Moss to join.
Sacred Song Circle is Every Wednesday from 6:00–6:30pm in the Worship Center if at least 3 people can join. Contact coordinator Debra Boyd to be added to the email confirmation list – or just come, no RSVP required!
Please Pick up Your Art!
Many thanks to everyone who purchased art in the Youth Art Sale this year. Unfortunately, We don’t know who purchased what! Please come into the Volunteer workroom next to the office to pick up your art, if you purchased any.
Contact Andi M with questions.
Sign up to be a Covenant Group Facilitator!
Have you participated in or facilitated a Covenant Group in the past? Now’s the time to let us know of your interest to facilitate our 2024-2025 Covenant Groups! Fill out the Covenant Group Facilitator Registration!
Senior Gathering – RSVP by September 1 to Save a Stamp!
Thursday, September 26 from 10:30am–Noon
Attention Senior Members!!! Help kick off the new church year by attending the Senior Gathering on Thursday, September 26. We will join together at 10:30am in Beach Hall for muffins/quick breads, fruit, coffee, and tea. A program will be provided from 11am to 12noon. Help us save a stamp and RSVP by September 1, 2024! Email Marilyn Beerman OR leave her a voicemail. Hope to see you there!
Around the Corner
- 9/8 & 9/22: Rising Young Adults (RYA!) (2nd & 4th Sundays)
- Sun 9/1: No RE classes (enjoy your holiday!)
- Friday 9/6: First Friday Spaghetti Dinner
- Sun 9/8: Water Ceremony, All Ages Ingathering Service
- Fri 9/13: Community Bingo Night
- Sun 9/15: Artists’ Reception for “What Matters” Exhibit (on display until October 14)
- Sun 9/15: Fall Religious Exploration classes & activities begin
- Sun 9/22: Engagement Fair Weekend 1 – Religious Exploration
- Tue 9/24: Expressive Worship
- Tue 9/24: Atheists Skeptics Humanists (ASH)
- Sat 9/28:Â All Soles Contra & Square Dance
- Sun 9/29: Engagement Fair Weekend 2 – Groups
- Mon 9/30: SYC Author Talk, Kelsie Olds. “You Need Me and I Need Space”
These are some of the additional events you can look forward to in the next few weeks! If your group is open to drop-ins or you are currently seeking new members, email Becca to add your event info.
Bill Cohen and Friends:
Celebrating All Who Work Labor Day Concert
Sunday September 1 at 4 pm
Columbus Mennonite Church,
35 Oakland Park Avenue, 43214
Join Bill Cohen and his musical friends, as they sing songs thanking all the workers who make our lives easier and richer by doing their everyday jobs – factory workers, miners, teachers, truckers, crop pickers, plumbers, and more. Teresa Schleifer and Phil Hart will add powerful and beautiful vocal harmonies.
We’ll recall some labor history, when union struggles sparked reforms like the minimum wage and workplace safety. And we’ll hear inspiring sayings about the dignity of work.
$15 donations are suggested at the door. The musicians and tech crew will split the proceeds with the Central Ohio Worker Center, which advocates for low-income and immigrant workers.
Seeking Fun Adults to Volunteer with UU Kids!
We could use a few more passionate folks to support our children and teens this year!
Current opportunities:
- Explore UU values through role playing and board games with our middle and high schoolers in Building Our World
- Support our teens as they explore and articulate their values and personal beliefs in Coming of Age
- Build confidence and create access to sexuality education for our older elementary schoolers in Our Whole Lives
- Nurture community, growth through play, and values formation with our youngest in Spirit Play
Please fill out this form, or email Amber if you are interested! Thank you!Â
Register Now for Fall Classes and Activities
Sign up your child/youth ASAP in three easy steps:
Family Activities This Sunday
- No Breakfast this week
- 9:30–11:30am: Infant and Toddler Care (Room 101)Â
- 10–11am: Worship Service (Sanctuary)
- No RE Classes. Enjoy your holiday weekend!
- Coffee Hour, Snack after the service (Beach Hall, A/B)