Friday News – May 10, 2024

Wow, this spring in our Sunday Services, I’ve been feeling great energy in the air! Our attendance is really up, and so as your staff team, we have been thinking about whether it might be time to add back a second service next year.

So, for the next two Sundays (May 12 and 19), we will be trying out a shorter, embodied worship service we are calling Nouurish in addition to our regular 10am service. It will run from 8:30-9:15am, with breakfast right after. (Don’t worry, a regular second service next year wouldn’t be so early!) This service will incorporate cutting edge ideas from our Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly including art, bodily movement, and listening to each others’ wisdom. And, it will be designed with all ages in mind. Great thanks to Christine Davidson, who has been a planning powerhouse in getting these services ready to go! I hope to see you bright and early this Sunday – we really want your feedback on our experiment!

Speaking of our increased attendance, as a church we have committed to showing up at the BREAD Nehemiah Action once a year in the same numbers as a Sunday service. Each child, youth, and adult who attends the Nehemiah Action builds the “people power” we need to hold our local officials responsible for creating truly affordable housing and solving other serious community problems.

The Nehemiah Action is “The BIG One,” and it’s Tuesday, May 21st at 6:40pm. This year, our First UU Choirs will be singing! Put it on your calendar and check out more details below!

Thinking of you all during this Mother’s Day weekend, with all the joy and heartbreak that may bring. And looking forward to seeing you Sunday,

Amanda Hays
Justice Minister

This Week
“Religious Exploration:
It’s Not Just for Children Anymore”

Child Dedications and Share the Plate Presentation
Sunday, May 12

Presented by Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley, Developmental Minister with
Amber Scott, our Director of Religious Exploration
Last week we celebrated the Religious Exploration program and what it promotes. we’ll talk a bit more about a theory of why religious exploration is important for all of us, not just the young ones.

After the service Minister Shannon High will offer a blessing for those who have lost a parent.  We will gather in the Memorial Scatter Garden.

Come Be Nouurished: A Worship Experiment

Sunday May 12th & Sunday, May 19th

You are invited to partake in a worship experiment!

As the world changes so can our needs about how to be nourished in a community spiritual practice. As part of First UU’s ongoing quest for different and better ways to serve our entire community we’re piloting an inclusive and interactive service before breakfast two Sundays this month.

Curious? Come to the service and then join us afterward for breakfast and to talk about what you found meaningful in the experience and what you might change.

If you have questions or are interested in helping contact Christine Davidson.

Image by Iupac from Pixabay
Pathways to Membership
Saturday May 11th, 9–11am
Are you Curious about how to become a member of First UU? Are you considering becoming a member, but just not sure yet?  Are you wondering about how to connect and engage with this community? Pathways to Membership is for you!

This class will be online only.  While we would LOVE to have you become a new member, there is never any obligation to join. Register online to receive the link to Saturday’s class, or email for more information!

From the Staff & Board
We are so grateful for you.  We are 60.7% of the way to our budget goals, and we have heard from 41% of our membership.  Every pledge form that is turned in helps us budget accurately for the upcoming year.

If you haven’t turned in a pledge form, please do!  Even if you don’t plan to change the amount you donate, it is incredibly helpful to help us plan the best church year possible.  Please turn in your form or visit our website to respond online.

Our community’s vibrant programs and work for justice are made possible by your generosity.  We are grateful that you have chosen to weave your story with ours!

Developmental Ministry Update
On May 19 Rev. Terasa will be delivering a Developmental Ministry Report after the Service.  The Annual meeting will take place on June 9, at which we will discuss the proposed Budget and receive annual reports from various congregational life ministries. On Wednesday, May 29 there will be a supplemental board meeting to discuss general business.
See Amber Skate May 25!
Tickets are still available for Ohio Roller Derby’s last two home games of the season: Saturday, May 25th, and Saturday, June 15th! Amber (or “Peach”) plays in the 7pm B-game. Get your tickets before they sell out!

Photo by JL Bermudez Photography.

Upcoming Governance Meetings
Classes and Groups
White Supremacy Culture Workshop
Saturday, May 18, 4:00 to 5:15
At First UU + online
Register if you can, but Come anyway!
How do we become a more racially inclusive church community? Our membership is predominantly white, and our Anti-Racist Allies Team believes there are dynamics in our church culture which (a) sustain the current majority white membership and (b) don’t meet the needs of Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC). The culture that sustains white dominance in most organizations in the United States is called White Supremacy Culture.

This workshop will help each of us on our personal path to understanding racism as well as supporting the developmental work of our congregation. Help us learn more together about our church culture! Advance registration is encouraged.  View the workshop handout here.  For more information email the Anti-Racist Allies team.

Care & Share Time Bank Monthly Potluck
Sunday, May 19, 6–9pm
Join the Care and Share Time Bank for a relaxing game night!  Bring your favorite board game and find others who can play!

Bring a dish to share if you can: we love to “break bread” together!  Since we have such a wide range of dietary restrictions, please write out a simple list of the ingredients in your dish if you are able. Additionally, Please bring your own place settings and everything needed for the potluck. Grab a thermos of your favorite drink, your table settings, plates, flatware etc.  We want everyone to gather and chat, not to have to clean up!

The doors will open at 6pm, and the potluck will start at 6:30.  People  should come between 6-6:20.  The potluck will start about 6:30!  We will have a “Sharing” table!  Bring a gently used item for others to take, browse to see if there’s something you would like.

Upcoming Events
What’s for Lunch? Cajun in C-Bus
On Sunday, May 19, ARA & Friends will carpool from church at 11:40 to Way Down Yonder New Orleans Finest Restaurant, which opens at noon on Sunday, so you can still join us after Rev. Terasa’s session.
Each month Anti-Racist Allies & Friends go on a culinary adventure. Our purposes are to break out of our bubble and to support minority businesses in C’bus. Got Netflix? Watch Season 2 Episode 1 of High on the Hog, which is all about Cajun cooking.

Looking Ahead: May 26 The Ohio Black Expo Riverfront Culture Festwith food trucks, 100+ black-owned vendors, music, and dancing. Tickets $20 via eventbrite

Around the Corner
  • Sunday, May 19 6pm: Care & Share Timebank Monthly Potluck
  • Sunday, May 26 11:30am: Emerging Young Adults!
  • Tuesday, May 28
    • Noon & 6:30pm: Life Skills Workshop: Powerful Questions
    • 6:30pm: Expressive Worship
    • 7pm: Athiests Skeptics and Humanists (ASH)
      Speaker: Collin Marozzi, Deputy Policy Director for ACLU
  • Sunday, June 2, 11:30am: 
    • Article II Town Hall
    • Trans Allies Support Group
    • Trans Teen Support Group
    • 5pm: “FrackStock” Grass Roots Ohio Festival & Author Talk
  • Every Wednesday 5pm: Citizens Not Politicians Office Hours
  • Every Wednesday 6pm: Sacred Song Circle
Justice & Volunteer Opportunities
Get your FREE Tickets for
BREAD Nehemiah Action (This is the BIG One!)
The Annual Event for Justice in Central Ohio is Tuesday, May 21st, at 6:40pm in the Celeste Center at the Expo Center (state fairgrounds).

There are so many great reasons to attend this event!  By joining together to attend, we:

  • Speak up for more truly affordable housing for people making $30,000/year or less and for helping renters deal with predatory landlords.
  • Hold our public officials accountable for serious problems in central Ohio.
  • Keep First UU’s 1996 covenant with BREAD to demonstrate BREAD’s people power by turning out a number of people equal to our average worship and RE attendance to each year’s Nehemiah Action.
  • (Remember, you can sit in the virtually empty bleachers if you are immuno-compromised or uncomfortable in crowds!)
Entrance to Nehemiah Action is FREE, but you must have tickets in advance. You can get tickets from:
  • Your First UU BREAD Network Member
  • Beach Hall before or after the Sunday Service, or
  • Online
This Sunday and Sunday in Beach Hall, you can also get “Standing With Love” t-shirts for $25, and round trip bus tickets to avoid the traffic/rain and travel in community with fellow First UU’ers and friends:
  • $5 per person or $10 per family
  • Departure times 5:45pm and 6pm
  • (Choir has priority on 5:45 pm bus)
Remember, this event is for the whole family!  There will be Free childcare for children age 8 & under (out of diapers).  The Celeste Center refreshment stands will be open.

And as always, please Email the First UU BREAD Team or go to the BREAD website for more information.

Take the 8th Principle Survey –
Voice your Opinion!
If YOU are a UU, you have an opinion. Please take the 8th Principle survey! We have had 74 responses, halfway to our goal of 150:
82% responded that if the vote were taken today, they would vote yes or probably yes to adopt the Proposed 8th Principle, 9% said they would vote no or probably no, and 8% said maybe, abstain, or other.

Already took it but changed your mind? That’s the sign of an open mind – Take the survey again! (Only your later response will be counted).

Diversity and Inclusion highlights from our new Coordinator of Multicultural Engagement, Minister Shannon C. High!
Hair Rebellion
Hair design holds immense cultural significance across the globe, serving as a canvas for  identity, tradition, and rebellion. Hair rebellion refers to the act of using hair as a form of defiance against societal norms,  cultural expectations, or oppressive regimes.

Throughout history, individuals and communities have utilized hair as a means of expressing  dissent, asserting autonomy, and challenging the status quo. The intricate braiding in  African, Asian, and Indigenous Australian cultures (to name a few), have unique styles that  reflect history, beliefs, and values.

Within African culture, hair braiding is a form of artistry and storytelling. Different braid  patterns can signify one’s age, social status, marital status, and even tribe. Enslaved Africans used braided styles to communicate plantation escape routes and deliver  messages throughout their communities. Braids, dreadlocks, and natural hairstyles such as  afros have become a resistance practice among African descendants ever since.

Indigenous cultures’ hairstyles can symbolize coming-of-age rituals, spiritual connections,  and even mourning practices. Among Indigenous Australian communities, hair holds  profound cultural significance and serves as a form of resistance against colonial oppression  and cultural assimilation.

For many Aboriginal people, traditional hairstyles, such as braids or natural flowing locks, is  a way to assert cultural identity and resist the pressures of Westernization. Despite efforts by  colonial authorities to force Indigenous Australians to conform to European grooming  standards, many individuals and communities have continued to embrace their traditional  hairstyles as a means of reclaiming their heritage and asserting autonomy over their bodies.

For women in India a “choti”, a single braid of hair often long and thick secured at the back  of the head, is commonly adorned with decorative elements such as ribbons, flowers, and  beads. For many the braid is a statement of pride in their heritage and resistance against  colonial influence. The choti has become a powerful symbol of cultural resilience and  solidarity among Indian women.

Hair design is far more than just aesthetics. It can be a “rebellion” that defies conventional  norms to reclaim agency over our bodies and identities.

beautiful” by jyotsna210 is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Community News
Senior Gathering Success!
Our sincere thanks go to the many volunteers who provided their time and energy to make the May 9 Senior Gathering a success: Donna Adassa, Marilyn Beerman, John Boyd, Sandy Coen, Paula Egbert, Su Farnlacher, Barb & Bill Fiorini, Fluff Fiscus, Michael Greenman, Paula Hook, Jack & Katie Holdford, Karen Keenan, Andi Mocharski, Dave Richter, Karla Rinto, Debbie Shaw, Chris Sullivan, Karen Torvik. A special thanks to the numerous attendees that helped with clearing the tables for cleanup!   We extend our appreciation also to those who provided the program –  Rev. Terasa Cooley, Dick Dawson, Karen Thimmes.
2024 IACO Annual Main Event:
Interfaith Engagement in Action
Please join IACO for our Annual Main Event on Sunday, May 19, 2024, 4–7pm at First Community – North Campus, 3777 Dublin Road, Columbus, OH 43221. Our program will include remarks by and presentation of IACO Interfaith Leadership Awards for work with BREAD to Rev. Dr. Timothy Ahrens and Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Kee. There will be a vegetarian potluck dinner, followed by a reception with cake to honor our awardees. If you are attending the dinner, please bring a covered vegetarian main dish, salad, side dish, or dessert that will serve 8 to share. The cost is free, but there is a suggested donation of $15.
Family Activities
Register for Peace Camp!
Happening This Sunday, May 12
  • 9:15-9:45am Breakfast (A/B) 
  • 9:30-11:30am Infant and Toddler Care (room 101)
  • 9:40-11am Neighboring Faiths Last Class (301)
  • 9:55am-11am 10-11yr OWL Graduation Potluck (404)
  • 10-11am Worship Service including Child Dedication
  • Coffee Hour, Snack after the service
  • No Navigators or Youth Group Today – Happy Mother’s Day!