Friday News – June 28, 2024

Happy Friday!

I am just back from a vacation with family, and looking forward to a low key summer as we get prepared for the business of next fall.

Questions, questions, who’s got questions?

One service I like to give from time to time is something called a “Question Box” service, which will be July 7. I ask you to send me your questions in advance or submit them at the beginning of the service. They can be questions about Unitarian Universalism, this congregation, ministry in general, religion, philosophy – whatever is on your mind. I will try to answer all questions, though I can’t guarantee a full answer (the meaning of life is probably not something I can sum up in a couple of minutes!) It gives me a chance to learn what is on your minds that I can address either in this service or over the coming year. Submit your Questions on our website, or click here to see the questions asked so far.

Looking forward to catching up with you all this Sunday and the next!

Rev. Dr. Terasa G. Cooley, AIM
Developmental Minister

This Week
10:00am Sunday Service
“Why Church?”

Presented by Debra Gray Boyd with
Rev. Dr. Terasa Cooley

Why Church? When community is so abundantly available and people are so lonely, we need to not only ask “why church”, but “how church”. Come explore how and why we gather through story and song.

A continental breakfast will be served before the service, starting at 9:15am. Coffee and tea remain available after the service.

Summer FUUN Movie Night Double 

Kick off your weekend with an unforgettable evening at our
Summer FUUN Movie Series!

Bring your friends and family, and get ready for a night of fun, laughter, and entertainment!

📅 Date: Friday, June 28
🕖 Time: 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Pajama Pre-Show:
“Fraggle Rock”

Main Feature:
“Into the Woods”

🎟️ Tickets $5 Suggested Donation for entry
🍿 Full Concessions are available at family-friendly prices!

Don’t miss out on this magical summer night!
See you there! 🎉

Summer Choir Sundays
Sunday, June 30

Join us for our next “Summer Pick-Up Choir” opportunity! Brandon Moss will Direct – You don’t need to be a member of one of First UU’s choirs; all who love to sing are welcome!

Simply arrive at First UU at 9am, learn a song, and sing it at the 10am service. Our final Summer Choir opportunity will be August 11, with Michaela Brown directing. Please contact Brandon Moss with questions.

From the Staff & Board
Upcoming Governance Meetings
  • Board of TrusteesIn lieu of the June 26 Meeting, there will be an offsite Board Retreat & Potluck for our continuing, new, and outgoing Board Members on  June 30 3-6pm. Regularly scheduled board meetings will resume in August.
  • Finance Committee: Wednesday, July 17, 7–9pm (Online & in person).
Curious about First UU Finances? 

Wednesday July 24, 7pm

In lieu of a Board meeting in July, Debra Boyd will lead a Financial Orientation Meeting for new board members and anyone else who would like to attend.  This is meeting will be a deep dive into the details about the structure of our finances and the fiduciary governance obligations of our Board of Trustees.  All are welcome! 
Justice & Volunteer Opportunities
Heat Emergency: Fans Needed!

Central Ohio will be experiencing record temperatures over the next two weeks – and the summer promises more. For people living without air conditioning, this is life-threatening. The Life Care Alliance is calling for donations of fans to be distributed to families and individuals in need. It’s simple: buy a new fan (used are not accepted), and take it (them) to your local Fire Station for drop-off. Your could be saving a life.

Questions? Email Tom Baillieul.

Take Action through Mutual Aid for Trans Rights
At First UU, we have held vigils this year to mourn the anti-trans legislation passed by the Ohio Statehouse and their impact on our First UU community as well as state-wide. Ohio was unfortunately not alone as a total of 85 anti-trans bills were passed across the US in 2023, the fourth consecutive record-breaking year for anti-trans legislation in a row.

Because of these laws, trans people in the United States could meet the definition of Internally Displaced People, or IDPs, by the United Nations. Hundreds of thousands of trans people and their families have already fled their homes to safer states with more than a million considering doing so.

In this moment, we have an opportunity to do more than mourn, to act by joining UUs and organizers across the country in welcoming and affirming trans people who might be permanently relocating or leaving their homes temporarily to access gender-affirming care or for another reason through the new Pink Haven Coalition.

The Pink Haven Coalition is a joint project between frontline trans organizers, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC), the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), other progressive faith groups, and mutual aid networks across the country. Learn more about it in this UUWorld Website Article.

If you think you might be interested in offering a homestay or another form of mutual aid such as assisting with transportation or connecting with other First UU members to find creative mutual aid solutions, please reach out to

Classes and Groups
Attention Rising Young Adults (RYA)!

Sunday, July 14, &
2nd & 4th Sundays at 11:30 in Room 302

RYA is a group for emerging adults age 18-26 looking for a group of peers to connect and learn with! From life skills (adulting 101) and discussions to craft and game days, there is something for everyone! The Rising Young Adults group meets twice a month after church. Please reach out to Cameron Mangin-Betts to be added to the GroupMe!
The Aaron Reed Men’s Spirituality Group

Wednesdays at 7:15–9:45pm

The Aaron Reed Man’s Spirituality Group meets every Wednesday at 7:15 PM via Zoom, and is currently open to new members. The group seeks to encourage and facilitate spiritual growth through  sharing of life experiences and discussion of a topic (usually selected by the individual leading the discussion) on any given week. It is not intended to be a self-help group. For more information email Bob Papps or Ron Bruder.
Caregivers of Young Children
Caregivers of Young Children is meeting again!  Going forward, we will have a standing meet up following service either in room 101 or the playground.

Since life can be chaotic, sometimes our meeting schedule is too – Contact Heather Stone to be added to a small group text to communicate about our gatherings.

Upcoming Events
UU Artists: “What Matters?”

Art Drop-off Sunday, August 4, 11:15–12:30
Exhibit August–October

Hi Art Friends–

It is time to start thinking about the Annual UU members and friends art exhibit “What Matters?” which begins in August this year.

With election, climate change, racial justice, LBGTQI+ support, telling our own stories, and more, it is difficult to choose a theme. So I have chosen the title “What Matters?”

You can make a statement or honor what is important to you. (Please remember we are family friendly). Let’s use our visual voices – Submit your art to participate! Contact Deb Baillieul with your intention to participate and/or questions, or to arrange an alternate drop-off time if August 4 doesn’t work for you.

Photo by Deb Baillieul, and the subject of a future painting or quilt:
This cooling tower overlooks a vibrant marsh next to the Davis Bessey power plant. The marsh abounds in wildlife, despite its’ proximity to a nuclear plant.
Annual Multi-Generational Labor Day Retreat

Saturday, August 31 – Monday, September 2
at Camp Oty’Okwa in beautiful Hocking Hills

Whether you’re new to First UU or have been a part of our community for years, this retreat is an opportunity to forge deeper connections, recharge your spirit, and be inspired by the collective wisdom of our diverse community. Come to the Labor Day Retreat and enjoy:

  • Nature walks and worship to help you reconnect with the natural world.
  • Campfire gatherings and sing-a-longs for shared moments of inspiration.
  • Delicious meals to foster a sense of togetherness.
  • Time for personal reflection, meditation, and relaxation.
  • Let’s not forget happy hour, a talent show, and PEEK!

For questions or more information about financial assistance please contact Patricia Boughton

Diversity and Inclusion highlights from our
Coordinator of Multicultural Engagement, Minister Shannon C. High
Flavors of Peru

Peruvian cooking is a vibrant fusion of ancient traditions, diverse cultural influences, and a rich bounty of ingredients from the country’s varied geography. At its heart lies a deep respect for culinary heritage and a constant innovation that makes it a standout in global gastronomy.

Central to Peruvian cuisine are staples like potatoes, corn, quinoa, and an array of peppers, each contributing distinct flavors to iconic dishes such as ceviche, where fresh fish is marinated in tangy citrus juices. The vibrant colors and bold flavors of dishes like Lomo Saltado, a stir-fry blending tender beef with tomatoes and onions, reflect the fusion of indigenous, Spanish, and Asian culinary influences.

Peruvian cooking also celebrates its biodiversity through ingredients like aji amarillo (yellow chili), used in sauces and marinades, and Amazonian fruits like camu camu and cocona, adding unique flavors to desserts and beverages. This culinary diversity is complemented by traditional cooking techniques such as slow simmering and marinating, ensuring dishes are not only flavorful but also rich in history and cultural significance.

Peruvian cooking is not just about nourishment but also a celebration of cultural identity and creativity, inviting food enthusiasts worldwide to savor its unique flavors and explore its culinary narrative.

Learn to make Rocoto Relleno on YouTube
Community News
Now Accepting Rummage Items!
July 27, 10am–3pm
And the
 Last Saturday of each month!

Our last Ruummage Sale was so popular that we are already gearing up for our next one!  Save the Date of June 7, 2025 and Keep your eyes and ears open for the announcements about our next Ruummage Sale! Meanwhile…

Did you know that First UU has a storage unit? And that we are already accepting donations at our storage unit for next year’s Ruumage Sale? Meet us at Life Storage, 4735 Evanswood Dr 43229, on the last Saturday of the month to donate your goods!

We will have volunteers on hand to help you unload your vehicle and price your items. If you are available to join our Rummage Sale volunteers, or need to make special arrangements to donate, please email Myra Hartmann.

Support the YWCA with Baby Wipes
We wanted to pass along this message from one of our community partners:


I hope you are enjoying your summer and made it through that incredible heat wave we just experienced. I’m reaching out to some the volunteer groups that we have had at the Family Center this year to make an incredibly important ask of you.

As you know, we have plenty of babies and toddlers at the Family Center all year round. In the last few months we have seen more than usual, and our stock of wipes has not kept up with the demand. We did the math, and we go through approximately 20,000 wipes each month! Right now on our shelves, we only have about 1-2 weeks worth of supply.

Being able to take away the mental load of knowing where you’ll find the supplies for your next diaper change is one of the smallest and yet most impactful things we do at the Family Center. Please help us to sustain that source of support for our families.

If you are able, could you please send a pack of wipes our way and share this need with your team? You can shop directly on our Amazon Wish List linked here, or shop in stores and drop them off at the Family Center any time.

Thank you,

Alexa Molitor
Volunteer & Donations Manager
ywca columbus

Say Farewell to Rev. Sunshine
Rev. Sunshine Jeremiah Wolfe accepted a position to become the new Regional Lead of the UUA’s Pacific West Region. Read about their promotion on Our New UUA Staff Temporary Liaison is Rev. Elaine Strawn.

One of Rev. Sunshine’s passions is “Sticker Ministry” and we are putting together a farewell “Sticker Care package” for them.  Stop in the front office to write a small note of farewell or drop off stickers, which we will deliver to Rev. Sunshine at CERSI on July 7.  

Family Activities
Peace Camp Registration is Almost Full! 

We need your help to fill Week 2 of camp with kiddos age 8-11; tell your friends to Register Now! We will continue emailing families with payment options and registration confirmations this week.

  • 8-11years, 9am-12noon M-F, 8/5-8/9 – Only 10 Spots Left!
  • (Week one, 7/29-8/2, for 5-8years is FULL / waitlisted!)
Board Game Adults Needed!

This activity may get cancelled some Sundays if we can’t staff at least two adults! Email Amber to help play games with our teens and tweens this summer (background check / references required). This is a great opportunity to get involved before we launch our monthly family gaming group in August!

Family Activities Today, 6/30:

  • 9:15-9:45am Breakfast (A/B) 
  • 9:30-11:30am Infant and Toddler Care (room 101)
  • 10-11am Worship Service (sanctuary)
  • 10-11am Middle / High School Board Game Group (A/B, Beach Hall)
  • 10:15-11am (after story) Early Ed / Elementary LEGO Class (201)
  • Coffee Hour, Snack after the service (Beach Hall, A/B)
Upcoming First UU Events
  • Fri 7/5 – First Friday Picnic
  • Sun 7/7 – No RE classes
  • Sun 7/7-Sat 7/13 – Central East Region Summer Institute
  • Fri 7/19 – Bingo
  • Tues 7/23 – Expressive Worship
  • Fri 7/26 – Movie Night
  • Mon 7/29-Fri 8/2 – Peace Camp A (6-8 years)
  • Fri 8/2 – First Friday Picnic
  • Sun 8/4 – Backpack Blessing All Ages Service and Justice Project
  • Mon 8/5-Fri 8/9 – Peace Camp B (9-11 years)
  • Sun 8/10 – Intergenerational Crafternoon Tea Party
  • Fri 8/16 – Bingo Glow Night
  • Sun 8/18 – Animal Blessing All Ages Service
  • Fri 8/23 – Movie Night
  • Tues 8/27 – Expressive Worship
  • Sat 8/31-Mon 9/2 – Labor Day Retreat
  • Sun 9/1 – No RE classes (enjoy your holiday!)
  • Sun 9/8 – Water Ceremony, All Ages Ingathering Service
  • Sun 9/15 – Most fall RE classes and activities begin

*RE is short for Religious Exploration, aka Sunday school programming